Chapter 359 Strange night, people are not as good as lions?


Starry, a full moon hung high.

The rooms are in the courtyard.

The flames arose, and a pot was standing in the fire, and the pot was steaming and fragrant.


“You Qin, your craftsmanship is much better than that of Zhu Yuanbao.”

Ning Tian picked up a piece of horse meat from the pot and put it in his mouth, enjoying it.


Youqin smiled, eating horsemeat and drinking small wine, her small face was already flushed a lot, “That is, don’t look at who taught Fatty’s cooking skills, my Youqin stewed horsemeat, It is definitely number one in the world!”

“Haha, eat!”

Ning Tian laughed.

Seeing the two men leaning on their shoulders, drinking small wine and eating horse meat, Yue Ling on the side looked at them with a smile, and softly reminded: “Eat slowly, don’t choke.”


You Qin patted her chest, with a smug expression: “Senior sister, don’t worry, I’m a cultivation person, how could I choke…cough.”


Before he finished speaking, he was beaten in the face.

“Cough cough cough.”

“Come on, take a drink.”

Ning Tian smiled and passed a glass of spirits.

You Qin disagreed, took it in one mouthful, and suddenly took a big mouthful, and was choked again.

“Master, you!”

“Ha ha!”

Ning Tian laughed.

It’s rare to have this kind of leisure time, so it’s natural to relax.

“Ah, ah! Patriarch, you are good or bad!”

Youqin was choked by the strong alcohol, and couldn’t help but sigh, and then glared at the Fengyan Lion King: “Also, the lion must not laugh at me, otherwise, I will secretly take you to the kitchen for a walk. !”


The voice of the Flame Lion King stopped abruptly.

It looked at the horse meat in the pot, then at the fat on its own body, and fell silent.

Seeing this scene, the three couldn’t help laughing.

Yue Ling couldn’t help but smile, looking at the ancestor close at hand, her heart trembled slightly, she couldn’t help but murmured: “Actually…that’s it, it’s also good, the confidante…and it’s good…”

A pot of horse meat, a small wine.

The three of them drank for several hours.

At night, it got even darker.

“These two guys…” Looking at the two girls who were a little drunk, Ning Tian couldn’t help but shook his head, and said to them: “You two live on the peak of the Misty Mountain? I will send you back.”


“I want to sleep with Patriarch!”

You Qin muttered in confusion.

Hearing that, Ning Tiandao didn’t take it seriously, shook his head helplessly, and simply followed them.

He didn’t have any thoughts about the two women. What’s more, he didn’t intend to fall asleep, he had time to sleep, it would be better to cultivate.

After all, it’s not sleeping with my wife~


Ning Tian picked up the two girls at random, and the flushed faces of the two girls seemed to be more rosy.

Entering the room, closing the door, put the two women on the bed.

Ning Tian cultivated in the room alone.

This made the two women who were very mindful and thoughtful were a little disappointed, and it was okay to hug them without asking the ancestor to pick up the gun.



It was midnight.

Ning Tian was cultivating alone, and the two women twisted and squeezed, lying on the bed unable to sleep.


At this time, outside the door.

There were waves of knocks on the door.

Ning Tian furrowed his brows, it’s all this point, who else will come?

He slowly withdrew from the cultivation state and looked out the door, under the moonlight, there seemed to be a shadow!

“Huh? Who is it?”

He asked.

“Master ~ I, I want to discuss the relationship between locks and keys.”


“The connection between the lock and the key, sister, what does that mean?” The two women hiding in the bed secretly pricked their ears and listened.

After hearing this, You Qin’s face was blank.

But Yue Ling blushed all of a sudden, and her face, who was already drunk, became even more red, and she was really cute.

After all, she is also a girl who understands in seconds.

“Shhh, don’t talk, you don’t understand the best.” She groaned, waiting for the answer from the ancestor.

“No time.”

Ning Tian just said lightly.

His brows frowned, how did this scene seem familiar? It seems that I have experienced this in Yaochi. Are these girls just like wolves and tigers?


Sure enough, as he had guessed.

Throughout the middle of the night, a phantom female disciple came over, trying to attack him at night!


We were all rejected by our righteous patriarch!

This made the two women hiding in the bed couldn’t help but sigh. They didn’t expect that their ethereal female disciples were… all so bold!

After a while.

No one seems to be coming.

The two women in the bed breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Tian was also ready to enter the cultivation state again.

However, good fortune makes people.

The graceful voice sounded again.

“Master, are you asleep?”

The voice sounded, the graceful realm, softly turned to listen.


“Senior Sister! Senior Sister! This is Senior Sister Tianxiang! I didn’t expect even her!”

In the bed.

You Qin looked excited, as if she had discovered a new world.


Yue Ling raised her brow slightly, a little surprised.

Senior Sister Tianxiang is the famous ice beauty of their ethereal sect. Didn’t expect that this kind of ice beauty would be difficult to resist the charm of the ancestor?


Ning Tian said lightly.


Outside the door, Tianxiang froze for a while, but he knew it, turned around and left.

It’s just that she can’t understand.

Why is the Patriarch indifferent when she is sent to the door by such a beauty?

“What a strange person.”

She murmured, turned into a fragrant wind and left.


Ning Tian sighed slightly. Is it a mistake to be handsome?

“Damn, you go out and guard the gate.”

Ning Tian gave a command to the Sealed Flame Lion King on the side.

At this moment, the Flame Sealed Lion King still looked like a cute pet before. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he heard this. It finally didn’t study the words to make a resolution, and wanted to sleep with the two girls.

But the master’s order, I have to follow it.


It roared and ran outside the door.

Inside the room.

This is much quieter.

Ning Tian continued to cultivate, and the two women gradually became sleepy under the spirit wine.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

When Ning Tian withdrew from the cultivation state, he saw the two women on the bed slumbering very sleepy.

Those white legs…

Sure enough, the early morning scenery is good.

Adhering to the principle of seeing no evil, Ning Tian silently pulled the bed up for the two women.


I stretched my waist and prepared to ask Ni Hongyi where Sect is.

open the door.

“Shall, what are you? What have you experienced?”

Ning Tian frowned when he saw the Flame Sealed Lion King outside the door.

Because, he saw, the Flame Sealed Lion King was still asleep, but all its hair was covered with red lips!

Nothing is good, and at this moment, it seems to have a look of enjoyment.

This is……

Does a man live better than a lion?

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