Chapter 371 Tit for tat! [seeking subscription]

The reporters at the scene all laughed, and they were all mocked by Ye Fei’s two blooming jokes.

The irony made a laugh; everyone also knows what is going on with this stem.

After hearing Ye Fei say so, everyone at the scene laughed constantly.

At the same time, Ye Fei smiled and said, “Just kidding, don’t take it seriously.

Ye Fei is so humorous and attracted these reporters. The reporters all laughed.

It turns out that this legendary elder brother is actually quite easy to get along with.

These reporters thought that Ye Fei’s elder brother would be a high-spirited giant.

Less image, but now it’s not the case at all

When the reporters saw this, they felt a sense of intimacy.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, “You don’t have to take it seriously, but this year we have a brilliant entertainment

The film shot will be released soon, and it will be a military movie. in addition,

We are still thinking of ways to make animated films, hoping that Brilliant Entertainment can develop diversifiedly.

What Ye Fei is talking about is “Operation Red Sea”, which also had a box office of over 3 billion in the previous life.

Highly rated movies.

As for the animated film, of course it is the “Nezha: 047 Demon Boy Comes into the World”.

Movies of this kind are also in Ye Fei’s plan.

It’s just that the filming of “Operation Red Sea” has started, and the filming has been completed, it will be ready soon

Released. But (“Nezha” is still being planned.

The filming of Ye Fei is-don’t panic, after all, just follow that laptop

It’s fine to shoot with the memories of Ye Fei’s previous life. Ye Fei rarely interferes, and it’s also necessary

Money for money, money and effort.

Of course, it’s the same principle. No matter what movie you are shooting, Ye Fei has only one

The rule, that is, don’t traffic stars, don’t small fresh meat!

Ye Fei plans to shoot a lot of movies, all of which are credits from previous lives and a double harvest at the box office.


It can be said that as long as Ye Fei is willing, he can dominate the film industry in the entertainment industry.

Upon hearing these plans of Ye Fei, the reporters’ eyes lit up and their hearts moved slightly.

It seems that Mr. Ye does have a lot of movie plans this year, which is a bit interesting.

The reporters felt that the press conference was very rewarding. Ye Fei simply did not provide

There are few interesting news.

For a while, the reporters all had a good impression of Ye Fei.

After all, the reporters are just Gong Huan following such a master who can break the news. Ye Fei’s style makes them

like very much.

Especially the female reporter, she flew to Ye 7 and smiled frequently.

Ye Fei turned a blind eye to this, always looking calm.

Ye Fei is surrounded by peerless beauties, so there is such a vulgar fan.

After Ye Fei accepted the reporter’s interview, he declined other reporters to ask further questions. These notes

The readers also knew Ye Fei’s terrifying identity, and they didn’t dare to pester him too much.

And Ye Fei is looking at the protagonist of this press conference-Cen Qingxuan.

Cen Qingrui was surrounded by reporters and was answering some questions professionally-I have to say Cen

Qing Xuan is still very good, her answer is very professional

All the difficulties and questions made by him are answered one by one.

Under such circumstances, the reporters can’t ask any news-

Seeing Ye Fei coming, these reporters consciously stepped back and left it to Ye Fei and Cen Qing

Xuan speaks space.

Cen Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei, she faintly smiled, and whispered: “Mr. Ye, you are very popular with reporters.


Ye Fei shrugged: “No way, who makes me look handsome.”

Cen Qingxuan wanted to vomit very much, but facing Ye Fei’s handsome face, there was indeed nothing.

Law refutes Ye Fei’s words.

Cen Qingxuan said: “Mr. Ye, I will be your partner in the future. Happy cooperation.”

Cen Qingxuan put away the emotions in her heart, and Xiang Ruo Ye Fei smiled, acting like a business man.


Ye Fei Weiwei (acbf) first said: “Well, I am also looking forward to our next cooperation


Ye Fei is also very clear about Cen Qingxuan’s strength.

Both sides are good.

Next is the basic process of some new conferences. Ye Fei and Cen Qingxuan have already

Explain clearly the situation of this press conference.

After the press conference, Cen Qingxuan and Ye Fei also formally cooperated.

The reporters have left the scene. Cen Qingxuan is preparing to share some details privately with Ye Fei.

At that time, Cen Qingxuan’s phone rang suddenly.

Cen Qingxuan frowned slightly when she saw the caller ID of the mobile phone, seemingly a little unhappy.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Fei asked.

Cen Qingxuan said: “It’s a call from Zheng Shaojie.”

Zheng Shaojie!

That is, the Zheng family, the owner of Tianwang Entertainment Company.

Although Zheng Shaojie is not a core member of the Zheng family, but a side branch, it can be regarded as a member of the Zheng family.

A very famous person in the side branch.

Zheng Shaojie called Cen Qingxuan, what are you trying to do?

Cen Qingxuan frowned and said, “He has called me several times in the past few days.

I’m hanging up.

Ye Fei heard Zheng Shaojie’s call and said lightly: “Just pick it up, I’m here, I want to watch

See what Zheng Shaojie wants to say.

Cen Qingxuan nodded after hearing the words: “Good.

While speaking, Cen Qingxuan answered the phone.

After the phone was connected, he heard Zheng Shaojie’s voice from the other side.

Zheng Shaojie’s voice is very clear, but there is a hint of coldness. I only hear Zheng Shaojie’s coldness.

Said: “Cen Qingxuan, you dare to go to other entertainment companies without me? Don’t think you are

After taking a shadow queen, it’s majestic, you bastard

Zheng Shaojie scolded so badly that he kept sneering and scolding on the phone.

Ye Fei heard it too. He directly took the call from Cen Qingxuan and said lightly: “Zheng

Shaojie. ”

Ye Fei’s voice was cold, and it reached Zheng Shaojie’s ears, and Zheng Shaojie had a clear meal.

Hearing Ye Fei’s voice, he tentatively asked: “Ye Fei?

Obviously, Zheng Shaojie knew Ye Fei.

“Zheng Shaojie, you are really getting better and better, and you still want to threaten women?” Ye Fei Leng


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