“How is this possible?”

Gaara said with an ugly face。

They teamed up with the Sound Ninja to attack Konoha, and now they have just started fighting, but their hometown has been taken over by a little-known brat from Konoha? ? ?

If word of this spreads out, people in Sunagakure Village will laugh to death just by laughing.……

“retreat! All Sunagakure Village personnel retreat!”

“The one fighting Naruto was not our Kazekage-sama, we were being used!”

“Go back to the village quickly! Sunagakure Village was captured by Uchiha Sasuke of Konoha!”

On the chaotic battlefield, the shouts of the Sunagakure ninja rang out。

The combined forces of Sunagakure and Sound Ninja that originally had the upper hand were now in a precarious situation!

“What! Sunagakure Village was captured by Uchiha Sasuke? ? ?”

“Pfft hahahaha!”

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we, the Pig, Deer and Butterfly trio, haven't heard such interesting things for a long time!”

The trio of Konoha's "Ino Shika Butterfly" who had just started to make their comeback almost stopped laughing when they heard the tragic cry of the Sunagakure ninja!

“No way, Sasuke actually went to attack Sunagakure Village at this time? How did he know that the village was suffering!”

Kakashi's mouth twitched and said。

However, this news comes as a surprise!

“Sasuke-kun...occupied Sunagakure Village?”

“As expected of the leader! ! !”

Ino and Haruno Sakura burst into laughter。

Temari and Kankuro who were fighting against them had faces as black as coal!

The dignified Kazekage-sama was impersonated by Orochimaru, and the village was occupied by Konoha's genin trumpet! Today, their Sand Hidden Village in the Country of Wind has lost all their face!

“Come back with me and make that Uchiha Sasuke pay the price he deserves。”

Gaara looked at Temari and Kankuro with a pair of murderous black eyes.。


Temari and the others screamed in their hearts and quickly left in the direction of their village.。

“Orochimaru, you see, without the help of Sunagakure Village, your operation has been lost this time!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen grinned as he struggled to defend himself against the attacks of Orochimaru and the two reincarnated Hokages.。

“Yeah, it seems that the goal I wanted to get did something that surprised me.。”

“Is it your plan to let Uchiha Sasuke attack Sunagakure Village? If so, teacher, you are a bit scary.。”

Orochimaru looked at the defeated coalition forces outside the formation and narrowed his eyes.。

He killed the Kazekage, and then faked an order to have Sunagakure Village and Sound Ninja Village unite to attack Konoha together.。

Such a perfect plan was ruined by the goal of his trip. This is simply the greatest irony!

“The goal you want to achieve? ? ?”

“Sasuke Uchiha?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed in shock.。

“Yes, it's because you know my goal, right?。”

“Coming to kill you is only part of the plan. Using Sasuke's body to regenerate and obtain the blood of the Uchiha family is my most important thing.。”

“Since Uchiha Sasuke is no longer in the village, I will naturally go find him after killing you.。”

Orochimaru sneered.。

“Wood escape, Senhai is born!”

As Orochimaru issued an emergency attack order, the atmosphere of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and the second Hokage Senju Tobirama changed drastically! They all used their special skills!

“I won't let you succeed! Those children are the hope of Konoha!”

“Spiritualism, the Ape King Demon Ape!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen also started fighting for his life!

“If you still don’t want to obey the youngest, then I’ll do it too!”

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said。

The Kusanagi sword appeared in his hand and went straight to Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart!



Just as Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen were having a decisive battle, Gaara and others had already rushed back to Sunagakure Village at full speed!

It’s just that everyone was stunned after seeing the actions of the villagers of Sunagakure Village!

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, you are the master of luck above all living beings! Your loyal believer, Senta, prays for your favor, may you have endless luck and eternal glory!”

Morita, the captain of the escort team who originally guarded Sunagakure Village, took the lead and knelt down to the east.。

Countless villagers followed suit!

Suddenly, divine light descended from the sky and illuminated the entire Sand Hidden Village!

“How could such a thing happen? Stop it! You idiots, are you all crazy?”

Gaara said with a ferocious expression。

“That young man is Uchiha Sasuke!”

Temari pointed to the young figure standing in the distance with a smile and exclaimed。

“Damn it for misleading our village with evil cults and mystical ninjutsu!”

Kankuro cursed and was the first to rush towards Uchiha Sasuke!


Uchiha Sasuke was in a good mood. Counting the villagers in Sunagakure Village, the number of believers has reached 800,000! With another 200,000, we can build the Gate of the Kingdom of God!

As a result, these guys who came back, after seeing the miracles of their gods, not only did they not worship, but they called their sect a cult?

“kill him。”

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Kankuro expressionlessly and said。


The figure of Mizuna Yuebai disappeared instantly!

“Ice escape! Qian Sha Shui Xiang!”

“Kankuro, be careful! He is an ice escape, blood successor boundary ninja!”

Temari exclaimed, and the iron fan flew over to help resist.。

“Ice escape! Magic mirror ice crystal!”

Minazuki Shiro caught Temari's fan with his left hand and formed a seal with his right hand.。

“One hand seal? ? ?”

Gaara is shocked。

Kankuro and Temari didn't even expect that Minazuki Shiro had such ability, and they were directly trapped in the ice crystal formation, leaving only passive beatings.。

However, Kankuro's puppet technique was a perfect defense, making the situation somewhat stalemate.。


Uchiha Sasuke obviously didn't want to waste time on the little minions. The Mangekyō Sharingan in his right eye opened, and Amaterasu's black flame descended on Kankuro.。


The indestructible puppet was burned through instantly! Kankuro, who was hiding inside the puppet, let out a horrifying scream and was burned to ashes in just a few breaths!


Temari was shocked!

She didn't expect that Uchiha Sasuke's ninjutsu would be so powerful! To defeat Kankuro, who has the strongest defense, in one face-to-face? ? ?

“What kind of pupil technique is this!”

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyō Sharingan, Gaara shivered inexplicably and said。

It is simply impossible for his heart as cold as stone to produce fear!

“That's...the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan!”

“We're fucked!”

Behind Gaara, the older master of Sunagakure Village recognized the origin of Sasuke's eyes, flopped down on the ground and said。

“It's quite knowledgeable. I'll give you 10 breaths to consider joining my cult.。”

“Otherwise, die。”

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Gaara and the others and sneered.。

ps: I failed at the first two chapters, so I released them after watching them at night~ I hope they will be released~ Driving is so dangerous, please comfort me

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