“you? Are you the King of Rocks?”

Seeing the jade pendant filled with majestic rock elements floating above Li Yongsheng's head, Ke Qing's eyes widened!

You must know that when Li Yongsheng appeared in the city a few days ago, she had seen this stranger. His strength was very average. He was only an adventurer of about level 10 at most.。

Why did he suddenly transform into the Rock King Emperor?

“No way! Isn’t this the traveler Li Yongsheng who just appeared recently? How could he be Lord Rock King?”

Gan Yu also shook his ears in disbelief.。

“But he has the heart of the Rock God in him! That is the Heart of the Rock God! When the traction divine light was activated just now, it showed the unique characteristics of the Rock King Emperor!”

“That's right! The breath of the heart of God cannot be counterfeited!”

“That is a symbol of divine power and power!”

Everyone was talking about it。

“You...are you really the Rock King?”

Tianquanxing, who had the most say, looked at Li Yongsheng with his beautiful eyes coldly and asked.。

“Ahem, this……”

Being stared at like this by Ning Guang, Li Yongsheng was instinctively frightened.。

However, Li Yongsheng immediately thought that he was now blessed by the true God. He was the world's No. 0 spreader of faith and the protagonist who would surely reach the top of the mainland! Even Tianquan Ningguang can only be the daughter of destiny selected by herself.。

So Li Yongsheng decided to pretend! Anyway, he has the heart of God, his power is real, and his heart of God is real, then of course he, the Rock King Emperor, is also real!

“Yes, I am the King of Rocks!”

“I was awakened just now because of your invitation ceremony. As for my appearance, I often change my appearance and travel around. Is there any wonder in this?。”

Li Yongsheng sat on the sacred throne of the Rock King and said。

“Is that so?……”

“Tianquanxing Ningguang has seen Lord Yanwang Dijun。”

Having a clear view of Li Yongsheng's performance, a glimmer of brightness flashed in his condensed eyes, and he bowed to Li Yongsheng with a solemn worship etiquette.。

“I have met Lord Rock King!”

Keqing and others also followed Ningguang and saluted together.。

Thousands of city residents also worshiped Li Yongsheng!

Seeing that big shots like Liyue Qixing treated him with such respect, Li Yongsheng tried his best to keep his face calm, but he was already setting off fireworks in his heart!

“All of this was given to me by the true God! We must seize this opportunity to promote the doctrine of our God!”

Li Yongsheng decided in his heart。

“Everyone, get up. In fact, I have another purpose for showing my true body in front of everyone this time!”

Li Yongsheng sat on the high platform and looked at the seven stars of Liyue and countless citizens below.。

“Forehead? Lord Rock King, do you want to announce something important?”

“It’s not about reforming business tax again!”

“No, I just completed the investment project this month!”

“I guess it has something to do with Genmund. One of the guardians over there, the Wind Demon Dragon, has been making a big fuss recently.。”

“Yes, Qin, the leader of the Knights of the West Wind, seems to be very hard pressed by the Fools. The Fools have been too arrogant recently!”

“Hehehe, a beauty like Captain Qin is rare in the Seven Kingdoms. Could it be that Emperor Yanwang is going to announce that he is getting married or something?”

Everyone in the audience was talking about it.。

Condensed and speechless!

As the owner of Qunyu Pavilion and the richest woman in the entire continent, she naturally knows this important information. But Ningguang didn't think Emperor Yanwang would care about the love between children. After all, that is a god who has lived for thousands of years.。

“Stop guessing! What I want to announce is a great thing that concerns the well-being of all people!”

“I have found an existence beyond our seven gods, a true God that is completely beyond everyone's belief! His power is not restricted by the laws of elements, and his blessings extend throughout the entire continent of Teyvat!”

“As long as everyone spreads the teachings of the true God's love and humility like me and becomes a believer in the Lucky God Religion, everyone will be protected from all disasters, their wounds can be repaired immediately, diseases can be eliminated, and they will receive endless blessings of luck!”

Li Yongsheng stood up and let his divine heart shine out, which would greatly increase his persuasiveness.。

However, even so, everyone in the audience was still collectively confused!

As the Yanwang Emperor of Liyue Kingdom, he actually condescended to believe in other gods? And it’s so natural! This is simply destroying the three outlooks! ! !

Also, how could there be a god so powerful that he could irradiate the entire continent of Teyvat? That's hundreds of millions of people. No matter how powerful a god is, it's impossible for him to take care of so many people! What's more, we need to be protected from all disasters, repair all wounds, and eliminate all diseases?

Even the Creator is hard enough to do this kind of thing! ! !

“Lord Rock King...you, have you just been awakened by us and your mind is not clear enough?”

Ningguang's mouth twitched and said。

If it weren't for the divine heart in front of Li Yongsheng, she would have definitely regarded Li Yongsheng as a madman and kicked him out of the Liyue Kingdom! Even troubadours wouldn't dare to sing such a mythical story!

“Lord Rock King must be joking with us, right? Hahahaha, this joke is really, well... a bit cold!”

Yeyang tried his best to ease Li Yongsheng's embarrassment and said。

“You are the god who has protected Liyue for thousands of years! He turned around to believe in other gods. He was obviously joking!”

Keqing also laughed dryly.。

“It turned out to be a joke. As expected of Lord Rock King, even the joke is so unique!”

“a ha ha ha! This joke will definitely enter the entertainment chapter of the troubadour!”

“I was scared to death. I thought our gods from Liyue Kingdom were crazy.。”

The other guardian constellations also breathed a sigh of relief and said。

Li Yongsheng……

“Well, this kind of thing is really hard to accept.。”

“So let’s do an experiment to prove what I’m saying.。”

“Friend, how long have you been blind in your left eye? Want to regain your sight?”

Recalling the "Beginner's Preaching Guide" in the chat group, Li Yongsheng looked at an old man wearing an eyepatch in the audience and asked with a smile。

The reason why Tianquan Ningguang was not asked to recite incantations and praise the gods directly was because Li Yongsheng knew that the most beautiful woman and richest woman in the mainland was too smart and too vigilant! It is not easy to listen to yourself, so it is more appropriate to start preaching from the people.。

As soon as Li Yongsheng said this, everyone was shocked!

Ning Guang’s eyes began to change!

It sounds like Li Yongsheng is not joking? ? ?

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