“Ke Qing, Qin, Lisa! Pay homage to the Lord of God and all the great men of God!”

Following the condensed light, the figures of Qin, Lisa and Keqing stepped out of the teleportation beam one after another and knelt down in front of Chen Xian.。

“I go! There are so many beautiful girls!”

“They are all rare beauties, and they seem to be a little cute.。”

“The clothes of Ke Qing are somewhat similar to those of Gongsun Li and Hua Mulan!”

Zhao Min and Aura touched their chins and analyzed。

“It’s not from our King’s Continent.。”

Hua Mulan Shows Hands。

“They are from the world of "Genshin Impact". The power of elemental laws prevails there, so there will be many Daughters of Destiny. Let's just count them as a fighting group.。”

“Ning Guang, you guys get up first and follow Yan Lingji around to find your favorite divine palace. The palace here will not be worse than your Qunyu Pavilion in the lower realm.。”

“Well, let's do this for now. If you have any questions when you settle down, come find me in the God King's Palace.。”

“Now it’s time to test the abilities of these two sisters.。”

Chen Xian chuckled and said。


“Thank you Lord God!”

Ning Guang, Ke Qing and others had just stood up. When they looked up again, they could no longer see Chen Xian. Also disappearing with Chen Xian were Angel Saint King and Wu Wenwen.。

“Hey, I wanted to join in the fun too, but you didn’t take me with you。”

Liang Bing pinched the waist and said。

Ningguang, Qin, Keqing and others? ? ?

“You will understand later, I am Yan Lingji, and I am currently in the third level of True God. Ningguang, do you have traces of the Lord God’s blessing on you? Did he gain divine power in the lower realm?”

Yan Lingji looked at the tall figure and admired her bright and charming eyes.。

“yes! Lady Yan Lingji!”

Hearing Yan Lingji's realm cultivation, Ning Guang was shocked and said。

From Yan Lingji, Ningguang felt an unprecedented pressure from the divine source! That is a feeling that is far incomparable to the seven gods of the Original God Continent!

Facing Yan Lingji is like facing the entire universe!

“Li Yongsheng said that the real gods are the masters of all things and the controllers of the power of all laws!”

“Compared with such existence, the so-called Seven Gods and Heavenly Law can only become a joke.……”

Ningguang was shocked in her heart, but at the same time she was extremely grateful that she could step into the Kingdom of God!

When she was worshiping in the lower realm, she had seen the divine image of the Lord God. Ningguang knew that she could no longer look at any other man since then! Moreover, Ningguang really wants to become the eternally youthful god here!

“Sure enough, your destiny attributes are not weaker than ours.。”

Hearing Ningguang's answer, Yan Lingji nodded and said clearly。

“Lord Yan Lingji, can we... also become a great god like you unconditionally?”

“No need to sell your soul or body?”

Qin and Lisa asked in a low voice with blushing faces.。


“Is your world so scary? You have to sell your soul and body at every turn.。”

“Here, everything you have belongs to the Lord of God, but the Lord of God will not force anything. Even if you feel that your practice is boring and tiring, you can also voluntarily give up the path of God and become a maid of God.。”

Ma Yin on the side snickered.。

“Well, so free!”

Lisa exclaimed。

“We all want to become gods. This is the ambition we, the Knights of the West Wind, must have!”

Seeing that Lisa was planning to pursue a daily career again, Qin quickly vaccinated her.。

“Hahaha, I’m still thinking about the Knights of the West Wind. How can you form the Knights of the West Wind if only two of you can step into the Kingdom of God?。”

“Sister Yan Lingji, I am Tianxing Keqing!”

“What did the Lord God mean by the battle group just now?”

Keqing started to become active and said。

“Did you ask me what I wanted to say?。”

Ning Guang helplessly spreads his hands。

When she was in the lower realm, Keqing had always despised herself for caring too much about Mora, and now she was afraid that she wanted to compete with herself for the position of group leader.。

“Now the four of you belong to God just like all of us. In the space of the Kingdom of God, apart from the Lord of God, there are only two classes: God and God’s maid. God's maids can be granted eternal youth and longevity by the God Lord without practicing, but they only live in the God King's Palace, and their job is to serve the God Lord for daily living expenses, which is simple and enjoyable.。”

“But it is different if we belong to God!”

“In addition to choosing Shinto techniques for self-cultivation, you also have to participate in a monthly divine trial to challenge the terrifying monsters and demons, right? At that time, everyone will be divided into different combat groups based on their fighting habits and personal preferences, while exerting their strongest combat power.。”

“Did you see those beauties with wings? Those are Liang Bing and Zhi Xin of the Angel Fighting Group. I am the leader of the Seven Kingdoms Group. The members include Yueshen, Shao Siming, Zi Nu and others.。”

“According to the consideration of the Lord God, your original God world can form its own group. Of course, if you feel unconfident, you can also join other groups. Anyway, the Lord God is just a suggestion.。”

Yan Lingji explained in detail。

Now that Yan Lingji has become a true god, possessing infinite youth and divine power, and being favored by the Lord Chen Xian, she is in a very good mood every day and naturally talks a lot.。

“So that’s it!”

“According to what the Lord God said, the law elements of our world are relatively active, and people will come in the future. In this case, let's form our own group. The position of the group leader will be determined by our strength.?”

Ningguang looked at Keqing and others and said。

“Can! I thought you were going to take advantage of your beauty to get everything.。”

“If we fight, I won't lose to anyone!”

Keqing waved her fist and said。

“There's still a fight to choose the team leader, so you two can fight it out on your own. I used to be the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, but I was exhausted. I will never be an official in the future.。”

Qin Qian smiled and said。

“Don't look at me. I used to be a librarian, and practicing cultivation was just a side job.……”

Lisa chuckled.。

engraved clear and condensed light……

“No wonder the Knights of the West Wind are the weakest organization in the Seven Kingdoms。”

Ning Guang said speechlessly。

“Haha, don’t worry about this. Let’s wait until your realm stabilizes. Now follow me and choose your own divine palace. Palaces with similar attributes will be of great help to you in improving your life level.。”

Yan Lingji narrowed her eyes and said with a wave of her hand, she disappeared with Ning Guang and Qin.。

The side hall of the God King’s Palace at this time。

After Chen Xian carefully studied the cultivation practices of the twin sisters Angel Saint King and Bu Wen Wu,。

The figures and dimensions of the two sisters were also compared in great detail!



“It seems that the Holy King of Angels, you are the sister.。”

Chen Xian said with satisfaction。



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