“Get up, everyone。”

“Hua Mulan and the three of you were promoted when you first came to the Kingdom of God, which indeed brought you good luck.。”

Chen Xian was in a good mood. He lifted the girls up with his spiritual thoughts and looked at the three newcomers.。

“Thanks to the Lord God for his great luck, Mulan is blessed!”

“Congratulations to the Lord God!”

“Lord God, your grace spreads all over the world, blessing all people!”

The three girls Hua Mulan, Wang Zhaojun and Diao Chan bowed again! There was panic and surprise on her delicate and beautiful face. She obviously didn't expect that Chen Xian would talk to so many beauties in front of them, and his heart was so excited that he almost jumped out of his chest!

“The three sisters are pretty and good at talking. Why don't they accompany us at tonight's dinner?。”

Yan Lingji leaned close to Chen Xian and smiled coquettishly.。

“Yes, looking at Miss Diao Chan’s Christmas dress, she looks so festive. Lord God, please enjoy it tonight!”

Shui Yunji snickered.。

Hearing what the two of them said, the three girls, Diao Chan, blushed and were so ashamed that they didn't even dare to look up.。

“You guys are really good at bullying newcomers. I didn’t ask sister Yaya if she would let the Lord God out.。”

Queen Medusa narrowed her eyes and smiled.。

She went to find Chen Xian in the afternoon, and found out from the intermediary Lina that Chen Xian was in Tushan Yaya's bedroom and stayed there until evening.。

With Tushan Yaya’s beauty and temperament, it is very likely that she will be given extra classes at night.……

“Oh my God! I...I have to leave first!”

Tushan Yaya didn't expect that Medusa would give her an arrow in the knee. She was bullied by Chen Xian during the day. It was already miserable enough. If she hadn't encountered the promotion of the Kingdom of God, she could have learned a rare understanding of the law. Otherwise, she I'm still lying down now and don't want to move.……

“You know Yaya is thin-skinned and still laugh at her, but you are getting worse and worse.。”

Seeing Tushan Yaya covering her face and teleporting away, Tushan Honghong said speechlessly。

“Ronger, you are in charge of the dishes for the dinner. Ying Lili and the others can help you. You can take care of the rest.。”

Chen Xian coughed dryly and disappeared.。

“yes! Congratulations to the Lord God!”

Huang Rongjiao smiled and said。


“Look, I made the Lord God run away in embarrassment. Who wants to catch the Dragon Barracuda this time? It’s super hard to catch.。”

The little fairy doctor said with resentment。

“Of course you have to ask a pirate girl for things like catching fish. Sister Hancock is now in the realm of a god. She can go to the East China Sea to catch some peak-level dragon barracudas with ease.。”

Purple Girl snickered.。

“Damn it, you have the nerve to let a god from the Ai family catch fish.。”

Boya Hancock was angry and shook his fist in protest.。

“Forehead? Is that fish delicious? Why do you care so much?”

Hua Mulan was confused after hearing this。

“One bite is worth decades of hard work, and it can also beautify your skin!”

Gao Yao whispered。

Hua Mulan and Diao Chan! ! ! !

Even Wang Zhaojun, who has always advocated vegetarianism, had his eyes on fire instantly!

“I...I can let the fish swim over on its own……”

Seeing that Boya Hancock refused to catch fish because of his face, Princess White Star said shyly。

“That's really great!”

Yan Lingji said happily, and then looked at Tushan Yaya's Extreme Cold Palace from a distance with deep meaning.。

Based on intuition, maybe the Lord God went to help Tu Shan Yaya practice again.。



In the Extreme Cold Shrine, Tu Shan Yaya’s plea for mercy echoed far away。

The beautiful pictures are in sharp contrast to the bloody killings in the Hokage plane of infinite time and space.。

Kisame Uchigaki and Itachi Uchiha were seriously injured and ran away at high speed!

Dozens of figures led by Shimura Danzo from the rear pursued at high speed! From time to time, ANBU personnel were killed by Kisame Kisame and Itachi, and their heads were missing! In order to obtain Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan, almost all of Shimura Danzo's ANBU were mobilized!

“Danzo Shimura! I didn’t expect you to go back on your word and still haven’t given up until now!”

Uchiha Itachi said in a cold voice while avoiding the kunai and shurikens coming from behind.。

First, he failed to capture the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, but he broke out from the intestines of a toad summoned by Jiraiya. When he encountered Kakashi, when he used "Tsukuyomi", Kakashi used a very devilish way to kneel down and worship the gods to summon a divine light to break it, causing him to encounter the backlash of "Tsukuyomi"!

This made him, who was already suppressing his illness with a large amount of chakra, almost extremely weak!

And this scene was discovered by the ANBU members of Konoha and reported to the leader of the ANBU "root", Shimura Danzo!

“Itachi! You should and can only feel that your life has come to an end! Instead of escaping back to the Akatsuki organization, why can't you donate your eyes to me!”

“I will never forget your contribution to Konoha, so I will definitely give you the most honorable way to die, and I will also help you take care of your brother!”

Shimura Danzo's gloomy voice reached Uchiha Itachi's ears!

“You are indeed shameless to a terrifying degree!”

“It's a pity that I have no intention of leaving my eyes to you. Sasuke seems to have become stronger now. I need to witness it with my own eyes before I can leave this world with peace of mind.。”

“Ninja! Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique!”

Seeing the Anbu approaching behind him, Uchiha Itachi turned around and spit out a sea of fire!


Everyone obviously did not expect that Uchiha Itachi, who was seriously injured and relapsed, could still have such fighting power. Several figures were burned to ashes!

“Wood Release·Violent Spear Tree!”

Shimura Danzo's arm reveals a terrifying grafting part, and the Wooden Ninja Technique reappears in the world!

Although he has some kind of agreement with Uchiha Itachi, the agreement will change based on external conditions! Now Uchiha Itachi is about to die, but Uchiha Sasuke appears out of nowhere and establishes the Lucky God Sect to sweep the surrounding great countries!

This is unacceptable to Danzo Shimura!

Because he knew that once Uchiha Sasuke knew about that matter, he would definitely come to kill him!

In order to protect himself, Uchiha Itachi must get his Mangekyō Sharingan!

“Brother Itachi, let me block it for you, and you go do what you need to do.。”

“Thank you for taking care of me these past few years!”

Inikigaki Kisame, who was also seriously injured in the previous fight with Shimura Danzo, stopped and gave Uchiha Itachi a relieved smile.。

Since he was as ugly as a shark, he has been either killing people or being hunted by others all his life. Is it possible to find relief after meeting a strange guy like Uchiha Itachi who would take care of him from time to time?。

“Sameki·Saki Slash!”

Kisame Kisaki used his last strength to break through Shimura Danzo's wooden escape and killed him without hesitation!

Uchiha Itachi……

“Thank you Kisame, I'm sorry I can't stay with you, I have to see my brother again。”

Uchiha Itachi said in a sad voice, but did not look back and continued to run away at full speed.。



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