Chapter 336 Mysterious Immortal Mountain, Patriarch, please!

“Heaven Sacred Pool.”

Queen Mother Xi’s beautiful eyes flashed with a gleam, looked at the two of them, and said slowly.

“It is said that the Heavenly Sacred Pool was transformed by a drop of Blood Essence from a great celestial body. It has survived to this day and still maintains its divinity. This kind of sacred pool can not only dispel the gods and demons totems from Patriarch you, but also Ascension Patriarch yours. Celestial body.”

Sacred pool?

Transformed by a drop of Blood Essence of Dachengtian Divine Body?

Upon hearing this, Ning Tian and Luo Wuqing both frowned slightly.

If it can dispel the totem of the gods and demons on the body, it can also Ascension the celestial body.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone.


“Heaven Sacred Pond, where is it?” Ning Tian asked, looking at Queen Mother Xi earnestly.

“The misty fairy mountain.”

Queen Mother West said slowly.

“Mysterious Mountain?” Ning Tian was stunned for a moment, and frowned slightly. He always felt that this name seemed to have been heard before, and was a bit familiar?

“Could it be the ethereal sect of the Sky Realm?”

At this time, while Ning Tian was pondering, Luo on the side said mercilessly.

“The Misty Sect?”

Hearing this, Ning Tian’s expression suddenly became weird, and the girl who stole the horse suddenly remembered in his mind.

“Husband, do you know the Misty Sect?”

Seeing Ning Tian’s reaction, the two women couldn’t help but both looked over.

“Well, I’ve heard it.”

Ning Tian nodded, looked at the two women and slowly said, “If it is the Misty Sect in the Sphere of Sky, it would be possible for the Supreme Kingdom to help recommend it.”



The two women were puzzled.

“Is such that……”

Next, Ning Tian slowly explained some of the connections between the Supreme God Kingdom and the Misty Sect.


“Girl Youqin, and Princess Yueling? Unexpectedly, Patriarch, your trip to Shenzhou City turned out to be so wonderful~ Wearing an ugly mask can attract two big beauties together.”

After listening, Queen Mother West flashed a sly in her eyes and said with a smile.

“Huh? Don’t you know?”

Hearing what the Queen Mother said, Ning Tian was stunned for a moment. This lady must know her deeds in Shenzhou City, but why should she emphasize it again! ?

and many more!

Something’s wrong!

There is fraud!


There seemed to be a jade hand on his waist.

His body was instantly hard, turning around mechanically, just to see a cold Luo Ruqing on Qiao’s face.

Ning Tian hurriedly coughed: “Ah, my wife, you are calm, I am not interested in Youqin, that girl is very sorry for a.”


Luo ruthlessly snorted.

The jade hand on Ning Tian’s waist quietly dropped.

However, before Ning Tian could breathe a sigh of relief, Queen Mother West made a knife and said, “What about Princess Yueling?”

Ning Tian: “…”

Ning Tian gave Queen Mother West a fierce look, while Queen Mother West giggled and licked her red lips provocatively.

This little wife, it seems that I still need more adjustments~ to teach it!

Hmm~ It seems that she has to teach her some truth tonight.


At this moment, Luo Ruqing didn’t seem to want to say more about this. He glanced at Ning Tian and said with a cold voice, “Forgive him and don’t dare, or cut him!”

“Cut it? Okay?”

Queen Mother of the West raised her eyebrows.


What about her happiness?


Luo Ruqing narrowed his eyes, and looked over with a flickering cold light.

“Hey, let’s follow the words of Big sis.” The Queen Mother hurriedly smiled, and then helplessly spread her hands at Ning Tian: “Master, the big wife is speaking, and the little wife can’t help you.”

“Well, when the banquet is almost finished, let the people from the Supreme Kingdom of God come over.”

Luo said ruthlessly.


The two nodded.

After half an hour.

Inside the Heavenly Demon Temple.

Zhu Yuanbao hooked up with the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

The faces of the two of them were a little red, and it seemed that they had drunk a lot of spirit wine.

After all, this is the banquet taught by Heavenly Demon, even if they can use Spiritual Qi to sober up, they don’t bother to do so.

“Brother Zhu, wait, there are more than 100,000 horses in my Supreme Kingdom, all of which will be caught for you. When that happens, I will eat braised horse whips, barbecue horseshoes, boil horse heads…”

“I have nothing to do with the Supreme Kingdom of God, so I can do it! Enough care!”

The Lord of the Kingdom of God hooked Zhu Yuanbao’s neck, slapped his chest and muttered.


“Then thank you brother, the lord of the country, I promise you to eat the three bowls with tears when the time comes. I’m familiar with this!”

Zhu Yuanbao laughed.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the mouths of the people nearby couldn’t help but twitch.

This fucking.

After these two ate a horse, they actually called brothers and sisters?

“Holy Lord, why haven’t I found out before, the Saint Child still has this kind of ability.” Tianbao Daoist scratched his head and said to the Tianbao Holy Lord on the side.


Tianbao Holy Lord’s mouth twitched.

On the side, Yue Ling saw a scene, and couldn’t help but hold his forehead helplessly.

She has a feeling that if they don’t stop them, I’m afraid that their entire warhorse of the Supreme Kingdom will be brutally killed.

at this time.

Tai Shang Elder walked over, looked at the Lord of the Kingdom of God and Yue Ling, and said slowly: “The Lord, Princess Yue Ling, Patriarch, please go to the Wind and Rain Tower.”


Hearing this, the Lord of the Kingdom of God, who was still drunk just now, suddenly woke up.

“Too great Elder, is there anything the Patriarch is looking for us?”

He looked carefully at Taishang Elder.

“This, the old man doesn’t know, it shouldn’t be a bad thing, don’t worry, the lord.” Tai Shang Elder shook his head.


The Lord of the Kingdom of God nodded, and immediately walked towards Fengyulou with Yueling.

Wind and rain building.

This is supposed to be the place where Heavenly Demon teaches to entertain guests, but because there are too many people at the celebration banquet, it is directly selected in the Heavenly Demon Hall.

When the Lord of the Kingdom of God and Yue Ling came to Fengyu Tower, they saw that Ning Tian and the three were already sitting there waiting for their arrival.

“See Patriarch, Empress and Holy Lord of Jade Lake.”

The Lord of the Kingdom of God bowed.

The three people in front of him can be said to be the strongest three in the Heavenly Spirit Realm at present, so he spoke cautiously.

Yueling on the side also saluted.

“Lord of the country, don’t have to be so restrained.”

Ning Tian smiled slightly and gestured at the two of them, “Now they are all on the same boat, please take a seat.”


Hearing this, the Lord of the Kingdom of God’s nervous heart eased slightly.

In the past few months, with the help of the Heavenly Demon Sect, their Supreme Kingdom has also repelled the enemy forces in the north.

What’s more, the entire Heavenly Demon Realm is now under the rule of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and they are indeed people on a boat.

The two were seated aside, and the maid of Fengyulou quickly made two cups of hot tea for them.


“It deserves to be a good tea taught by Heavenly Demon.”

The Lord of the Kingdom of God took the hot tea and took a sip. Then, he put down the tea cup and looked at the three of Ning Tian, ​​his expressions gradually became serious, “I wonder if the ancestor asked me and the little girl to come over, what’s the matter?”

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