I Started By Marrying The Time Traveler Heroine

Chapter 17 She Wants To Assassinate The Emperor?

In Qingyu City, everyone was speechless all night.

the next day.

When Jun Hao woke up from his sleep, he saw Wang Shiyan looking at her with a proud face.


What did Jun Hao want to say.

Wang Shiyan just handed over what she gave her last night.

Wang Shiyan said proudly: "Your Highness, have you heard of Liuli?"

Jun Hao nodded.

Wang Shiyan immediately became even more happy and said: "Then if I say that colored glaze can be made artificially, what would you think, Your Highness?"

As she spoke, Wang Shiyan stared at Jun Hao seriously.

It's full of anticipation and curiosity.

It seemed that he was waiting for Jun Hao's next shocked and frightened expression.

Jun Hao: "..."

At this moment, he really wanted to complain. When will this day-to-day acting life end!

But looking at Wang Shiyan who was full of expectations in front of him, he still rolled his eyes in his heart.

But on the surface, he was stunned at first, as if he didn't understand.

Then she looked at Wang Shiyan with wide eyes.

Finally, he suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at Wang Shiyan in shock.


Wang Shiyan smiled happily at this.

Then he hummed and said proudly: "Didn't His Highness ask me before if there was any way? This is the way!"

With that said, Wang Shiyan happily pointed to the paper in Jun Hao's hand.

Jun Hao immediately looked over seriously.


His eyes were confused, as if he couldn't understand.

In response, Wang Shiyan sighed and began to sit by the bed and explain to Jun Hao word by word seriously.

To this end he even brought the concept of alchemy into the world.


Jun Hao blinked and looked at Wang Shiyan doubtfully.

Wang Shiyan nodded seriously, thought for a moment and said seriously: "Has Your Highness ever heard of turning stone into gold?"

Jun Hao suddenly burst out again, his eyes widening.

In this regard, Wang Shiyan was very satisfied with Jun Hao's uninformed expression.

He explained happily: "This is actually a kind of alchemy. I can demonstrate it to you, Your Highness, if I have the opportunity in the future!"

As she spoke, Wang Shiyan smiled.

Jun Hao looked at Wang Shiyan blankly as if he had been dumbfounded, his eyes full of admiration!

It took a whole morning.

Wang Shiyan spent her whole life under Jun Hao's admiring gaze, and then Jun Hao called five killers to give them the things and asked them to find the county magistrate to prepare them.

"Is this...artificial glass?"

The five people looked at Jun Hao in shock.

Jun Hao nodded slightly.

Five people:"……"

They were looking at Jun Hao like a god at the moment.

They didn't take Jun Hao seriously when he said he was talking about artificial colored glaze, and they just took it as a boast.

but now……

Darling, is this the background of a behemoth like the underworld?

They hurriedly took their things to find the county magistrate.

For several days.

Qingyu City is very quiet. The county magistrate does not cry or get angry these days. On the contrary, he works very hard to help Jun Hao resettle the refugees.

That way... no matter who sees it, they will praise it for being very energetic.

Because of this, the county magistrate gradually became an upright official serving the country and the people through word of mouth from the many refugees in Qingyu City.

But that's all, he was ridiculed by many powerful people.

this day!

The county magistrate approached many powerful people and said he wanted to do business with them.

Then the county magistrate took out a lot of ice glass.

In an instant, the scene was extremely quiet.

Then when the county magistrate said that these things were Jun Hao's treasures and were now going to be used to buy food from them, many powerful people were dumbfounded.

They all turned to look at Jun Hao who was giggling.

I really want to complain...

"How can this idiot Third Prince be so stupid?"

They were laughing so hard!

For some refugees, use these treasures?

Therefore, many powerful people started to change their food supply with the mentality of not taking advantage of it.

During this period they raised the price several times.

Then cry miserably.

Jun Hao was so moved by their tears that he softened his heart and agreed to their price increase.

That night!

"Hahaha... It's just like the rumors. This third prince is really a fool. He only has five taels of silver and one rice. I'm laughing so hard!"

"Isn't it? I never dreamed that food could be sold at such a high price, hahaha!"

"And that idiot county magistrate, he is actually fawning over such an idiot prince!"


In a room in Qingyu City, everyone was smiling happily.

the other side.

Kyoto, in the imperial palace.

At this moment, the old emperor looked gloomy as he looked at the message from the carrier pigeon in his hand.

A second grandmaster appears in the underworld!

This... meant that his previous guess was wrong!

This organization really exists!

It's possible that he couldn't find it before just because the drunkards under him were too stupid, rather than because they didn't exist.


The old emperor murmured softly, and then looked at a name in the message, the third prince's concubine, Wang Shiyan!

She actually has something to do with the underworld.


He wasn't very surprised by this.

He had known before that the Third Prince's Mansion might be related to the Underworld organization.

This can be seen from several points.

One, those martial arts masters who suddenly appeared before and then left that night.

If he remembered correctly, that night was when the underworld organization was disrupting the palace to save people!

Second, such a terrifying organization insists on targeting the third prince Jun Hao!

This in itself is suspicious.

He even took out such treasure drawings for the third prince.


The old emperor sneered. Everyone thought they wanted to kill the third prince, but now it seems that they just want to help the third prince leave Kyoto City!

Connecting everything, the third prince and concubine, Wang Shiyan... it makes sense!

"That's it...why does this girl have to find a way to help the third child leave Kyoto?"

The old emperor thought secretly.

Finally, he frowned: "Is she afraid that if she is exposed, I will do something to the third child? She thinks that she can protect the third child by leaving Kyoto?"

The old emperor tapped the table gently and thought.

His expression was a little solemn.

He doesn't care about Jun Hao's life or death now.

What he cares about is...Wang Shiyan, or rather, the underworld organization, what are they planning to do to Kyoto?

Wang Shiyan was actually allowed to send Jun Hao away early!

The girl felt that if something happened later, she would definitely not let Jun Hao go.

But he is his own son.

I would normally not kill him.

So, all I can say is...this girl's plot is not trivial!

But what is there for them to plot in Kyoto?

After much thought, there was only one reason why such an organization should spend such a price to lay out!

That is……

"Assassinate the Emperor!"

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