Chapter 377 Both medical and martial arts!

Hearing Ling Shiyun’s emotions, Ye Fei smiled slightly and said: “Just take this opportunity, you

I can stay here for a while.

“Yeah.” Ling Shiyun nodded slightly: looking at the scenery outside the window, she felt more

The closer she came, her heart was more relaxed than ever.

Ye Fei suddenly smiled and asked, “By the way, do you want to prepare some gifts for your dad?

It was the first time for a prospective son-in-law to come here, anyhow he can’t be empty-handed”

Ling Shiyun’s face was slightly red, and she sipped softly: “What kind of son-in-law, what are you talking about.” She

Although he said so on the surface, his heart is slightly sweet.

Ling Shiyun whispered again: “Well, my dad actually doesn’t have any other hobbies, just like

It’s better to have a good drink than we send two bottles of good wine. ”

“It’s not easy.” Ye Fei smiled, he thought about it, and called Zhang Minle.

I asked Zhang Minle, a friend who was in Yangcheng, took a few bottles of top wines and gave them directly to Ye Fei

send over.

To this end, the two delayed more than an hour.

Immediately afterwards, the two went straight to the home of Ling Shiyun in Fo City.

Under Ling Shiyun’s guidance, Ye Fei quickly found Ling Shiyun’s home.

What Ye~fei did not expect was that Ling Shiyun’s home was really a local tyrant, a huge village.

Garden villas, decorated with Chinese gardens, are the typical style of Jiangnan gardens, highlighting the main

People’s good status-and status.

Ling Shiyun’s family can be regarded as the top wealthy households in Foshan.

Although it is not comparable to the Ye family, it is absolutely fluent in Foshan.

Ye Fei touched his chin, carefully admiring the manor house outside, nodding secretly from time to time.

“What are you looking at?” Ling Shiyun looked at Ye Fei curiously and blinked.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “I was thinking that you turned out to be a rich little woman and I really made a profit.”

Ling Shiyun’s face was slightly red, and she gave Ye Fei a white look.

Ye Fei is really a bad guy.

Ye Fei parked the car, and the two arrived at the entrance of the manor house, and they saw one at this time.

The housekeeper went out and looked at Ye Fei. The housekeeper was very surprised and said, “Miss

?You are back? Master is thinking about you righteously these past two days”

“Niang Yun.” Ling Shiyun was also very pleasantly surprised when she saw the housekeeper, she smiled again and again.

Head, said: “Is my dad at home?

Although Ling Shiyun said before going home this time, Jing did not say a specific date, so

Come back completely suddenly.

The housekeeper named Yunniang smiled and said, “Master is at home. You will definitely give it to you this time.

He was pleasantly surprised. Miss, your complexion seems to be much better, better than before

Yun Niang is obviously very familiar with Ling Shiyun, and between the two talking and laughing, Yun Niang glances at Ye again.

Fei was startled for a moment, and said in surprise: “This one looks a bit facet

Ye Fei’s reputation is increasing day by day, especially since the last interview with reporters.

It’s a big increase. Many people have seen Ye Fei on the Internet or in TV interviews.

It’s not surprising to be familiar.

Ye Fei6 smiled slightly and said, “My name is Ye Fei, and I am Shiyun’s boyfriend.”

Ye Fei took it straight.

Ling Shiyun flushed aside, but did not deny it either.

Ye Fei said that she was Ling Shiyun’s boyfriend, which surprised Niang Yun slightly, and she was even more sincere.

Happy for Ling Shiyun.

When Ling Shiyun was weak, Yun Niang always took care of her, and the two of them had deep feelings.

Seeing Ling Shiyun’s body, Yunniang seemed to be much better, and she had a boyfriend again, and she was instantly incomparable

Happy, led the two into the manor.

Soon, under the leadership of Yun Niang, Ye Fei met Ling Shiyun’s father Ling Yue.

Ling Shiyun lost her mother in her early years and was raised by her father since she was a child, and she was the only one in her family

Therefore, it is the true jewel in the palm of Ling’s father.

Ye Fei quickly met Ling Yue.

I saw that Ling Yue was about fifty years old, his temples were slightly whitish, but his spirit

Full of spirit.

Ling Yue’s height is close to 1.8 meters, which is considered tall among southerners, and he is

Because of regular exercise, the body is very strong.

Ye Fei is the Master of the Transformation Realm. His strength is naturally extraordinary. When he met Ling Yue, he

I could feel that the inner strength in Ling Yue’s body was also very strong.

When Ling Yue saw Ye Fei, he was startled first, then he was taken aback, and then he looked at his treasure.

Bei’s daughter.

Ling Yue carefully looked at Ling Shiyun’s physical condition and found Ling Shiyun’s complexion

They all got better than before, and Ling Yue was immediately surprised.


Ling Yue smiled and said, “Okay, okay, Shiyun seems to be fine with your body. I heard that before

Dr. Wu said, I couldn’t believe it at that time, and now I know it’s true, too

All right. ”

Of course Ling Yue was very excited. After all, his daughter’s condition was relieved.

It was the best news, and the thing that made him most happy.

Ling Yue pointed at Ling Shiyun again: “Why, don’t you tell me about the person next to me?

Of course Ling Yue knew Ye Fei, and he also knew that his daughter was in love. It’s just Ling Yue

Ye Fei in the words of God Doctor Wu was very curious, so I wanted to see Ye Fei-mian.

Ling Shiyun Qianqian-laughed, a little bit ashamed, and said: “Dad, his name is Ye Fei, my male

friend. ”

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said with a calm expression: “Hello, uncle. First time meeting.

Ling Yue nodded, and then he kept his eyes on Ye Fei. He said, “I listen to Wu

Is it true or false to say that you are both superior in medicine and martial arts, and even better than him?

Ling Yue didn’t know the identity of Ye Fei’s Transcendent Realm Master, and God Doctor Wu just praised Ye Fei.

Jing did not disclose the specific strength of Ye Fei. However, Ling Yue still feels that Ye Fei’s strength seems

It’s a bit unpredictable, even a top-notch master of internal power can’t see through it.

Ye Fei said: “Mr. Wu said and laughed. Although the juniors are martial arts practitioners, they are a little bit the same.

Medical skills, but the magical doctor Wu is the real medical and martial artist, and he dare not compare with him.

Ye Fei still respects Dr. Wu. Dr. Wu is not only a master of both medical and martial arts, but also

The product is also extremely high.

Ling Yue nodded, that’s right. Although this kid is mysterious, he doesn’t look like it.

He is more powerful than God Doctor Wu, maybe he has some special skills–


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