Chapter 369 Explode directly!

Although Ye Fei has long known that the scores of the “Wandering Planet” movie will inevitably explode, but

I really didn’t expect to ignite and detonate directly at such a fast speed.

The results of “Wandering Planet” really surpassed his imagination.

“The Wandering Planet” reached 4 billion box office, a breakthrough in the current history of Xuanhuang Kingdom

Number one at the box office.

Upon hearing the news, Zhang Minle really had a surprised expression on his face, and he was so excited.


After all, for Zhang Minle, “The Wandering Planet” achieved a breakthrough, reaching a box office of 4 billion.

Yes, the final result was beyond imagination, and it definitely gave him a big surprise.

“Wandering Planet” made history this time.

Although Ye Fei had already expected it, but when the facts really happened, Ye Fei thought

Of course it is also very happy and exciting.

After “Wandering Planet” made history, it means that the popularity of Brilliant Entertainment has further increased

The promotion has reached a very high level.

Bi Jing Brilliant Entertainment’s two consecutive films “The God of Medicine” and “The Wandering Planet” are both big

Selling means that Brilliant Entertainment made at least one billion in these two films29.

This has only been a few months.

Coupled with the various operational achievements of Brilliant Entertainment, the market value of Brilliant Entertainment currently exceeds 500

Billion, it seems that it has also become the top big company in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Minle was so happy because of this, he kept communicating with Ye Fei about the brilliant entertainment.

Situation, and Zhang Minle returned: “Mr. Ye, last time we were going to hold a press conference.

Buzen Qingxuan joined our brilliant entertainment, but it was delayed because of the new year, no

How about holding a press conference today?

Ye Fei heard Zhang Minle say this, but thought it was a good idea.

After all, Cen Qingxuan’s popularity needless to say, and to entertain the current situation with brilliant

In terms of Cen Qingxuan joining Brilliant Entertainment, it is definitely a strong alliance.

This is definitely a highly topical piece of news.

Especially in the current situation of the rapid increase in the exposure of the brilliant entertainment news, if you and Cen Qing

The news of Xuan’s contract broke out, and it will definitely occupy the headlines of major websites again.

Ye Fei thought for a while, and he agreed.

After all, this matter is also very good for Brilliant Entertainment.

“Okay, it’s so decided. Hold the press conference more grandiosely, please more-

Some reporters come. “Ye Fei asked a few words.

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Zhang Minle also agreed: “No problem. But Mr. Ye

do not know

Zhang Minle smiled, as if he had some thoughts.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Fei frowned slightly.

Zhang Minle smiled and said: “I wonder if you can come to the platform? If you can come, I

I believe that there will be a big fire, after all, you are well-known, but you rarely show up-

Since the last time Ye Fei returned to Yandu from Hubei, his fame has increased greatly, even in the whole city.

The country is quite well-known.

But Ye Fei acts low-key and rarely shows up in front of outsiders.

In particular, Ye Fei did not attend the film releases.

Therefore, although Ye Fei is famous, it rarely appears in front of everyone.


It is precisely because of this that the public are more curious about Ye Fei.

If Ye Fei appears, it will definitely attract attention!

Ye Fei thought for a while, agreed to Zhang Minle, and said with a smile: “Your kid is good at calculating, okay.


Zhang Minle got Ye Fei’s permission and was immediately surprised, saying, “That’s good, Mr. Ye,

I’m going to plan well this time

Zhang Minle is very much looking forward to this.

Ye Fei smiled, he didn’t bother to care about it, and left it to Zhang Minle to plan.

The next day.

Zhang Minle has issued a press announcement stating that Cen Qingxuan will officially join Brilliant Entertainment.

As soon as the news came out, the entertainment industry suddenly suffered a major earthquake.

After all, Cen Qingxuan has been at Tianwang Entertainment before, and she is also the sister of Tianwang Entertainment.

In addition, Cen Qingxuan’s own status is also extremely high, so it has always attracted attention.

And this time Cen Qingxuan joined Ye Fei’s brilliant entertainment, which immediately aroused the entertainment circle

Great earthquake.

Cen Jixuan has 80 million Weibo fans and is one of the most popular female celebrities on Weibo

First, she is regarded as a goddess by countless people, and her every move has attracted the attention of fans.

After learning that Cen Qingxuan switched to Brilliant Entertainment: Topics and hot discussions on Weibo were quickly raised

Sheng, even this topic once rushed to the top of Weibo’s hot search list.

Cen Qingxuan left Tianwang Entertainment to join Brilliant Entertainment. This is indeed big news.

Many fans and movie fans of Cen Qingxuan are discussing this topic.

At the same time, Zhang Minle also announced that Ye Fei will participate in this press conference.

Upon receiving this news, another group of people were immediately excited.

After all, Ye Fei’s work in Ezhou has attracted the attention of many people across the country.

Ye Fei also relied on its superb appearance and special identity, which also attracted a large number of people

s concern. In fact, Ye Fei’s current popularity is very scary.

How terrifying is Ye Fei’s popularity?

In fact, Ye Fei has a lot of passersby fans, and there are many people who are familiar with Ye Fei.

After Zhang Minle announced the incident, Ye Fei’s name was unexpectedly on 320.

The hot search list has made waves.

This surprised Ye Fei himself.

Immediately after that, it was time to hold the press conference.

Cen Qingxuan’s signing conference was held at night, a five-star Yandu

The big hotel is also the Ye family’s industry.

That night, it can be said to be extremely lively.

Dozens of media reporters came in Yandu, all for Cen Qingxuan and Ye Fei.

These reporters are like sharks that have smelled blood, and they all swarmed in.

, I want to dig a little big news.

After all, although Cen Qingxuan changed the company after the contract expired, the previous Tianwang Entertainment Company

It is also a top-notch entertainment company in the entertainment industry, why did she suddenly change doors?


This is a point that journalists are very puzzled.

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