Chapter 348 Ye Fei’s self-confidence! [Subscribe]

All of a sudden, Ye Fei let more than a dozen members of the Dragon Force

They were all shocked, their discoloration changed, and they looked at Ye Fei with awe-inspiring eyes.

Shang was immersed in consternation, unable to extricate himself.

Mu Zijin’s eyes are like water, always focusing on Ye Fei’s body. Seeing Ye Fei like this, she knows

His eyes brightened, and his face was lightly smiled.

I only saw Mu Zijing’s eyebrows, magnificent and radiant, with two pupils cutting water, beginning

The shadow of Ye Fei was finally reflected.

Mu Zijin’s lips curled slightly, knowing that Ye Fei had stopped drinking, he had already suppressed the flood dragon troops.

The facts are in front of us. Ye Fei’s strength is absolutely unfathomable and they are absolutely unfathomable.

It’s an opponent!

So Ye Fei can rebuke them, and he has the power to rebuke them!

In the end, Wang Yang’s expression changed several times. He lowered his head and said loudly, “Instructor Ye

It’s because I don’t know Taishan. I didn’t expect your strength to be so high. You definitely have

Qualified to be our chief instructor!

After seeing the terrifying power of Ye Fei, Wang Yang finally lowered his head and deeply recognized

Ye Fei, recognize Ye Fei’s strength.

Ye Fei glanced at Wang Yang and said lightly: “Now you know?”

Seeing that Ye Fei didn’t care, Chen Gen, as the captain of the Dragon Troop, also immediately followed

Walked out of the queue, walked towards Ye Fei, saluted respectfully and said: “Instructor Ye, it’s us

It was too unreasonable before. I didn’t expect that Chief Ye instructor turned out to be a god, young grandmaster! You Ye

The chief instructor came to give us pointers, and the Dragon Force is finally hopeful!

Chen Gen said loudly, his expression was slightly excited, and his heart was burning.


Chen Gen still has this vision. Judging from the strength that Ye Fei has just shown,

Definitely a powerhouse at the level of Grand Master of the Transformation Realm, Young Master!

Chen Gen finally knew why General Zhang agreed to Ye Fei as the chief instructor of the Dragon Force


Ye Fei is really capable and unfathomable.

This instructor Ye is in his twenties, right? A young master in his twenties, even if he is

Duan Tianyuan couldn’t compare to him at the beginning!

The Dragon Force is in his hands, maybe there is really hope.

Chen Gen’s heart ignited-silk hope, and he admired Ye Fei to the extreme.

Chen Gen bowed deeply to Ye Fei, and then said: “Exemplary instructor Ye to teach!”

Seeing Chen Gen’s statement like this, the other members of the Dragon Force also suddenly woke up.

They saluted Ye Fei respectfully one by one, and said loudly, “I would like to ask Chief Instructor Ye for guidance.

The voices of the members of these dragon troops are neat and tidy, and the voices of 300 people are very loud.

Bright, but also from the heart.

Obviously, Ye Fei’s performance just now has completely impressed them.

The members of these dragon troops were all conquered by Ye Fei.

At the same time, only Mu Zijin and Li Wen also looked at Ye Fei, the corners of Mu Zijin’s mouth

Upturned, revealing a slight smile, knowing that Ye Fei’s performance impressed the Jiaolong troops.

And Li Wen also looked at Ye Feio with deep emotion

Ye Fei glanced at Chen Gen, then looked at the members of the Dragon Force on the training ground.

Ye Fei faintly said, “It’s not impossible for me to teach you, but you

The current strength is too weak, far from reaching what I want. I originally thought Jiao

The dragon army is famous, and everyone is an elite. It should be a dragon and a phoenix among them.

“But now I look at it and I am really disappointed, but that’s it.” Ye Fei shook his head slightly.

Hearing Ye Fei’s comments, everyone in the Dragon Troop felt a bit stabbed in their hearts.

Because Ye Fei’s criticism is indeed merciless.

However, Ye Fei did appraise the qualifications of the Dragon Troops.

The members of the Dragon Force are all bowing their heads at this time,-all of them are silent, these days

The kings of warriors are now like little daughters-in-law, and they don’t even dare to look at Ye Fei.

Xiong Zheng was in the NPC chaos, but he looked at Ye Fei, surprised and admired in his heart.

Dao: How did Ye Fei’s strength become so terrifying? In a blink of an eye, he actually turned around-

It’s really amazing to become the Master of Transformation

Xiong Zheng wondered in his heart, and at the same time he couldn’t wait to have a few words with Ye Fei. He is also a

Wu Chi, I really hope Ye Fei can give me some advice on martial arts.

And now this seems to be an opportunity. 3.6

Ye Fei turned out to be the chief instructor of the Dragon Troops. From today onwards, wouldn’t he be upright

The big one asked Ye Fei for advice on martial arts?

“However, since I said I want you to win the National Special Forces Competition in three months

Championship, then I will do what I say, you only need to listen to my training, I promise to let you like

I wish it. “Ye Fei said lightly.

Ye Fei has absolute confidence in his own “Dragon Elephant Forging Body Final”.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, everyone in Jiaolong’s eyes lit up.

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