Chapter 453: Strong One Hundred Million Points, Sisters Are of One Heart!

That man is back again!

A group of Heavenly Demon disciples opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were full of excitement. At this moment, they felt that their own faith was back again!

“Brother, senior, who is that man?”

A new junior sister blinked her big eyes, and looked a little curiously at the young man holding the empress above the sky. Why would his appearance make the senior brothers and sisters so happy on weekdays?

“Little Junior Sister, that man is the Patriarch.”

“It’s the religion of Heavenly Demon, and even the entire Heavenly Spirit Realm. You just came out of the mountain and you don’t know anything, Patriarch, but a legend!”

Aside, Senior Brother Heavenly Demon said with a smile, his gaze fell on the sky youth, full of enthusiasm.


The little junior girl stared at her beautiful eyes and muttered to herself, as if there was a small deer running around in her heart, the girl was not cherishing the spring, and she suddenly had a lot of associations in her heart.

“Everyone, it’s been a long time.”

“I am back.”

Above the sky, Ning Tianqing relaxedly Kailuo ruthlessly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at everyone, and the aura from his body disappeared, and the smiling face appeared in front of everyone.

“How do I feel, Patriarch has become handsome again?”


“Just a little bit more handsome than my Zhu Yuanbao.”


“However, Patriarch is also a ruthless person, he is green himself.”

Below, the sound of exclamation kept ringing.

[You shocked Zhu Yuanbao. 】

[You are shocked too much Elder. 】

[You shocked the Lord of the Kingdom of God. 】


[The host achieves the achievement, greens himself, and rewards being strong with billions of points! 】

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.


Hearing this voice, Ning Tian’s mouth twitched and fell silent.


When did you green yourself?

Is that not your fantasy?

and also……

What the hell is this being so strong!

The system is serious: “A little bit stronger, the host’s mind will become stronger, so that you can be invincible, and then… I’m sorry that this system can’t be compiled (laughs).”


The corners of Ning Tian’s mouth twitched fiercely.

“By the way, did you just make up a lot of colorful things in your brain?” Ning Tian showed a kind smile and looked down at Elder and the others.

Seeing this smile, too, Elder and the others were stunned for a moment, and my heart suddenly became fuzzy!

Something’s wrong!

Why is Patriarch laughing so wrong! ?

“Grandmaster smiles so kindly.” On the side, Zhu Yuanbao still didn’t understand the seriousness of the matter, and looked at Ning Tian: “Yes, too much. Elder, they said, Grandmaster, you just got green, what a poor man.”


Hearing this, Ning Tian smiled even more kindly.


“Tianbao Holy Lord, I suggest your holy son to strengthen IQ reform!”

“What kind of son? I don’t have a son in Tianbao, Sacred Land.”


Too much Elder and others are crazy.


“I haven’t seen it for half a year. There doesn’t seem to be any Ascension for the strength of several people?” On the sky, Ning Tian looked at everyone with a smile. ”


Hearing this, the corners of everyone’s lips twitched, and they wanted to cry without tears.


I thought everyone was a genius like you.

In half a year, still want Ascension?


Ning Tian looked at Luo ruthlessly, and said with a chuckle: “Okay, wife, I think you should have a lot of questions, let’s go, let’s go to the Heavenly Demon Hall and talk slowly.”


Luo Ruoqing’s head lightly tapped and gave a cold hmm.

In the Great Hall.

The old acquaintances in the Heavenly Spirit Realm were all seated, and their eyes all fell on Ning Tian.

And they also discovered a new face, standing next to Su Yueyao, quietly holding the dead bell Bai Liu.

“Wife, you must not have thought of it. Actually, I came back a few days ago, and…” In the Great Hall, Ning Tian smiled at Luo Ruqing and said slowly.


The words are not over yet.

Just being interrupted by Luo ruthlessly, her cold voice sounded.

“Furthermore, you went to drove out those extraterritorial forces.”


Hearing this, Ning Tian was stunned for a moment.



“It turns out that the enemy Zhu Yuanbao said is the Patriarch?”

Everyone was shocked.


Aside, Zhu Yuanbao turned sideways, whistling casually.

“Hi, wife, how did you know, could it be that you read the script?” Ning Tian frowned, feeling something wrong.


Luo Ruqing shook his head slightly, “Yue Yao told me.”



Ning Tian was silent for a moment, and looked at Su Yueyao who was aside.


He was stabbed in the back by his little wife!

It’s over.

This is a time in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, where wives and wives will unite the front?

At this time, Su Yueyao also looked at him, giggled, and spit out a little fragrant tongue at him playfully, “Husband, there is no other way. The moment we entered the Heavenly Spirit Realm, we were ruthlessly aware of it. arrive.”

Su Yueyao spread out her hands.

Hearing this, Ning Tian shook his head helplessly.

It seems that the strength of his wife is a lot of Ascension.

He deliberately chose a place farthest from Heavenly Demon’s teaching to appear. Unexpectedly, he still couldn’t escape Luo’s ruthless perception.

Although part of the reason is related to the small area of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it is also related to Luo’s ruthless strength, Ascension.

[You shocked everyone. 】

[Reward the devil training card. 】

[Devil training card: start training, ascension strength, lead everyone to cultivate at the same time, everyone cultivation speed is twice Ascension, host cultivation speed Ascension five times, everyone cultivation Spiritual Qi can deny the host, the more the number, the more denies. 】


Hearing the system’s voice, Ning Tian raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at everyone with a slightly deep look in his eyes.


Suddenly, Taishang Elder and the others trembled, and felt bad in their hearts. The Patriarch is true and kind!

“But Patriarch, although you drove them away, will these people regret it and take revenge together?” At this time, the Lord of the Kingdom of God frowned, as if thinking of something.

Hearing this, Taishang Elder and others also frowned.

Patriarch drove these extraterritorial forces away, it was really cool, but would this cause bad things?

“What did I drive away?”

“I didn’t do it, it was the Blood Demon domain, and it was made by the one-eyed demon. What does it have to do with me?”

Ning Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked innocent.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Then, Ning Tian slowly explained everything he had done.

A few minutes later.


“High, really high! Worthy of being Patriarch, this method is really powerful.”

“Haha, I have the honor to experience Patriarch’s methods.” On the side, the Lord of the Kingdom of God said proudly.


“Lord, your hat is crooked.”


“I don’t have a hat.”

The Lord of the Kingdom of God looked dumbfounded.

Aside, in the Great Hall, Luo’s ruthless beautiful eyes always fell on Ning Tian, ​​with a curved corner of his mouth, and he murmured: “This guy is really…like it.”

[Jump stage, the plot may be a little bit more daily. 】

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