“I let you run away halfway last time, of course I have to make up for it this time。”

“After resting for a while, I will go to the single-player dungeon of the lower god in the academy. I will try to clear all the levels and break the record before being promoted to the god position, so that I can exchange for two more artifacts.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

One minute later, Feng Lin Xuanya! ! !

“As promised... take a rest……”



During the chat in Wanjie, Tang San, who had never spoken before, finally got up the courage to start chatting with the big guys in the group.。

Tang San, who didn't want to travel back in time: "I'm sorry, I want to ask everyone, can a female cultivator under 10 years old enter the kingdom of my god?”

Ouyang is not crazy: "A staggering jpg! I'm afraid it's too young, man, you are so cruel!"”

My young master Zhang Zifan: "It's just that you don't speak. Once you speak, you are invincible! Trembling jpg!"”

I, Han Fei, just want reform: "Newcomers are scary!”

Queen Medusa’s eldest cousin: “Tang San, you are definitely the most terrifying newcomer!”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Brother, you have good taste and know how to choose a lolita for my god! The 'she' you are talking about must not be your daughter! Hahahahaha!”

Tang San who doesn’t want to travel through time again:“……No, it's not! She is my classmate. Anyway, she looks very good-looking. She is one year older than me. Shame jpg!”

Everyone: "Pfft - blood spurting jpg!”

Primitive survival thanksgiving: "Oh my God, you are not even 10 years old yet! We shouldn't have despised you before, sin, sin!"”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Tang San! Tell sister, how many followers have you gained now? How do you practice on a daily basis? We can help you plan your life course!"”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Yes, you are so young, there are some things you have never encountered! Don't rush to reveal your identity as an emissary, otherwise it will be very dangerous! It is recommended to start promoting the faith in remote villages! As for the destiny As for girls, we can wait until she grows up! Smile jpg!”

Dagu didn’t want to be Ultraman: “Cousin! You were not so gentle to me back then!”

Queen Medusa’s eldest cousin: “Go, go, Dagu, are you shameless? How old are you to compare with Tang San’s cutie?”

I, Song Ming, ultimately want the whole world: "I am very curious about what little friend Tang San's world is like. Please send me some video information and we will help you design the most efficient development strategy!”

Stop calling me Ethics Lord: "Ahhhh! I, An Yilun, am also the best at this kind of strategy! I stayed up late to write it for you! The war song is ringing jpg!"”

Tang San, who didn't want to travel back in time: "Okay...thank you everyone, you are so kind.……”

“"Tang San, who doesn't want to travel through time again" uploaded a video of the environment of the Nordin students!

“"Tang San, who doesn't want to travel through time again" uploaded the continent's realm divisions!



“I didn't expect that the Tang San who joined the group with me was actually a child. I don't need these weird guys to help me design development strategies!”

《"Naruto" plane, Uchiha Sasuke closed the chat group window, looked at the vast territory of the Kingdom of Wind in front of him and squinted his eyes.。

“Leader, do we want to capture Sunagakure Ninja Village directly? In the past few days, most of the elites from the major ninja nations have gone to Konoha to take the chunin exams, which is a time of emptiness.。”

Minazuki Shiro stood respectfully behind Uchiha Sasuke and said。

In the past few days, through kneeling and chanting, Minazuki Haku's blood inheritance boundary power has been further developed. His strength has surpassed that of most jounin and is close to the shadow level powerhouse! And because of the surge in followers, Uchiha Sasuke's left eye directly evolved to the terrifying level of the six magatama samsara eye!

In addition, Uchiha Sasuke still has three chances to summon the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God, and he can be said to be invincible!

“oh? Do so many people need to attend a mere Chunin exam? Is there some conspiracy?”

“But this has nothing to do with me. Haruno Sakura and others cannot die with the blessing of divine light. We should first turn all the people of the Kingdom of Wind into believers of our god.。”

Uchiha Sasuke touched his chin and said。

“yes! I'm going to capture some of the guards leaders from Sunagakure Village. As long as they see your eyes, they will naturally help us preach.。”

Shuiwu Yuebai bowed and said。

“Very good, you are indeed becoming more and more knowledgeable. When this world is all in my hands, you will get the life you want.。”

Uchiha Sasuke smiled and praised。



Just when Sasuke invaded the Sunagakure ninja village from behind with his faith, an open and secret battle between genin from all over the world was going on in Konoha's chuunin examination venue.。

“how come! These Konoha girls are too strong!”

Kankuro looked at Temari, who was completely suppressed by Tenten, with an angry and confused look on his face!

Because before taking action, he had investigated the strength of the Konoha genin. Tenten, who was just a little girl, should have been an ordinary girl. How could he crush their Kazekage's daughter Temari like this!

“The same goes for Haruno Sakura just now. It is completely inconsistent with the information from a few days ago. Did she take some banned drugs?”

Gaara said with a sinister look in his eyes。

“too slow too slow。”

“Isn't your iron fan ninja tool supposed to restrain my kunai? Why are you so depressed? You don't want to speak arrogantly at the beginning.。”

Tiantian casually threw out the "Detonating Kunai" again and said with a leisurely expression.。

Under the instructions of the lucky god, she was able to perform Ninjutsu with ease, and the required Chakara only consumed one-third of the original amount due to the smooth casting.。

Moreover, even with your eyes closed, you can explode accurately. This kind of fighting state favored by the God of Luck makes Tiantian's admiration for that god to the highest level!

“Damn it! I will fight with you!”

“Wind escape! Big hanging net!”

Being teased like this by Tiantian, Temari's eyes turned red and she became furious.。

“Manipulation Tool·Super Heavenly Blade Chaoswan!”

“The art of confusing hundreds of weapons!”

Seeing that Temari dared to resist, Tiantian directly threw two big moves in succession!



Temari was directly blown into the sky by Tenten's combination of ultimate moves!

Such a scene made Gaara and the others stunned!

“Damn it! How could he still fight like this? Can you hit a ninjutsu kunai by throwing it with your eyes closed?”

Kankuro said frantically。

“It seems... this girl Tiantian was also dragged into the Lucky Cult by Sakura.。”

“This blessing effect is simply inexplicable! Am I also……”

Looking at Tenten who was in such good condition and thinking about the performance of Haruno Sakura and others just now, Kakashi wavered for the first time in Sarutobi Hiruzen's decision.。

It seems to be a good choice if the people of Konoha can popularize the belief in the true god.

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