“We've known each other since we were kids, and I won't lie to you. I swear, can't I!”

Seeing Feng Qingxue so alert, Baili Tusu raised his hand and swore。

In the world of spiritual practice, swearing is a very taboo thing, especially for disciples of the great immortal sect Ziyin Zhenren like Baili Tusu!

“Are you...really willing to help me get Fen Ji back? How did you know my purpose?”

Feng Qingxue said a little embarrassedly。

Baili Tusu has already talked about this, it's useless no matter how hard he hides it.。

“God has blessed me with a wise heart and a wise mind.。”

“Ahem, if you want to know the real reason, just try the method I tell you, even if you only try it once, you will understand.。”

Baili Tusugan smiled and said。

“All right……”

“I hope the god you are talking about is not an evil god.。”

Feng Qingxue gritted her teeth and said。

The matter has been exposed, this is the only chance to get Fen Ji back!

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer Feng Qingxue prays for your favor……”

Feng Qingxue is well versed in the key to prayer. Even if she doesn’t want to believe it in her heart, she believes it the moment she chants it! This is a kind of psychological suggestion when chanting a mantra!


The divine light from the sky came as promised, shining on Feng Qingxue's forehead! Make the already beautiful and fairy-like Youdu Spirit Girl even more magical and charming!

And Feng Qingxue herself was even more shocked beyond words!

“That man...god? ? ?”

Looking at the infinitely bright and majestic image of a strange man at the end of the divine light, Feng Qingxue was stunned!

Her heart was as cold as ice in her former home in the deep valley. This was the first time she was so eager to see a member of the opposite sex! With the spiritual creation of Feng Qingxue Nuwa's bloodline, the moment he saw that figure again, he knew that there was his destiny! ! !

“Such a pure spirit girl, since I am destined to give you some blessings, please remember to help me spread my faith.。”

Chen Xian's mysterious voice, rich in the principles of heaven, sounded at the end of time and space with a hint of smile, and entered Feng Qingxue's spiritual sea origin together with the blessed divine power!

“Believer Qingxue! Thank you Lord God for your kindness!”

Feeling her crazy surge in spiritual power, her strength was dozens of times stronger than before in a moment! Feng Qingxue prostrated with a trembling voice, her heart surged with difficulty.。

Having already realized that the other party was his destination, and with such divine grace, Feng Qingxue no longer had any doubts.。

“Before going down the mountain, I felt that my destiny was different. I didn’t expect that……”

The divine light disappeared, Feng Qingxue stood up and looked at Baili Tusu behind her, unable to hide her shock and said。

“I didn’t expect that Feng Qingxue, you are the daughter of destiny, and you are destined to be with that true god, right? Now that you and I are both believers of that true god, we will work together for the faith and teachings of that god, so that this world can return to the glory of my god. How is it?”

Baili Tusu smiled and said。

“good! I can feel the Lord God’s kindness and light! If such a god could take care of our world, it would really be a blessing to all people!”

Feng Qingxue waved her fist and said。

“Great, I’m finally not alone anymore.。”

“I have a hunch that when the number of believers grows to 100,000, I and you will be able to use the power of my god to completely control Fenji and refine the evil energy in the body!”

“By then, you, Youdu, no longer need to care about the Burning Silence Sword. And you can also pass through the gate of the Kingdom of God and enter the kingdom of gods to see your destination.。”

Baili Tusu said seriously。

“Go to the Kingdom of God to find my destiny!”

“Of course that's good, but what happened to your Wumenglinggu clan back then?……”

Feng Qingxue looked at Baili Tusu with some worry.。

“I know, I used to be called Han Yunxi, and the blood debt of my mother and my clan must be paid back! Master Ziyin has promised me to go down the mountain to find out the truth as long as the day's newbie induction work is over!”

“With the blessing of our God, everything can be remedied! I even know how to resurrect my mother and my tribe!”

Baili Tusu smiled and said。

“What? ? ? Resurrection from the dead? Does such a thing really exist in the world? That goes against the laws of heaven and may cause big problems!”

Feng Qingxue exclaimed。

“I'm not talking about forced resurrection, but time and space cutting!”

“Well, you don't understand this now. Besides, whether you can draw the 'Time and Space Escape Talisman' is a matter of two questions, but you can draw it sooner or later.。”

“When you are in the kingdom of God, you may meet my mother!”

Baili Tusu said with a wicked smile。

“ha? ? ?”

Feng Qingxue's beautiful big eyes widened even more!

Baili Tusu actually meant to revive his mother and send her to the Kingdom of God.……


In the dimension of "The Legend of Ancient Swords", Baili Tusu and Feng Qingxue were blessed by divine power and freed up their hands and feet to promote Chen Xian's teachings and recruit followers.。

divine space。

Chen Xian, who had completely packed up Ying Huanhuan, went to the side hall to change clothes, and then saw Zhou Zhiruo, who had been waiting for a long time.。

“Zhiruo has met the Lord God!”

Zhou Zhiruo bowed and saluted, then hesitated for a moment, then blushed and stepped forward with Qiu Shiyu to help Chen Xian tidy up his clothes.。

“Lord God, Sister Zhiruo has been waiting for you for a long time. I'd better come back later to help you wash and change clothes.。”

Sensing the mysterious atmosphere, Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Zhou Zhiruo with a strange look, secretly praised Zhou Zhiruo's beauty, and bowed back.。

“Guys like Qiu Shiyu are getting bolder and bolder. They ran away before I said anything.。”

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who had disappeared, Chen Xian rubbed his forehead and said。

“This is what you are used to every day.。”

“Here, she wants to give Zhiruo a chance to serve our Lord. Zhiruo should thank her.。”

Zhou Zhiruo said with a blush while helping Chen Xian button up.。

“Let's not be busy with these things for now. Are you brave enough to come to the God King's Palace to find me for the Yitian Sword that your master just sacrificed to the treasure house of heaven and earth?”

Chen Xian held Zhou Zhiruo's jade hand and asked with a smile。

Zhou Zhiruo had already communicated with him when he was in the lower world, so Chen Xian did not regard Zhou Zhiruo as the ignorant girl he met for the first time.。

“……yes! Lord God, you really know everything.。”

“Today is the day of the divine trial. It is too late for Zhiruo to want the fairy sword from Xianbao Pavilion, so she thinks of using the Yitian Sword instead, and asks the Lord God to grant her permission.。”

Being treated like this by Chen Xian, Zhou Zhiruo's pretty face became more and more charming.。

“Haha, the treasure house of heaven and earth was originally prepared for newcomers. Besides, there is also a lack of an administrator, so you will be the one to take over.。”

Chen Xian nodded and said。

“real! Zhiruo, thank you Lord God!”

Zhou Zhiruo said in surprise。

“Is this just a thank you?”

“That's not enough……”

Chen Xian lifted Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful chin and smiled evilly.。

Zhou Zhiruo, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, closed her eyes in shame and let it happen.。



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