I Started By Marrying The Time Traveler Heroine

Chapter 90 Selangor Changes Two People

Then, thinking of something, Bai Xinyu asked again: "Is there any news from Yanzhou recently?"

The little eunuch on the side quickly found out some information.

Bai Xinyu originally just looked through it casually.


The smile on his face gradually disappeared!

"The eldest prince's confidant is the person arranged by the third prince Jun Hao to be with the eldest prince?"

"Suspected to be a bodyguard of Xuanjia Guard?"

"The origin of one of the two great masters of the City Lord's Mansion can't be found at all?"

Bai Xinyu: "..."

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

He thought of the scenes when he went to Yanzhou to meet Jun Hao some time ago.

That young man who is a master and a strong man.

He originally thought that he already had a high regard for this young man, but unexpectedly... it seemed that he still underestimated him?

Even that girl couldn't find the origin of that grandmaster?

Also, Xuanjiawei?

That was the Xuanjia Guard who once destroyed the imperial capital of the Yan Kingdom. I don’t know how many of the Yan Kingdom’s royal family died at the hands of that army.

This is Daxia’s country-protecting blade!

However, isn’t it true that only the Emperor of Daxia can mobilize these people?

But Junhao...

Could it be that this guy was playing himself? Is he actually the crown prince of Daxia? !

Bai Xinyu frowned and thought, then shook his head, he felt something was wrong!

Maybe someone else would think so.

But he has met Jun Hao and Wang Shiyan.

He couldn't say what kind of people these two people were, but one thing was that it was absolutely impossible for Jun Hao to be on the same side as the old Emperor of Daxia!

Wang Shiyan is hard to say.

But this girl seemed to care about Jun Hao, the third prince.

So, this needs to be confirmed!


Bai Xinyu's eyes flickered.

Finally, he focused on the first piece of information.

Is the eldest prince's confidant a member of the third prince Jun Hao?

This is also outrageous!

But with limited information, he couldn't guess what was going on!

Later, after seeing Jun Hao taking Wang Shiyan to visit an ordinary blacksmith in the village, Bai Xinyu suddenly fell silent.

The imperial study room was extremely quiet.

After a long time, he looked at the old man in front of him and said, "Sir... I want to return Xuezhou City to the Great Xia court. What do you think?"


The old man in black suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Bai Xinyu.

Bai Xinyu thought softly and said softly: "I want to make a deal with the Daxia court. I will return them Xuezhou City and promise not to invade Xuezhou again within three years."

"However... as a condition, I want the third prince and the third prince's concubine of Daxia to stay in our country of Yan as hostages for three years. During this period, the court of Daxia must pay our country of Yan 300,000 taels of silver supplies."

With that said, Bai Xinyu walked to the window of the imperial study room with a cup of tea.

He looked quietly at the snow-covered sky and earth outside and said softly: "Sir, do you think the Daxia court will agree?"

Hearing this, the old man in black was stunned!

But there is still some worry: "Your Majesty, give up Xuezhou City... I am worried about the people of Yan State..."

"It doesn't matter, I will give them a reasonable reason!"

Then he looked at the shocked old man in front of him and the equally stupid little eunuch next to him, and he shook his head helplessly.

The old man in black couldn't help but swallow.

Bai Xinyu sighed again. He always thought he was a genius, but that time gave him such a big blow.

"As for the princess..."

"So, we might as well use the Great Xia court to bring him to the capital of Yan State. In this way, we can at least ensure that this guy will not ruin our arrangements for Yanzhou!"

The old man opened his mouth, then smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty said..."

"After that, I checked all kinds of history books and determined...those poems have never appeared in history."

His old eyes looked at the young emperor standing by the window in confusion.

"In other words, this is indeed what the third prince did casually on the street!"

Thinking about it, the old man nodded seriously.

"But... Your Majesty, are the Third Prince of Great Xia and the Third Prince really worth our Yan Kingdom's exchange for a Xuezhou City?"

But his eyes seemed to be still remembering something.

Bai Xinyu turned to look at the old man and said softly.

"With him here, I'm worried that the Zhenbei Army will become stronger in a short time."


Bai Xinyu looked complicated and nodded helplessly.

"If he is in Daxia Kyoto, and the emperor is suppressing him, I don't need to consider his problem for the time being, but he is in Yanzhou City now!"

The old man in black suddenly widened his eyes!

Bai Xinyu said with a strange expression as he recalled it.

"That day, in Yanzhou City..."

In response, Bai Xinyu sipped his tea, looked in the direction of Yanzhou in the distance and shook his head: "I don't know, but I feel... it should be worth it!"

"If the Zhenbei Army is not eliminated, even if our Yan country can enter Yanzhou, we will still have to pay a heavy price!"

What was he going to ask?

Bai Xinyu sighed as he spoke: "Sir, have you ever met a woman who can compose three peerless poems in a row that are worthy of being recorded in history books in less than a cup of tea?"

Looking at Bai Xinyu's expression at this moment, he felt... well, he seemed to understand why this evil boy felt frustrated.

"But now we can't directly regain Yanzhou... If this continues, there will be great changes!"

It can only be said that the third prince's concubine Wang Shiyan may be more evil than evil.

"I...see you for the first time!"

Bai Xinyu said lightly.

"Moreover... Mr. also saw the usefulness of the sled during the attack on Snow State this time. Coupled with the war weapon blueprints he gave us before, His Highness the Third Prince's mind is a variable!"

But then he remained silent for a while and nodded softly: "Although I am stupid and don't know your Majesty's intentions, if Your Majesty thinks this is better, then I have no objection!"

"Sir, I need to give the emperor of Daxia who likes to weigh some time so that he can deal with the Yanzhou Zhenbei Army with peace of mind!"

Is there such a strange woman in the world?

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