It felt like, at this moment, Queen Medusa, who roamed the Kingdom of God and once dominated the Dou Qi Continent, turned into a weak and frail little girl, that kind of terrible restriction!

“Um? ! "

But before Medusa could react and get ready to fight and warn, she directly felt the familiar breath and instantly breathed a sigh of relief.。

“It turned out to be the Lord God, I was scared to death..."

That's right, Medusa is now in the Kingdom of God. No matter how powerful Wu 12 is, it is absolutely impossible to capture people in the Kingdom of God.

More What's more, Medusa's strength is not inferior to that of Tushan Yaya, and she is in the Kingdom of God with the divine status of Kato and natural geographical advantages. Even if the Supreme Lord comes in person, it is absolutely impossible for her to have no power. There is no ability to resist at all.

If it were replaced by the Lord God, it would be a matter of course.。

“Lord God, you..."

Medusa, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was about to raise her head to speak, but she happened to catch Chen Xian's faint eyes, and her heart suddenly sank again.

Although it was not the highest situation that she had imagined, at present This scene seems, probably, almost... It's also very embarrassing!

Sure enough,

looking at Medusa who came to his side in an instant, Chen Xian unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and did With a critical expression, he said:

“You, you, how do I teach you normally? Can you just run away if you make a mistake? Look, look, how embarrassed you have made Yaya, you can't run away in an instant.。”

“really! "

Who is Medusa? She has been pimped countless times. Faced with this expression of the Lord God, and this scene now, how can one still not understand what happened?。

“Tushan Yaya..."

Thinking of this, Medusa couldn't help but cast her eyes at Tushan Yaya next to her. However, at this moment, Tushan Yaya had the nerve to look at her and quickly covered her eyes with her hands. Shaking his head desperately。

“No, that's not what I meant!”

“That’s what you mean! "

Chen Xian was so carefree that he directly helped Tu Shan Yaya agree, pulled Medusa into his arms, and said leisurely:

“In our kingdom of God, the most important thing is fairness. Tell me, Medusa has embarrassed you so much. Can we not embarrass her? That's not fair anymore, right? ! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“What kind of fairness is this? "

Tushan Yaya struggled to refute. Although the ending seemed to be not very changeable, she still hurriedly tried to restore her normal image.

Queen Medusa on the other side wanted to escape, but how could 873 possibly do so easily? As expected, let alone what to cultivate, it has been blocked for a long time and cannot be used at all.。

“Tushan Yaya...I, Medusa, really killed you today! "

She closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate. She completely lost her ability to resist. She pressed close to her beloved sweetheart and let out her last sigh seductively. It was obvious that this was the first time for Medusa to experience this

. The scene was no less considered than Tushan Yaya's, but after all, she had been on the battlefield for a long time, and her ability to accept it was still much stronger. Faced with

this scene that she couldn't refuse at all, she had no choice but to accept her fate.

Người mua: sabmado

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