“what happened? Why do I feel so warm all over my body? Shouldn’t I be dead? "

At the moment the transmission ended, Lin Keer's eyelashes twitched slightly. She wanted to open her eyes but didn't dare because she didn't know what state she was in now. Is it life or death? But even if she closed her


, Her eyes and physical condition were unstoppable. Waves of warmth flowed through Lin Keer's body, bringing her the ultimate sense of comfort.。

“It's been a long, long time, I haven't felt this relaxed for a long, long time, it's so comfortable..."

Lin Ke'er murmured in her mouth. Although her eyes didn't open, tears fell one after another from the corners of her eyes. 12 Next to her delicate face, her current appearance is even more pitiful.。

“Am I dead now? I'm in heaven, is that why I feel so comfortable?

Haha, what are you thinking about? Lin Ke'er, it's so funny. Even if my achievements in my previous life were enough to get me to a place like heaven, now this is a different world. Where can I get heaven from this world? "

Just thinking about it, Lin Ke'er almost made herself laugh:

“In this kind of world, even if there is no underworld after death, there should be something like heaven, right? Become an immortal? Haha, I won't be such an idiot anymore. The system doesn't even give me a trip to another world, which is really boring. "

Ding, the mirror system is re-registering and being activated. The activation is complete. Hosts are welcome to use it.。

“What? ! "

The sudden voice in her heart made Lin Ke'er so frightened that she suddenly opened her eyes and looked around with difficulty:

“system? What the hell, I’ve been talking about it for a long time, but something like the system is actually here, isn’t it? At this time, I’m going to die, am I going to die? ! "

Lin Ke'er is a little bit broken. No matter how ignorant she is, she still knows that she has cut her wrists. After such a long time, it will probably be cold. If the system comes over at this time, it is probably not here to collect her body

. Bar?

“No, since destiny has changed, we must make good use of it, there is a system! With the system in place, I will definitely have a way to survive, and I won't die like this! "

Lin Ke'er said firmly, her beautiful eyes filled with desire for the rest of her life, and she quickly looked around to find a system plane to save herself.


“Ghost! "

Lin Ke'er, who hadn't had time to find the system plane, immediately opened her eyes wide and ran back in horror. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) There is no way, in this situation, in this situation

, In this unlit room, there is a dilapidated environment, a frightened girl, a few drops of blood scattered on the ground, and in front of you, a female figure floating in the void with a half-light body, this kind of Who wouldn’t be scared after seeing this?!

“ghost? "

This phantom called a ghost is, of course, Ling Yun who has not had time to 043 dissipate. He pointed at himself in a funny way and said angrily:

“After all, I was once a time traveler, a being who came out of the core earth of many parallel planes. Can you not be so timid?。”

“time traveler. Earth...parallel plane? !”[]

These words one after another gave the frightened girl one layer of heavy surprise after another. She suddenly raised her head, so surprised that she even forgot her fear.

The secret of the time traveler, especially the earth, she has never shown in this world.

After all, at the beginning, Lin Keer was too young and couldn't do anything successfully. .

Người mua: sabmado

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