Oh, yes, it doesn’t seem like they are all the same.

Liu Yueqing, who was complaining, looked quietly at the destined beauties around him, looking at those destined beauties who originated from the indigenous world and have now become so powerful that even he cannot compare with them.

What's more important is that in this category, the life of the destined beauty is extremely happy, and she is extremely connected and supportive of the Lord God, without any feeling of rejection.

What does this mean?

This means that the Lord God is completely different from the Ling Yun in front of him, as well as the same supreme and indescribable existences as Ling Yun!

“Maybe Ling Yun is right, she is a destined beauty... Although she always says that living in the Kingdom of God is restrictive and does not seem to be free.。-”

Liu Yueqing's eyes dimmed. It was somewhat helpless and bitter, when she learned that everyone these days lived in the Kingdom of God with the Lord God and almost never went out.

At that time, Liu Yueqing thought that this state was not free, even though they were powerful, although they were making rapid progress, and even though the Lord God was affectionate and caring about them.

But these destined beauties are never free on their own!

At that time, Liu Yueqing was so comforting to herself, but a series of situations that followed caused her to be slapped in the face, but she was still free.

The freedom of wool, there is no one in this world who has real freedom, whether they are travelers who are chess pieces, reincarnations, or those who are behind the scenes.

Even the invincible being who was the most powerful assembly of the main god space was beaten to death. People like them are just inheritors of inheritance. How can they have the face to say that they have achieved real greatness in this world? Are you free? !

So now Liu Yueqing can be said to be extremely envious of those destined beauties, and even some other thoughts suddenly arise in her heart.。

“No, no, how is this possible? "

It's just that when these other thoughts arose, Liu Yueqing slammed her head hard and threw them out of her mind.

For a traveler like her, it is impossible for a traveler like her to have companions or companions in the sky. There is such a thing as a partner. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although there are many travelers who cannot stand the temptations of various outside world, or they have suffered too much pressure during the journey. With tension, I go around looking for a place to vent, and I am very noisy when it comes to my partner.

Asking for flowers

is impossible for a traveler like Liu Yueqing, who truly understands the true meaning of travel and true freedom, to allow himself Such indulgence.

There will be no pressure or temptation because of this, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to understand the true meaning of travel and freedom. Therefore,

Liu Yueqing can be said to be blank in terms of feelings, although for countless years The experience and time of training made her think that her emotional training was rich, or it was true.

But in this situation, when the true meaning of freedom and lifelong pursuit were shattered, it was revealed When she expresses her most tender emotions and psychology.

Liu Yueqing really didn't dare to shake her psychology for a while, so when she first came across that idea, her first reaction was to resist.

However, subconsciously, After the resistance, Liu Yueqing also had quite strange emotions and feelings in his heart...

Người mua: sabmado

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