Liu Yueqing is still here, feeling sorry for herself, depressed and desperate, waiting for her end.

Yes, it was despair. At that time, I was confused and followed this group of people to the Kingdom of God. In the outside world, even without the fragment, I still had some ability to explore the world of escape.

But now they have arrived at the base camp opposite. If you still want to escape, that is nothing more than a dream!

However, Ren Liuyueqing could not imagine Chen Xian's character like this. After all, in his concept of traveler, the so-called injury-free represents terror, ruthlessness, and the abyss in the world. .

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss will also cast its gaze on you, and when your eyes slowly meet each other, you will sink completely!

In this situation, you know that Liu Yueqing can't let go no matter what, but she really doesn't know that Chen Xian's character is just like Tu Shanya said.

Under most circumstances, Chen Xian could still hear the words of Tu Yaya or other destined beauties in his heart... Of course, except for a few extremely high-level situations like today.

But even so, Chen Xian will never change the consciousness of these destined beauties at will, and will not violate their ideas. This is the bottom line.

But it was obvious, even though Tushan Yaya and Queen Melosa were very resistant at that time, they were embarrassed because of their shy emotions.

But in fact, when faced with such a scene, even one of the two spokespersons for the destined beauties couldn't refuse.

So under Chen Xian's guidance, and while Liu Yueqing was still nagging and worrying about why Tu Shan Yaya wouldn't come back, the happiness of the three of them reached its ultimate peak.。

However, although the Kingdom of God still seemed extremely quiet, life was going on as usual.

But in fact, looking at the entire Great Void, although there is no war on the surface, most places are no longer very stable. There are all kinds of turbulent waves, dark waves, and all kinds of right and wrong stirring in the dark places. .

The first one to bear the brunt is the detached and supreme force represented by Lin Keer who leads this great purge!

That's right. In the past, Lin Keer had to hide all the time, waiting for that point in fate, that is, waiting for the reason to connect with Chen Xian, so she had to hide in this continent and be a The most idle ordinary people. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


for flowers. But even in this situation, Lin Keer's hands and feet can still reach out outside this continent, stirring up all kinds of contradictions in the heavens. The situation still caused countless conflicts between Wushuang.

After all, no matter how vigilant, cautious, and even humble Lin Keer was when facing Chen Xian, facing the Lord God, to a certain extent, she was afraid that the other party would accidentally become unhappy. Just destroy yourself.

But in the face of other supreme beings, her attitude can be seen as arrogant and domineering. Her random fluctuations directly and blatantly control and lock the enemy. She uses conspiracy and situation to force her. What she does can be said to be unscrupulous.。[]

The only thing that needs to be cared about is the circulation of information, but the largest information workshop circulating in the heavens is what they say is disguised, that is, this group of thousands of independent people. .

Người mua: sabmado

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