Chapter 492: The Song of Stopping Death, God Panic!

On Luo’s ruthless body, a golden light circulated. This is the power of the law of time, while Su Yueyao chose the law of death. The black air enveloped Yuxiao, desolate and graceful, making the difference!

Swallowing Dao Guo but in the blink of an eye, the raging waves are already falling!

“Human ants, annihilate in the fury of this seat!” Nether Black Tortoise’s red eyes fell on Ning Tian’s body, his tone was full of manic killing intent, controlling the waves of the sky, and smashing towards Ning Tian Come!

Invisible sea water, condensed into thousands of sharp blades, condensed here!


“Hurt my husband, do you have the qualifications?”

A sneer arc was set off at the corner of Luo Ruqing’s mouth, and her beautiful eyes were full of indifference. She raised her hand, and the golden light circulated in her hand, bringing a completely different momentum toward the smashing wave!


“The power of this little girl… is so strange, it just became clear that it didn’t!”

Netherworld Black Tortoise was stunned for a moment, but the murderous intent of those red eyes did not dissipate.

Tick… Tick!

When Luo Ruqing Jade waved his hand and the golden light in his hand flowed along with the movement, a large golden light array suddenly appeared behind her, and then a phantom appeared, that was… a clock?


Vaguely, you can hear the ticking of bells.

“The waves… stop this emperor!”

Luo ruthlessly yelled coldly, and her jade hand shook, even if she became a powerhouse in the semi-god realm, she still liked the term empress.


The golden light formation behind her slammed, and the rotating clock stopped abruptly!



The waves that hit came to an abrupt end, without a trace, even the scattered drops of sea water stopped.

For an instant.

The kilometer-long wave, like a stone statue, froze in place!


“The law of time?”

“What a comprehension, I can stop the attack of this seat!”

In the deep sea, there was an exclamation of the Netherworld Black Tortoise. It seemed that it did not expect that Luo Ruqing would actually master the rules of heaven and earth, and could stop its attacks all the time!


“It’s not over yet!”

Su Yueyao put the jade flute in her red lips, and then gently blew it. It was originally in the sea, but at this moment, Luo ruthlessly ran the law of time, forcibly stopped the time and allowed the sea to freeze, and Ning Tian also took the opportunity to blow it out!


The surrounding sea is empty!

For the first time, Silent Sea Abyss has no sea water!

A tragic song, the jade flute plays music, the death song whispers!


The law of Death drives the music, and a song of death is played. The waves turn into nothingness in an instant, not broken, but the black currents are turned and corroded, and even the seawater is deprived of life, turning into nothingness and disappearing!

“The Law of Death!?”

Nether Black Tortoise’s heart sank.

what happened?

When did the rules of heaven and earth become so easy to comprehend?

Could it be that when it was sleeping, the entire Profound Sky World changed?

“Host, your two wives are really the sweethearts of heaven! The rules you just started are so vivid in their hands!” In his mind, the system sighed.

“That is, don’t look at whose wife it is.”

Ning Tianxiao Tsundere snorted, patriarch’s wife, can it be normal?

The system sighed: “I knew I had chosen them at the beginning, and this system will definitely be able to achieve success by choosing them.”

Ning Tian’s mouth twitched: “Shut up.”

“Human ants, this game has to admit that you have a bit of strength, but that’s it. If it weren’t for this damn lock of heaven and earth, you can only let this seat display one-tenth of your strength, otherwise you will all die!”

In the deep sea, there was the unwilling voice of Netherworld Black Tortoise.

As the overlord of the endless sea, it was actually played by a few semi-god human races, which is simply a shame for it!

“One-tenth of the strength?”

Hearing this, Luo Wuqing and Su Yueyao were both shocked in their hearts, and their beautiful eyes instantly became a little more solemn.

This is a bachelor of thousands of years, and his strength is really extraordinary!

“Heaven and earth lock?”

Hearing this, Ning Tian was stunned for a moment. Although he didn’t know what was the use of this thing, but…he came to a point, and a gentle smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth: “It’s okay to be locked.”

“Today, the ancestor will teach you a truth, take your life when you are sick!”

After receiving this news, Ning Tian didn’t sigh the power of Netherworld Black Tortoise at the first time, but was thinking of a way to kill this old bastard!

Anyway, it is weakened by the lock of heaven and earth. It will not go up at this time, and when will it go up?

“Wife, fuck it!”

“Take this old bastard, we will eat bastard meat and bawl tonight!” A fierce light flashed in Ning Tian’s eyes, running the [Deep Diving] skill, and the Chixiao Sword in his hand emerged, bringing a burst of unquenchable. Flame, rush to the giant shadow in the deep sea!

Kendo, palm, fist, music, etc. are operating at this moment, and the power of the rules of heaven and earth is also released without mercy!

At this moment, Ning Tian turned on all his skills, and his goal was directed at this bastard!


Luo Ruqing and Su Yueyao nodded their heads and followed together.

Aside, Bai Liu finally eased from the dizziness. Watching Ning Tian and the others rushed forward, she did not follow, but stroking the death clock lightly and attacking as a backstop. After all, she had no physical body and the form of her soul body was too fragile.

“court death!”

In the deep sea, crimson suddenly appeared!

The angry voice of Nether Black Tortoise caused the entire endless sea to riot!

Promise God Dynasty.

In the Great Hall.


“Emperor… the emperor is not good!”

A hurried voice sounded from outside the Great Hall, and then a panicked civil servant ran in from outside the Great Hall. He was sweating coldly and looked at Emperor Wuji on the Great Hall.


“What’s so alarming?”

“Could it be… the Dragon General accidentally demolished the house again?”

Di Wuji frowned and looked at this civil official, with a trace of puzzlement in his eyes. Within a few days, Long Jiang suddenly became reckless, and all kinds of carelessness caused the house to collapse.

Provoked many civil and military officials, various complaints.

“Do not…”


The civil official shook his head vigorously, with a panic expression: “It’s Poseidon Port… There is an accident in Poseidon Port, and a major event has occurred in the endless sea. The waves are surging, not because the fishermen are evacuated, but… Poseidon Port is still flooded!”

“Simply, the residents of Poseidon Port were evacuated in time, so there were no casualties.”


“what happened?”

Hearing these words, Di Wuji’s expression stunned, and he suddenly became serious.

“It’s the endless sea… something happened in the endless sea! Some people even witnessed the thousands of meters high waves, and many sea beasts and sea monsters fled in all directions! Even… some people even saw a behemoth!”

“There are still a few figures, fighting that behemoth!”

“It’s incredible!”

The civil officer was very excited, he had never seen such a big scene in his entire life!

“Monster? How many figures are there?” Di Wuji was taken aback for a moment, his brows furrowed tightly, and a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes.

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