“Haha, ten thousand enemies, turning mountains and seas, shattering the void? It's interesting. I haven't heard such a weak adjective in years. "

After hearing these words, Ling Yun couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed, and then shook her head. She also understood that it was amazing for a normal fantasy person to have this kind of understanding in a different world. However

, The person in front of me is a time traveler. At least, he shouldn’t just have such a "seven-three-three" imagination.。

“You underestimate the so-called strong men too much. They can destroy the world, shatter space, and destroy a planet in an instant. Such a being can hardly be called a strong man.

To be called a strong person in our series, one must at least have the ability to destroy a medium civilization with just a few fingers. "

Ling Yun, who was holding her hands behind her back, said it calmly, exuding an awe-inspiring and domineering power.

Of course, this domineering appearance has been reduced countless times by her, otherwise even if it is a small branch of the Supreme Being, It is enough to destroy the existence in front of you and even the entire continent.

This is the supreme existence that truly escapes the constraints of time and space, escapes the principle of cause and effect cycle, and reaches the top level of freedom.。

“Medium, medium civilization? "

Lin Ke'er was frightened when she saw such domineering Ling Yun. She clearly felt that the person in front of her was talking nonsense, but the impulse in her heart was controlled, but it was obvious that she was not lying, so she had to step back and ask.。

“A medium civilization is an existence that can develop into the universe with its own basic planetary base plate as the core, and become the overlord of its plane. "

Ling Yun was domineering. As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers and gently touched Lin Ke'er's head. In an instant

, countless lights and shadows were transmitted.

The people on the mainland were scattered. The strong were domineering, and they had bows that could split mountains and rocks. Ten thousand enemies, this is the foundation of civilization.

The bells are prosperous and complex, the plane is smooth and full, and there is a special chosen son who exists in the world of planes, transcends the world, and breaks through the shackles of the world. This is the foundation of transcendent civilization. Only

after reaching the super civilization seed can one truly come into contact with the existence of civilization. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Either in the name of spiritual practice, or to cross the void with technology, or both

. The two complement each other. Only when a civilization can truly transcend the space in which it was born, whether it is a planet or a continent independent of the void, can such a civilization truly be called a civilization....

Then, those who can spread the light of civilization throughout the entire plane, even if they cannot completely rule the world, can still dominate the world, and achieve perfection in a civilization and plane, this is It is a medium civilization.

As for the advanced ones, there must be a true transcendent person, an existence that can truly transcend the plane, even if the strength can be a little weaker, even if the destructive power is not strong.

But as long as we can reach the rules above transcendence, it symbolizes infinite hope.

For example, a series of existences such as travelers, reincarnations, chat group members, etc. are almost all at this level of 5.0. The world they live in cannot be called an advanced civilization.。[]

A being like this can easily destroy the middle plane with one blow. If it can be fully developed, it will be a powerful person who can take a look at it even if it is supreme.

In the blink of an eye, the planet is like a marble, spinning around at will. The invisible gravity of the void of the universe seems to be nothing, unable to pull or drive, and it can only be allowed to roam at will. .

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