I think!

The last two words echoed in the chat group. Although the words on the screen were just words without any sound, it seemed that the entire chat group was shocked by these two silent words.

Newcomers may not understand it, but anyone who joined the chat group and had contact with Bai Chuo was extremely surprised and even shocked.

This stingy guy who is usually noisy, extremely shameless, and doesn't care about taking on responsibilities, actually took the responsibility directly this time? !

This may seem to be just a small change in attitude, but for people who know the beginning of the month of Bai, it seems that they have seen the shocking appearance of the sun emerging from the west.

This bitch, is this a sex change today?

In fact, let alone these two guys, even the few who first entered the chat group were extremely surprised. Or maybe it was precisely because they entered the chat group together that they knew each other best, so they were so exaggerated now. .

Zhang Zifan and Ouyang Feng, who were on the opposite side of the chat group, even exaggerated to the point where they even dropped everything on their hands, and those who were eating even dropped the food in their mouths.

This is not right at all. Isn’t this the beginning of the month? !

Ouyang is not crazy: "Um, brother, are you threatened? Don't worry, there are brothers here to carry her. We are not afraid of her. At worst, if something happens, the brothers will help you carry it, so you won't be beaten.

My young master Zhang Zifan: "It doesn't matter. What's there to be afraid of? Isn't the worst case scenario just getting beaten up? I've been beaten since I was a kid. How can I be afraid that I won't get a beating like this

? " Under this situation, Yue Mei was also a little confused. Even faced with the provocations of Zhang Zifan and Ouyang Feng, she had no time to care about anything and replied.

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Boy, don't scare your sister. It's not a big deal. At the worst, can't we just get over this matter?" As soon as these words came out, those who were not very good in the original chat

group Familiar, the members who joined after Bai Yue were also confused and didn't understand at all what was going on.

However, even the eldest cousin, who is usually the most arrogant, domineering, arrogant and lawless, looked frightened away in one step, which made them secretly sigh, what kind of chat senior named Bai Yue Yue is. Terror exists.

In fact, in this case, some people still don't believe it, because this is another trick created by Bai Yuechu, pretending to be sophisticated and scaring everyone.

Normally, I wouldn't be scared at that time, but now Bai Yue has gone through a lot of hardships. After that, he might just make a haha, say something like "you were all scared away", and then return to his previous mean look.

Even the words in their hands, the kind of words used to criticize and refute, are already prepared. After all, if this is really the case, then what Bai Yuechu did was indeed a bit too much.

This is simply a prank using the care and affection of the people in the chat group for him. It is the worst and worst prank in the world.。

() However, it is obvious that the words they prepared have come to nothing. At the beginning of Bai Yue, things have really changed.。

“.Have I ever been so unreliable before? "(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the scene in the chat group, Bai Yuechu on the other end, the corners of his mouth twitched in embarrassment. He just admitted a mistake, so it was necessary to give such an exaggerated reaction. Or

is it that I was really bad to this extent before, but now I am just a little bit more normal, and it scares them?.

Người mua: sabmado

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