Chapter 601 The land of demons, mysterious things.

“This is…”

“The core of life?”

Seeing the green spinning energy in Ning Tian’s hand and feeling the rich life force in it, Taoist Samsara and Nine Phoenix Demon God couldn’t help being a little moved, and a faint light flashed in their eyes.


“With the core of life, your Dao domain will be able to return to its peak one day.”

Ning Tian nodded slightly, and then passed the Life Core in his hand.


Looking at the core of life in his hand, Samsara looked solemn, without a word for a long time, and in the end, a thousand words were less than a thank you.

“Thanks, Ning Tian.”

“It’s okay.”

Ning Tian waved his hand slightly. The old Dao man was also on the same front with him. If the Dao domain becomes stronger, it also means that his power is strong, and this is what he is happy to see.

“Thank you, such a great kindness, my Daoyu will never forget it forever.”

Samsara Tao Shen did not speak too much, thank you again.


He knew the intention of Ning Tian’s move, and in his words, he also expressed the meaning of own, which is unforgettable for life…


Ning Tian chuckled. Smart people can often agree on goals without too much words. Then he patted Samsara on the shoulder: “Old man, bury this core of life in the center of the Tao. After stimulating Spiritual Qi, don’t worry about him.”


Samsara Taoist put away the core of life.

“Then, you can enjoy the two-person world with Jiufeng senior. If your health is not good, I still have some invaluable medicine here. For the sake of getting acquainted with each other, the original price of 30 million, I will I’ll give you a discount, one 300 million will do, it’s not expensive.”

The corner of Ning Tian’s mouth raised a joking gesture and looked at the two of them.

“Well, my god knows… eh? Brat, what are you talking about.”

“Also, you kid, 30 million sells the original god for 300 million, are you kidding me?”

Tao God Samsara nodded subconsciously, but quickly reacted, her old face couldn’t help but stared at Ning Tian, ​​and the Nine Phoenix Demon God on the side was also a little embarrassed.

“Ah ha ha.”

“how do you know?”

Ning Tian laughed and joked again.

Then, under the gazes of the three of Ning Tian, ​​Samsara Taoist God led the Nine Phoenix Demon God toward the center of the Taoist area.

“This old man is imaginary at first sight.”

Ning Tian looked at the direction the two were leaving, and couldn’t help but say.

“Oh? Don’t you, husband?” Aside, hearing this, Su Yueyao couldn’t help but giggled and licked her red lips, while those glaring eyes fell on Ning Tian, ​​full of provocation.

“Provoking her husband will add to the crime.”

Ning Tian touched his chin, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, silently remembering it.

It seems that this little wife owes her discipline.

“Let’s go.”

“My wife, lead the way. It’s time for us to do something serious, too.”

Ning Tian stretched out and looked at the two women with a smile.

Don’t get me wrong, what he said is the most serious thing.


Luo ruthlessly looked indifferent, his pretty face was slightly cold, and he nodded slightly.

“Husband, come with me.”

After dozens of minutes.

In a canyon in the Dao Domain, the place is barren, and countless magic mists are faintly visible. When the three of them stepped into this place, they could hear a strange whistling sound from the deepest.

“Husband, here is the weirdness we found.”

Luo Ruqing jade pointed a little, a flame of Spiritual Qi shredded the magic mist in front of him, and a path leading straight to the deepest point emerged.

“There have been signs of excavation here. If it is not what I expected, the entire canyon should have been dug out.” Ning Tian frowned slightly, looking around the canyon, and said slowly.

“Oh, you guessed it.”

Su Yueyao smiled and nodded: “According to my ruthless inference, this place should have been dug up by the Red Flame Demon with an army of the Demon Race, but the canyon was just dug out, and the Taoist Samsara killed it before he had time to view it.”

“If you say that, it will be cheaper for us, let’s go.”

Ning Tian chuckled and headed towards that path first, followed by the two women.

The three figures rushed towards the canyon below, and the magic mist couldn’t get close to the three of them in the slightest.

This path leads directly to the center of the canyon, and the more it goes into it, the magic mist becomes denser. At first, the two girls could disperse the magic mist through Spirit Power and Monster Qi, but at the deepest point, the magical energy became denser. It’s already beyond the range that the two women can disperse.

But fortunately, with Ning Tian, ​​these devilish auras couldn’t hinder them too much.


The three of them entered the center of the canyon, and the dark demon energy around it turned into a sea of ​​demon energy, covering the surrounding area, bringing a burst of terrifying demon energy pressure, but there was a piece of land in the middle.

When the three of Ning Tian stepped into it, the surrounding Demon Sea instantly rioted, rushing towards the three of Ning Tian, ​​and it was also at this time that Ning Tian’s devilish energy surged, and he faintly spit out the word: “Fuck.”


At that moment, the devil qi surging around was like a bird with a frightened bow, and was frightened by the devil qi in Ning Tian and fled.

Seems fierce as a tiger, but in fact a group of counselors.

After all, after absorbing the residual demon energy of the Little Demon Region a few days ago, and the heart of the Demon Race got the Ascension, the ordinary demon energy coercion has no effect on Ning Tian.

“Let’s go.”

With a single word, the surrounding devilish energy was turned away. After Ning Tian said casually, he walked towards the land in the demon sea with the two women.

It seems that all mysteries… are hidden on it.

“Husband, look.”

When the three of them stepped into the heart of the canyon, Luo Ruoqing soon found out. She looked at one place with a dignified look in her beautiful eyes.

Hearing this, Ning Tian and Su Yueyao’s eyes fell one after another.

I saw it.

In front of the three of them, a black beam of light emerged, and if you look closely, you can find that there is an unknown object floating in the dark beam of light, and the vague surrounding magical energy is like All are radiated from this unknown thing.

“This is?”

Su Yueyao frowned, and a hint of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

“Look in the past and you will know what it is.”

Ning Tian raised his eyebrows, and after a casual comment, he walked towards the dark beam, and the two women followed him.

Walked to the beam of light.

The three of them saw the approximate appearance of the unknown object in the beam. It was a fist-sized, square-shaped magic seal, and the surrounding magic energy was revealed from this magic seal.

“What a strong devilish energy.”

Even Ning Tian couldn’t help sighing the devilish energy emanating from the magic seal in the pitch-black light beam.

did not expect…

This kind of thing with a strong devilish energy can be found in such a place.

It seems that this magic seal is predestined with him.

A gleam of light flashed in Ning Tian’s eyes, and he raised his hand, and a cloud of devilish gas swelled above his arm, and he wanted to reach out and grab the devil mark.

But at this moment…

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