Ling Yun, or the incarnation of this supreme existence, smiled coldly, and then the whole body began to break again, like a broken doll, gradually withering away.

In the end, only a shadow and a fragment at the core were left, and then the fragment slowly passed through a bright light and fell into the vast dark universe.

At the same time, I don’t know which plane world it is in, but there is a green and vast mansion.

The oppressed concubine was hiding alone in her own courtyard, washing clothes.

It may be that it is the transition between autumn and winter. Although it is not severely cold, the weather and water at this moment are also frighteningly cold.

Just after the soaking started, the little girl's hands were already red passively, but she had no choice but to point at the wall, grit her teeth, and persevere.

Because I have to persist, after all, now I only have this one intact piece of clothing...

Every time I think of this, a touch of sadness appears in the girl's shining eyes, not just simple sadness, but also a longing for the future. Confused and helpless。


the girl sighed softly, and the only bright eyes on her face dimmed. She lowered her head, and the three thousand black hair also hung down, covering the girl. Although it was a little gray, it could still be seen. She has a pure and delicate appearance.

Because she was ostracized by her family and her mother died of frailty at an early age without leaving any foundation, the life of a concubine was barely better than that of an ordinary maid. She even said that it was because of

herself Yes, her status is relatively high, but she does not have the level to match her height, so not only are people within the family ostracizing her, but even the maids and servants of the family daughter are oppressing her from time to time. Although she does not dare to step down because of status

issues She is ruthless, but it is good to use this opportunity to ridicule those who are higher in status than herself, and to use it to deceive herself and others for self-satisfaction. Therefore,

this concubine’s life can be said to be extraordinarily torturous. Don’t look at it. I just returned to my defense. On the way, someone deliberately splashed ink on her clothes and soiled her clothes.

And the concubine, who had no one to help her clean up, had to wash her clothes by herself in the cold winter.。

“But (bccb) evil, why, why do I live like this? I obviously should be more than that. "(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Keer, with tears in her eyes, glanced around with hazy eyes filled with hatred.

She really couldn't figure out how she ended up in such a scene. ?

Obviously in the first few years, my mother was still favored, and the so-called nominal father had not passed away. Although the family's power was not very great, it was considered a wealthy family in this place. Logically speaking, in this kind

of Under such circumstances, I finally came to this different world with the ability to practice, and I was born into such a wealthy family. Shouldn't I rise directly and become the protagonist of the world? How did it become like this?! That's right, Lin

Ke'er She is not just an ordinary concubine, but a time traveler。[]

In the previous life on earth, she was an ordinary young woman in the 21st century who died because she sacrificed her life to save others on the road.

But because of this, the so-called gods who supervise all things in the world in the parallel universe have a good impression. Her soul can be summoned at will, allowing her to choose reincarnation again.

It stands to reason that as long as you take the reincarnation path of the gods, your future development will definitely be good in any aspect. Your status, talent, luck, clan power, and even your future companions will definitely be the top people. .

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