Chapter 350 Two people in the world! [Request subscription]

Ye Fei’s words immediately ignited hope for everyone in the Dragon Troops.

The description of “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” is full of hope.

According to Ye Fei’s description, this “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” is simply the best practice for foreigners.

The best way, “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” is indeed amazing.

Hearing that the “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” was so powerful, everyone was looking forward to it. They looked at Ye

Fei, waiting for Ye Fei to tell.

Ye Fei faintly-laughed, saying: “”Dragon Elephant Forging Body Final” cooperates with my unique training method

Can train a group of powerful masters.

It’s not so easy to practice “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue”, only Ye Fei

Know how to practice “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” to the best, and not only that, but in training

During the training, Chen Gen and other elites in the army needed to eat a lot of nourishing food.

As a matter of fact, Ye Fei should also adjust and improve their diet.

Only Ye Fei, a doctor, can do this.

In addition, “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue” has very high requirements for learners’ physical fitness.

People who practice forcibly will damage the body.

Only the physical fitness of soldiers can meet the requirements and reluctantly practice.

And as Ye Fei said, even so, it’s likely that half of the people are cultivating

After practicing “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Final”, if he fails to meet Ye Fei’s requirements, he will be eliminated.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, all the members of the Dragon Troops listened to Ye Fei.

The look is extremely serious.

Ye Fei said: “Very well, since you all agree, let’s take a day off today.

From the beginning of the day to training, practice “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Jue”. Li Wen, you put this “Dragon Elephant Forging

The exercises of “Tie Jue” are printed out, one is handed, and everyone will use this within today

Thorough understanding of the content of the exercises

Ye 6’s tone was stern, and he couldn’t hold his beak.

Everyone in the Jiaolong troop shouted in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei took out a piece of white paper and wrote down a batch of medicinal materials and food.

The name of the object, and then let Ang Lee prepare.

Ye Fei needs a lot of medicinal materials and food. In order to ensure these medicinal materials and food

He asked Li Wen to help with the supply.

Li Wen was also very aware of the importance of this matter, and immediately agreed.

After ordering these, Ye Fei said: “Then it’s so decided.”


Ye Fei finished his instructions, and together with Mu Zijin, he opened the dragon troops high.

In the low-key military-branded Austrian car, Mu Zijin and Ye Fei sat in the back seat, Mu Zijin

He smiled and looked at Ye Fei, blinked his eyes and said in a low voice: “Ye Fei, what did you do just now?

He is very prestigious”

“To deal with these old fried dough sticks, didn’t you say that you are going to give them a good start?” Ye Fei laughed


Mu Zijin smiled sweetly: “Yes, you are doing a good job, they are now

I’m already very convinced, and I’m completely convinced by you.

Thinking of Ye Fei-sounding his swallows just now, all the soldiers of the Dragon Troops were all overwhelmed.

In the scene, Mu Zijin smiled at the corner of his mouth, and found it interesting.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “I am already familiar with the barracks today, so you won’t have to accompany me in the next few days.

Come, wait a month later, the training of the dragon troops will be able to bear initial results, when the time comes

Please come and see later. ”

“Okay, then I’m looking forward to it.” Mu Zijin said with a smile.

Ye Fei first sent Mu Zijin back to her barracks, and after the two were separated, Ye Fei went again

To the villa of Duan Qizheng.

Ye Fei certainly went to find Ling Shiyun.

Although Ling Shiyun and Ye Fei have started the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”, but because of the ”

It takes one year for the training effect of the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic. Therefore, during this period of time, Ye

Feigen uses the Zhuque fire needle to assist Ling Shiyun in the treatment, and the effect is better.

Ye Fei found Ling Shiyun.

I only saw that although she hadn’t seen her in just a few days, Ling Shiyun’s complexion had improved a lot.

Ling Shiyun had a stunning face before, but although her face was peerless, her complexion was still

It is the feeling of some sick beauties, which is too weak.

But now it’s different, Ling Shiyun’s face is a bit more rosy, and she doesn’t know

Whether it is the nourishment of love, the eyebrows are also more charming.

Why are you staring at me? Ling Shiyunpi and Ye Fei staring at me a little embarrassed

Thinking, whispered immediately.

Ye Fei said: “I think you seem to have become beautiful.”

“Really? Glossy tongue.” Ling Shiyun said, but she felt sweet in her heart. (

Good Lee’s)

Ye Fei gave Ling Shiyun acupuncture. In this strange villa, Ye Fei doesn’t have to worry, Duan

Qi Zheng didn’t even come to this villa at all, and Doctor Wu also went out to meet friends at this time.

Only Ling Shiyun was at home.

After Ye Fei gave Ling Shiyun acupuncture, the two of them are in a sweet two-person world, again you

Let me hold it for a while

What Ye Fei didn’t know was that while Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun were in the world, Li Yun

There is also some action on the peak

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