
This is the sound produced by an iron tool scratching across the skin.

The desperate girl was lying on the shabby bed, her mood had never been so peaceful, or she hadn't been so peaceful for a long time.

The girl's body has been cleansed. After washing away the lead, what emerges is the purest and most beautiful body and face. Like an angel, the entire dark room shines with light, pure and beautiful.

However, on that flawless white wrist, the streak of blood was so conspicuous, like a wisp of red plum on the crystallized snow, swaying heart-stoppingly.

However, the red plum symbolizes vigorous life, but this bloody color symbolizes the dissipation of the beauty of life.

The girl blooming like a flower felt the blood lost bit by bit on the scratched skin. This is life that is gradually disappearing.

It is like a flower that has reached its peak, has reached the most prosperous time of beauty and life, and then loses its vitality little by little, withers and falls.。

“This is it for this life~~. Lin

Ke'er thought long and hard in her heart, her eyes blurred, and she sighed softly in her heart: "Although this life is not very good, after all, I have laughed, cried, and experienced a lot. It is better than experiencing nothing at all. Life must be much better.

Although no one may remember me, and no one will be sad for me, I still don’t regret living in this world.。”

“oh? "

Suddenly, next to the girl, an illusory and delicate figure appeared in this space, looking at the girl thoughtfully:

“He has a very strong desire to survive. He clearly feels that his mood has been defeated. He clearly feels that he is preparing to commit suicide. He clearly feels that his life is passing away, but he will not stop it. Under such circumstances, there is still such a strong desire to survive, hiss, it feels so unexpected. "

Yes, this illusory and delicate shadow refers to Ling Yun, who has a consciousness wandering in many spaces. At

this moment, she is looking at this pure flower in front of her, which is in a state of slow decay and ruin. Lin Ke'er raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing an interesting arc:

“It’s interesting, it’s really interesting, he’s actually a time traveler? Or is it a special time traveler from a parallel earth, let me see...

Well, the nine generations of good people, the supreme supervising gods, the reincarnation path available to me?

It turned out to be, turned out to be the arrangement of the existence of the hidden value? ! "

Ling Yun's eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, because she felt the aura of a terrifying existence from this Lin Ke'er. It was also the same supreme as her, but the level was even higher.。

“.But how could such a being let the means he arranged die in vain? "(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The investigation of Ling Yun aroused some confusion. She looked around to calculate the cause and effect, and saw the truth, but no matter how hard she searched, she could not find Duan Rui.。

(Okay?) It is obvious that in this situation, if she does not come, this girl named Lin Keer feels that she will die like this without leaving any back-up plan.。

“Hahaha, did you ask me to pick up a leak? "

Suddenly, Ling Yun found something, his eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't help but laugh: "

“It turned out that when He Ji was reborn on the Samsara Road, he was attacked by other beings before he had time to mark it? Good guy, this is really a failure! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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