Chapter 494 Stop time, flow by itself!

“Since you can’t stack countless times in a short time, then… let the time slow down!” Ning Tian muttered to himself with a flash of light in his eyes, while the golden light of the law of time flowed on him.

“Wife, you help me buy some time, let me give this old bastard one last blow!”

After making up his mind, Ning Tian shouted.


Luo Wuqing and Su Yueyao both nodded their heads, their beautiful eyes flashed with cold light, and the power and laws of the demigods were running. The song of death stopped and bloomed again, and not far away, the sound of the death bell continued to ring!

“Give you time? Ridiculous!”

When the deep voice of the Netherworld Black Tortoise sounded, even the surrounding sea water roared. Hundreds of imperial ships of the Promise God Dynasty not far away were instantly hit, and suddenly overturned an unknown number of ships.

The shocked Emperor Wuji quickly backed away with a group of people.

“This sea beast is so powerful!”

“Ning fellow daoist can they really deal with it?”

Emperor Wuji had a solemn expression, and his face was a little ugly. Such a huge and powerful sea beast lurked in the endless sea. They Wuji God Dynasty didn’t even know it, it was a potential danger!

“Could it be…”

“Is it Ning fellow daoist to kill harm in the name of fellow daoist?”

Emperor Wuji frowned.

If so, Ning fellow daoist is really a good person.


What he didn’t know was that he would rather just want to replenish his body.

Not far away, the Spiritual Qi surged, and the two women kept moving towards the Nether Black Tortoise, performing gorgeous and harmful moves, which were much stronger than Ning Buxu’s less harmful but highly insulting moves.

Even the Netherworld Black Tortoise had to be treated with caution.


“I hope my guess is no problem.”

Ning Tian took a deep breath. The golden light was flowing all over his body. He seemed to be able to hear the ticking sound. It was…the time of heaven and earth was jumping. He muttered to himself: “Years…Quicksand!”

boom! !

The sound falls instantly!

A roar resounded again, and then a huge clock appeared behind Ning Tian, ​​and the surrounding world began to lose its color and became gray, and everything seemed to stop!


It’s not stopping, it’s moving slowly!

The world is gray, only Ning Tian is colored, and only his time is flowing!

Years of quicksand.

It is not others’ time that is lost, but his. The outside world is not affected by the quicksand of the years, but only himself. Ning Tian’s time in the realm of the quicksand will be released in an instant!


“Quicksand these years is a Realm skill!”

Seeing everything around him, Ning Tian was stunned for a moment, and soon reacted, sacrificing his own time in exchange for a powerful attack is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.

But at the moment, there is no choice!

“Host, this system Friendly Reminder, the time you can stay in the quicksand of the years is one month.” At this time, the system’s reminder in my mind also sounded.

“One month?”

Ning Tian raised his brows.

System: “Yes, the realm skills of the quicksand of the years will accompany your understanding of the law of time and Ascension!”

“That’s it, I understand.”

Ning Tian nodded slightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes. This is definitely an ultra-heaven-defying method. If the law of time is strong, then he will be invincible in retreat in the quicksand of the years?


This is only based on a strong enough comprehension of the law of time!


Solve this old bastard first!


Ning Tian took a deep breath, and then… Spiritual Qi surged out. All the methods Ning Tian had learned all his life kept showing at this moment, and then they were superimposed again and again!

Superimpose skill cards!


“One month!”

“With my speed, my spirit sea is exhausted, enough to use every skill one hundred thousand times!”

A confident smile appeared at the corner of Ning Tian’s mouth.

At this moment, his methods are endless!

One hundred thousand Sword intent, one hundred thousand wind thunder palm, one hundred thousand Kagura… etc.

Condensation was completed 100,000 times in the blink of an eye, and the surrounding world began to regain its color. Ning Tian’s expression was a bit weak, and all his skills exploded for a month, even he was a bit weak.

The Realm of the quicksand of the years dissipated.

However, for the outside world, it is just a few breaths.


At this moment, Ning Tian had a shaggy beard and his hair grew a lot.

This is enough to show that his time in the quicksand of the years has indeed passed a month, which indirectly proves the horror of the realm in the quicksand of the years!


There was a roar, accompanied by the sound of chains.

“No, it’s time to rule Dao Guo!” The black air flow on Su Yueyao’s jade flute passed, and she could perceive the force that was so familiar to her that it was quickly receding in her body at this moment!

“It’s okay!”

“Still not afraid of it, and delaying time for your husband!”

The clock behind Luo Ruqing shattered. In an instant, her aura was weakened a lot, but she was still strong. Her cold eyes fell on Nether Black Tortoise, her pretty face was cold, without a trace of fear.


“You’re right, ruthless, it’s nothing more than a bastard.”

Su Yueyao giggled, and several pieces of fairy music emerged from behind, and yelled softly: “Humph! Today, I will give this old bastard the end!”


Not far away, Bai Liu, who was holding the dead clock, froze for a moment, blinked, and looked confused: “Send the clock? Why do you send me? (╬▔^▔)”

“Ha ha!”

Nether Black Tortoise laughed, the sea vibrated, and the killing intent flowed in those red eyes, looking at the two women: “Your power has disappeared, haha, now is our chance!”

at this time.

A cold drink sounded.

“Baby! Do you dare to touch my wife?”

“court death?”

Ning Tian looked at Netherworld Black Tortoise, with a killing intent in his eyes, holding a light ball in his hand, and violent energy flowing on the light ball.


“Are you planning to perform some tricks on this seat that are not very harmful, but extremely insulting?”

Nether Black Tortoise sneered.

“Is it?”

Ning Tian’s mouth raised a nuclear-sound smile, playing with the light ball in his hand, thinking in his heart whether to braise the old man’s eighth in soy sauce or steam it, and then he looked at the two women: “My wife, thank you all. You guys step back! I’m going to start pretending… I’m going to kill you!”


Upon hearing this, the two women nodded and looked at each other, both backing away.

They didn’t ask too much, they knew in their hearts that if their husbands dare to say, then they can do it!


Upon seeing this, the Netherworld Black Tortoise became even more contemptuous. It didn’t believe it. This kind of low-injury and extremely insulting move can really shake it? How could it be, it’s completely whimsical!


“The Patriarch has done it!”

Not far away, Emperor Wuji and other Wuji gods and hundreds of officials held their breath, watching this scene, Patriarch…Finally, he is about to do it!

“One attack may be useless, but…what about one hundred thousand?”

Ning Tian showed a smile, and his figure looked like a ghost. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of the huge body of Netherworld Black Tortoise and looked at the red python on his back. The light ball in his hand burst into violent energy at this moment!

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