I Started By Marrying The Time Traveler Heroine

Chapter 57 The Other Side Of Bai Xinyu

at the same time.

The imperial capital of Yan State.

At this moment, Bai Xinyu was sitting by the stove in the royal study, wearing a dragon robe, warming himself, listening to the eunuch next to him reading about the news about Yanzhou in Daxia.

He was slightly surprised.

"Oh? Two great masters? One half-step master?"

He was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly and nodded slightly.


Looking at the little eunuch with a hoarse voice.

Bai Xinyu slowly poured a cup of tea and handed it to the little eunuch next to him, and said softly: "Take a drink of water and continue reading."

The little eunuch was startled.

Then he quickly took a sip and drank it with red eyes.

He carefully put the tea cup in its place for Bai Xinyu and continued to read vigorously.



Suddenly, Bai Xinyu was startled.

The little eunuch's voice stopped immediately, and he looked at Bai Xinyu cautiously and doubtfully.

In response, Bai Xinyu waved his hand slightly.

"It's none of your business, don't think too much, I'm just a little shocked by what Miss Wang said."

As he spoke, Bai Xinyu's mind flashed to the scene when Wang Shiyan wrote a farewell poem to herself in Yanzhou City that day.

That picture... is outrageous!

I wonder who in the whole world other than this girl can do that kind of thing?

Poetry comes casually.

And the level is so high that it’s rare in the world.

A cup of tea takes less than three poems!

He thought this would be this girl's limit.

And it wasn't until this moment that he realized that it was not the third prince's talent that had reached its limit, but his own mental endurance.

At this moment, one sentence is to establish a heart for the heaven and earth, and a destiny for the people...

Bai Xinyu was silent.

Finally, he sighed helplessly.

He thought of Jun Hao again.

This is also a monster!

At such an age, a master’s cultivation level!

He had barely reached this level at this time due to some special reasons, and the price he paid for this far exceeded the imagination of the world.

Who would have thought that he just felt that he was invincible as a young man and was ready to fight to the end of the world with his sword.

Then I met Jun Hao in Yanzhou City!

Thinking about it, Bai Xinyu pinched his eyebrows with his hands.

See this.

The little eunuch next to him who didn't know what was going on immediately shouted nervously outside: "Come here, your Majesty is feeling unwell. Go and ask for the doctor!"


Bai Xinyu's movements stagnated slightly.

Then he smiled, helplessly put down his hand and turned to look at the little eunuch next to him and said softly.

"I'm fine. I just thought of two powerful guys and felt a little difficult to deal with. It's just a headache. There's no need to make such a fuss."

The little eunuch looked stubborn.

In this regard, Bai Xinyu didn't say anything, but asked again: "What's the reaction from Daxia Kyoto?"

Hearing this, the little eunuch searched hurriedly, and finally read out a piece of information while panting.

"Oh, no movement?"

Bai Xinyu thought for a moment, looked at the heavy snow outside, and then nodded lightly.

"I understand, go...well, wait, when the snow stops, you go to the Zhennan Houfu and tell him...it depends on the situation, sometimes you have to move when you should move! "

As he said this, Bai Xinyu smiled secretly in his heart.

Everyone thought he was going to deal with Daxia Yanzhou?

Hey, stop making trouble!

Although there is a problem in Yanzhou, the terrain is flat, which is suitable for the Yan State cavalry to fight.

But there are many mountains in the south of Yanzhou!

They're hard to beat.

And if they cannot annex the entire Yanzhou in one fell swoop, depending on the terrain, it will be difficult for them to hold on to half of the Yanzhou.

Then we will have to face Daxia's army head-on.

Li Yuan's Zhenbei Army has been fighting against the Yan State all year round. It is a strong army and difficult to deal with.

Also, Li Yuanxiong was a serious concern for the Emperor of Daxia.

He wouldn't do such a thing.

Not to mention... there is also the third prince Jun Hao there now.

Bai Xinyu frowned. Maybe everyone in the world thought the third prince was useless, but he didn't think so.

Moreover, it is the underworld, and mysterious forces such as the Blood Rose are entrenched there.

In short, Yanzhou is a difficult place to touch!

There is no benefit in being too poor.

In this case, he might as well avoid Yanzhou.

Didn’t the old emperor of Daxia always want Yanzhou to rebel?

Well... then let them play.

You have your own things to do!

Bai Xinyu thought to himself, laughing from time to time, making the little eunuch beside him giggle for a while and stand nervously and seriously for a while.

not long time.

The little eunuch suddenly thought of something and said quickly: "Your Majesty, there is another piece of news from Yanzhou."


Bai Xinyu was confused.

The young eunuch said seriously: "Well...this letter is not from our Yan Kingdom Longwei, but is written to Your Majesty by General Li of the Great Xia Zhenbei Army and the Third Prince Jun Hao."

Bai Xinyu became even more curious about this, and immediately took it over and looked at it.

Then, his expression turned weird at first, and then he laughed.

The letter was written by Li Yuanxiong. He wanted to buy food and grass from his own country, Yan, because the Great Xia court had cut off the food and grass for the Zhenbei Army, so...

There are also words from Jun Hao.

Not much, just one sentence, Jun Hao hopes that he will sell them food and grass because he and Bai Xinyu are friends.

"Your Majesty, this..."

The little eunuch asked nervously.

Bai Xinyu chuckled: "I agreed and sent the letter to the old prime minister intact. If he asks why, just tell him what I said, because... the third prince Jun Hao is destined to be with the great prince one day. The Xia court is our enemy!"

"Because some people are destined to not coexist in this world, unless one of them is mediocre!"

"The Zhenbei Army is the enemy of the Great Xia court. Regardless of whether someone is adding fuel to the flames, it is beneficial to our country, Yan!"


The little eunuch nodded hurriedly.

Then he quickly ran to the side to collect various materials.

In response, Bai Xinyu shook his head slightly: "Okay, let's clean it up later. Come here to warm up first. There's no rush."

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