Chapter 778: Extreme Stealing Home? Terrifying Energy!


When they saw Patriarch and the others coming from the abyss, Heavenly Demon taught everyone to look over quickly, and their expressions were a little dignified. Could it be… Patriarch even wiped out the evil god of the ancient god cloud picture?

“Going back to the Heavenly Demon teaching, the secret forces of the ancient god cloud map…may have to attack the Heavenly Demon teaching!”

Ning Tian frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.


“Ancient God Yuntu… Have you tried Heavenly Demon?”

Heard this.

Heavenly Demon taught everyone’s face changed drastically.

And Ning Tian also emerged at this moment with the power of the space in his hand, a flash of cold light flashed in his hand, and a space portal also appeared here, but at this moment, suddenly the sky was…

A bright light emerged!

A roaring energy explosion sound resounded through the entire God’s Domain!


“what’s the situation!?”

“What a powerful force…”

at this moment.

Everyone felt that terrifying energy!

“This direction…”

“It’s the Heavenly Demon domain?!”


Ning Tian was stunned for a moment, then his face became a little dignified, and he opened the door of the space completely. This terrifying energy was indeed swept from the direction of the Heavenly Demon domain. It could sweep so far, and the power can be imagined. fear!

I am afraid…

The secret power of the ancient god cloud map has reached the Heavenly Demon domain!

And this force…

It may be the little guy in Luo Ruqing’s stomach!


“Hurry back to the Heavenly Demon domain with me!”

With a burst of shouts!

Everyone followed Ning Tian and rushed into the door of space!

Heavenly Demon domain.

half an hour earlier.

“I don’t know how the husband and the others are progressing.”

Heavenly Demon teaches Great Hall. Luo ruthlessly sits on the high seat, her beautiful eyes are full of worry. She strokes her belly a little uneasy. After Ning Tian and others left, she vaguely felt a little uneasy.

The reason for this anxiety is also unclear.

“Relentless, don’t worry too much.”


Su Yueyao comforted and said: “Now her husband has stepped into the rule of the ancient gods, and there are nine heavenly palaces with him, these powerful ancient gods Yuntu can’t help them.”


“We should have a good baby now. We can’t wait to see this little guy.”


Heard this.

Luo Ruqing could only nod his head and gently stroked the bulging belly, maybe… in a few months, she and her husband’s child will be born, right?

Thought of this.

A smile turned up at the corner of her mouth.

Luo Ruqing has changed a lot since she was pregnant, and that trace of maternal love has also emerged.


“Where is my mother?”

Luo ruthlessly looked around.

“Aunt Luo said to get you some nourishing soup, she will immediately…” Su Yueyao chuckled, but before she could finish her words, a terrifying shock suddenly struck towards the Great Hall. !

“Be careful, ruthless!”


For an instant.

This terrifying power directly blasted on the Heavenly Demon Hall, and the magnificent Heavenly Demon Hall collapsed at this moment!

And this movement also attracted the attention of everyone in the Heavenly Demon domain!

“The Empress!”

“Holy Lord!?”

When seeing the Heavenly Demon Hall turned into a ruin, everyone in the Heavenly Demon domain changed a lot, and a panic flashed in their eyes. The empress was still pregnant, who would dare to be so presumptuous! ?

“We are fine.”

One place in the sky.

Luo’s ruthless and cold voice sounded, and two beautiful shadows stepped out of the void.

The two of them were also ancient Chaos God-level powerhouses anyway, and there was a reaction that they dodged before the Heavenly Demon Hall collapsed.


“get out.”

Luo looked ruthlessly at the sky, frowning, she was not worried about what would happen to her, and now her heart was on the child in her belly, and the child must not have an accident!

“Ha ha…”

“As expected to be the female emperor taught by Heavenly Demon, the reaction speed is really amazing.”

On the sky.

A sneer sounded.


Dozens of figures appeared in the eyes of everyone in the Heavenly Demon domain!

“Dozens of ancient gods strong?”

When feeling these dozens of inadvertent horror auras, the hearts of everyone in the Heavenly Demon domain suddenly sank. Although there are still strong people in the Heavenly Demon domain, most of the strong people follow the ancestors to destroy the ancient gods. NS!

“This is…”

“The ancient gods of the West Desolate Star Territory? What do you want to do?”

On the sky.

Old Ancestor Burning frowned to look at these dozens of auras, frowning, among them… but there are several powerhouses who dominate the ancient gods.

“Old ancestors, they don’t represent the West Desolate Star Territory now, but… the people of the ancient gods!”

At this time.

Luo Wei also appeared above the sky, and Liu frowned slightly. He glanced at the ruins below, and suddenly looked a little ugly. These people from the ancient gods cloud map dare to attack her daughter!

It’s just looking for death!

“It turns out to be the inner ghost of the Ancient God Yuntu!”

The burning eyebrows of Old Ancestor Burning were already frowned.

“I don’t want my house… Is this a forced change of house?” Zhu Yuanbao’s expression was a little ugly, not only his face was ugly, but the entire Heavenly Demon domain was worried.

The powerhouses in the Heavenly Demon domain have all left with the Patriarch!


Can you resist dozens of ancient gods just by relying on them?

The ancient god cloud map is to change the limit one by one?


“Don’t talk nonsense, first destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect, then there is still a chance! As long as the ancient gods open the abyss and release the evil gods, there will be a chance for everything!” The only ancient god left in this group of ancient gods clouded coldly. .


All this is the plan of the ancient gods.

They used part of the ancient gods to steal the Heavenly Demon’s home, and they only needed to release the abyss, they would be able to withstand the attack of Ning Tian and others, and by then, they would not only have no loss, but they would even be able to teach Heavenly Demon. Cause a fatal blow!


Obviously, they miscalculated.

And these ancient gods don’t know yet.



For an instant.

Dozens of ancient gods on the sky have launched an attack!

In the face of this level of power, the disciples taught by Heavenly Demon did not have any chance at all. In the face of the ancient gods, they were just ants!

Only Luo Wei and others are the only ones who are really capable of confrontation!

“Ancestor, you and the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox will work with me to deal with these ancient gods… Yue Yao, you are ruthlessly guarding.” Luo Wei looked solemn and her face was a bit ugly, but at this moment, she could only assign this way.


Hearing this, Old Ancestor Fen Tian and Nine-Tailed Tianhu nodded.


In addition to the two women, the Heavenly Demon domain has only three ancient gods, two dominates, and one supreme.



But dozens of ancient gods!


“Will we be as you wish?”


This is just Luo Wei’s assignment, the people of the ancient god cloud map… naturally know who the real goal is!

For an instant.

Five masters of the ancient gods surrounded Luo Wei and the three.

And the other more than ten ancient chaos gods and one ruling ancient god are already heading towards the two women. Darkness is shrouded in them, that is… the breath of chaos…


“Heavenly Demon teaches Patriarch to lose his wife and son… Then what will happen to him?”

A joking flashed in the eyes of the ancient god, who looked at the two women.

[I owe a change, make it up tomorrow, and… I said it won’t be unfinished, I said it might end at the end of May… but I didn’t say it must be over… I didn’t say it would be over after the end of May… I said it, the plot ends normally after the plot is written, do you understand… hey]

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