“Of course, the true God has issued an oracle. As long as the number of believers in our world reaches more than 1 million, we will be qualified to build the gate of the Kingdom of God. A woman with the qualities of destiny can enter the Kingdom of God through the Gate of God, become a god of the true God, and have unlimited youth and wealth!”

Li Yongsheng smiled and said。

“unlimited youth and wealth……”

“Can we achieve the conditions with only 1 million believers? This is too easy, I will use the funds from Qun Yu Pavilion to make the entire continent crazy!”

His beautiful eyes were burning and he said,。

“Burning money to spread followers? Well, you're crazier than me! It seems that we have really found the right person. The deputy leader of the Lucky God Sect is none other than you!”

Li Yongsheng smiled bitterly and said that even if he wanted to spend money to preach, he didn't do it. He only had 300 mola left in total.。

“Times have changed!”

“However, this will definitely get better!”

Keqing looked at the people in the city who were blessed by the light of luck, and shook her fist in excitement.。

Now that she has both rock and thunder powers, the investigation of the demon wizard can be put on the agenda. Under the care of the God of Luck, I believe there will be a good result!

Only Yeyang, looking at the fanatical Ningguang, Keqing and others, had deep worry in his pupils.……



“Is that so? In the continent of Teyvat, is there any 'Heavenly Law' above the Seven Gods?”

In the secret meeting room of Qun Yu Pavilion, Li Yongsheng couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Ye Yang's worries.。

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Ningguang and others' mouths twitched at the same time.。

“You are indeed not the King of Rocks himself, you don’t even know about such things.。”

Ning Guang rubbed her fair forehead and said。

“But the heart of God is not fake. What is going on? Now that everyone believes in the God of Luck, please explain the situation to us.。”

Ke Qing looked at Li Yongsheng and said in confusion.。

“Ahem, okay, it’s quite tiring to pretend like this anyway.。”

“In fact, I was just a traveler passing by, and when I was kneeling down to worship and chant the God of Luck, I somehow picked up a heart of God from the King of Rocks. I just picked it up randomly.。”

“But I was able to get in touch with the God of Luck and knew what to do to develop followers and obtain better blessings, so I pretended to be the God of Rock to preach.。”

“You won’t blame me, everyone has received unimaginable benefits.。”

After being exposed by Ning Guang, Li Yongsheng laughed dryly and said:。

Everyone! ! !

“A randomly picked up heart of God……”

“You think that you are extremely lucky if you can get the power of water and fire elements by condensing light. After a long time, you are the luckiest person! Just by praising my god, you will gain the heart of the god and become a rock god!”

Ke Qing collapsed a little and said。

“Unbelievable indeed! But I believe what you said. I have seen the shadow of the kingdom of the God of Luck in the divine light before. You have brought unimaginable benefits to me and Liyue, so after I enter the Kingdom of God, I will leave the Qunyu Pavilion to you.。”

“With this financial resources, I believe you can better preach for the Lord God.。”

Ning Guang looked at Li Yongsheng and said seriously。

“real? Thank you so much!”

Li Yongsheng said with bright eyes。

Keqing and others were speechless, once again confirming that the guy in front of them was a fake Rock King Emperor!

“Can you really contact the God of Luck? In this case, we don't have to be afraid of punishment from 'God's law'!”

Coconut Sheep's originally frightened eyes glowed with a glimmer of hope.。

She has traveled to many countries and knows that the continent of Teyvat actually contains great horrors!

The bodies of the seven gods have "natural principles", and the abyss under the ground is just the poor kingdom of Kanreia that was once destroyed by the heavenly principles. There is even a more terrifying dark sea outside the continent of Teyvat!

There was once a senior bard who said that this continent seemed peaceful and beautiful, but in fact it was already on the verge of destruction!

Today's Coconut Sheep is a pessimist, and he somewhat believes in this.……

“do not be afraid! I have read the information about my god's abilities. If I want to fight against the laws of nature, I don't even need my god to take action. As long as we grow the number of followers of the Lucky God Religion to 100,000, we will have the opportunity to summon the 'Holy Beast of the Kingdom of God'!”

“You know, that kind of holy beast can swallow an entire continent in one bite!”

Li Yongsheng said proudly。

“A sacred beast that swallowed an entire continent in one go? ? ?”

“Is that kind of existence just a spiritual beast of the God of Luck?”

Yeyang and others were shocked.。

“That’s safe! 100,000 believers can unlock the summoning authority to summon the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God, right?”

“There are currently thousands of people participating in the 'Immortal Invitation Ceremony' alone. Now everyone spreads the faith and benefits by word of mouth. I believe there are already over 10,000 believers!”

“We must quickly increase the number of believers to over 100,000 before other gods and 'Heavenly Reason' come forward to stop us!”

“Now that we know the existence of true God, we no longer need false gods like the Seven Gods and Tianli!”

Ningguang's dignified and beautiful face showed a firm look.。

Blessed by two elements and having a glimpse of the kingdom of God, she has become the true God's most loyal believer!


Hearing Tianquan Ningguang's bold and rebellious words, even Ke Qing, who is known for his courage, changed his face in shock!

If such remarks reach the ears of gods from other countries, they will start a war after all!

“Lord Ningguang is indeed the daughter of destiny!”

“So, let’s all split up!”

“I will continue to use my identity as Emperor Yanwang to develop followers in Liyue, and I will go to Mondstadt after all Liyue believe in my god! By then our power will no longer be afraid of the wind god Barbatos and other false gods!”

Li Yongsheng said excitedly, he was really moved by Ningguang's heroic words!

“good! I'll make the city announcement! And they sent people to conduct on-site preaching at Wanmin Church!”

“Yeyang, you go outside the city and develop all the adventurers, gourmets, etc. in Liyue into followers of our god. But remember, before the followers of the Lucky God Religion reach 100,000 and have the authority to summon the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God, , you try not to cause conflicts with other countries! Especially the fools under the Ice God!”

Ning Guang looked at everyone and ordered。


Yeyang, Keqing and others nodded seriously.。

“Why emphasize the Ice God alone?”

Li Yongsheng said puzzledly。

“Because... people are collecting the 'Heart of God', you might die if you meet the Ice God now.。”

Ning Guang looked at Li Yongsheng with some teasing and said。

In the world of "Original God", the missionary work is on the right track!

divine space。

The bold and beautiful little princess of Daozong, Ying Huanhuan, has already entered Chen Xian's palace under the admiring eyes of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and others.。

She didn't want to wait passively, she wanted the Lord God to fully know her beauty and enthusiasm...

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