“I have met the Lord God!”

“Good morning, Lord God!”

After seeing Chen Xian appear on the reception formation platform, Dongfang Huaizhu, Zhao Linger and others bowed and saluted.。

“It's early for you guys, there are a lot of people here today, and I just have something to announce.。”

“After welcoming the newcomers, in order to solve the problem of identifying the owner of some newcomers who had difficulty obtaining fairy treasures and artifacts when they first arrived, I decided to open a separate space in the country called the Treasure House of Heaven and Earth.。”

“I will set up the heaven and earth sacrifice transmission array in the heaven and earth treasure house. All treasures, including weapons, accessories and even large spacecraft equipment, etc. can be sacrificed from the lower world and stored in the heaven and earth treasure house. The sacrifice array will automatically reward longevity or lucky light to the sacrificer based on the value of the item.。”

“If you meet the conditions, you can go to the lower realms to search for treasures that can be sacrificed, and ask your relatives and friends to sacrifice them. The effect will be best. After all, you yourself do not need longevity.。”

Chen Xian said, pointing to a plain in the Kingdom of God space!

With a thought, a magnificent palace with an internal area of hundreds of millions of square kilometers rose from the ground! The four golden characters "Treasure House of Heaven and Earth" appear on the plaque!

“The power of the Lord God! One thought creates a world! ! !”

“Very good! Then the new girls in our group have weapons to use, right? They don’t have to go to the Immortal Treasure Pavilion and be bullied by those immortal swords and weapons as soon as they come!”

“Can any treasure be sacrificed? Ahhhh! Can I also get my Teigu? I must inform Tazmi, that little bastard, to bring my 'romantic turret' up! Although not as powerful as fairy swords and artifacts, they are sentimental personal items!”

Gao Yao, Ma Yin and others screamed excitedly。

“Haha, I want my father to sacrifice the 'King Power Sword' to the lower world! If you feel homesick, you can still take a look!”

Wang Quan drunkenly smiled and said。

“The Lord God is so considerate! I want to get the family’s white jade abacus, which was the family reward for my first sale back then.。”

Mitel Yafei rubbed her hands excitedly。

“No, sister Yafei! You have become a god and still want to do business……”

Huang Rong rubbed her forehead and said。

“Ah ha ha! Do you understand this? Besides, the God Lord mentioned to me last month that after we are promoted to high-level true gods, we can also go to the Kamigawa Star Territory to see the world and do business. Things like Shenyuan crystals are extremely beneficial to us and the Kingdom of God. I am the only one who belongs to this business official family!”

Mitel Yafei narrowed his eyes and said。

“Last month... No wonder Sister Yafei said she had a bad appetite that day. It turned out to be because she was fed by the Lord God.。”

Zi Yan snickered.。

“Ahhhh! Zi Yan, you bastard, stop talking nonsense!”

Mitel Yafei covered her face and said。

“Haha, if we really start a business in the Kamigawa Star Territory in the future, our Tushan sisters will be no worse than Sister Yafei.。”

Tushan Rongrong narrowed his eyes and said。

Yesterday, the Lord God took the initiative to go to the Ice Palace and spent a whole day with Tushan Yaya. That favor was not just talk. If Tushan Honghong works harder, maybe the three Tushan sisters can take over the financial power. That would be interesting.。

“Are you talking about the treasure house of heaven and earth? Why does it involve doing business again?。”

“Can't you business savvy people have some free time to study other things? For example, I can bring my Sky Blade 7 up for you to study.。”

Angel Yan smiled.。

“This is a good suggestion. With the faith resources of our Kingdom of God and the evolution speed of natural materials and spiritual objects, the Divine Source Crystal is not in short supply. You should first relax and improve your realm and knowledge reserve before getting down to business.。”

Chen Xian lovingly pulled Yan over, hugged his slender waist and said。

“Lord God……”

Being treated like this by Chen Xian in public, Yan Qingguo Wushuang's pretty face turned red, and he lowered his head and was too embarrassed to see anyone.。

“Sister Yan is so happy!”

“I know that Lord God likes Sister Yan。”

Zhi Xin and Yun are also envious.。

“The new couple will arrive soon. If the Lord God wants to pamper Yan, please wait a moment.。”

Medusa narrowed her eyes and chuckled.。


Two teleportation beams fell!

Under the astonishing gazes of Gao Yao, Huang Rong and others, two extremely beautiful women appeared in front of everyone!

“Believer Zhou Zhiruo has met the Lord of God and all the sisters who belong to God!”

“Believer Zhao Min, I have met the Lord of God and all the sisters who belong to God!”

Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min knelt down nervously and said。

Even though Master Miejie had repeatedly warned them not to mess up when they arrived, what they were meeting this time was the real god above the nine heavens, okay?

Especially when she saw Chen Xian's temperament and handsome appearance that instantly killed a girl, Zhou Zhiruo felt like she was falling into a trance! Zhao Min's face was so red that it was on fire. Zhao Min knew that if there was any Prince Charming in the world, it would only be the godly man in front of him!

“One is as quiet and beautiful as a fairy, the other is as smart as jade, both are first-rate beauties.。”

“Congratulations to the Lord God, you have found another beautiful woman.。”

Yan Lingji looked at Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min and couldn't help praising them.。

“gorgeous! The clothes are awesome too! Why don’t we see such classical beauties in our world?”

Ishigawa Ariyi's eyes shone and said。

“Ariyi, you are not suffering from an occupational disease again, are you using someone else's beauty as writing material?”

Toba Raiha looked at Ishigari Arii's expression, the corner of her mouth twitched and said。

She also has great admiration for Ishigari Arii. Not only is her cultivation speed fast, but her writing speed is also far faster than Kasumigaoka Shiu and the others! I really don’t know where this guy Ari Ishigari gets so much time and energy!

“That's right, Toba Laiha, why don't you try changing into this kind of clothes? I guarantee that the Lord God will like it, and then you will be able to compete for the favor of our group!”

Shiga Yaliyi whispered。

Toba Laiye staggered!

“Ariyi, can you learn something better? Don’t get so close to Lord Liangbing, the Heavenly Evil King recently!”

Toba Laiye broke down with a red face.。

The last time I asked for leave from the Lord God to do swordsmanship, I bullied her for two hours.……

Even if Toba Laiye is beaten to death, he doesn't dare to find any more punishment, let alone actively cross-dressing? ? ?

“Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min are indeed rare beauties.。”

“Hey, Zhou Zhiruo’s life level is not low, it’s actually close to the level of an innate creature?”

Dongfang Huaizhu said in surprise。

“Haha, it was Zhou Zhiruo who received an extra blessing from me when she prayed in the lower realm.。”

“Get up, you two. You are already gods, and there is no need to kneel down and bow down in the future.。”

Chen Xian's spiritual thoughts helped Zhou Zhiruo and Zhao Min up and said。

“yes! Thank you Lord God!”

Zhou Zhiruo was happy and excited when she saw that she was still remembered by the God Lord.。

Zhao Min was shocked by the beauty and shape of the beauties around him, and there was one with wings in the distance... He was really drunk...

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