Chapter 335 Famous across the country!

Ye Fei spent about one week in Ezhou.

In this week, Ye Fei’s reputation spread far and wide, and the reputation is so great that almost the entire Ezhou city knows it.

A doctor Ye.

Ye Fei focused on doing his own thing, spreading positive energy, and also brought the entire Ezhou condition under control.

Thanks to Ye Fei’s foresight, the Ye family, Su family and other family pharmaceutical companies are running at full capacity.

Tian has donated more than 300,000 masks, not only masks, but also medical equipment such as goggles.

As Ye Fei prepared adequately in advance, the medical supplies of major hospitals in Ezhou have not been seriously affected for the time being.


At the same time, the Ye family is also calling on the major Yandu business families to donate and donate materials. The major families work together.

The situation in Ezhou area has also been greatly eased.

The most important thing is that Ye Fei and others’ measures to close Ezhou city before the Spring Festival travel season have made the epidemic more effective.

Effective containment.

I have to say that everything Ye Fei has done is indeed prescient.

And Ye Fei is also fighting on the front line, fighting side by side with everyone, just like the majority of medical staff.

The epidemic finally weakened, Ye Fei was also free, and he and the genius doctor Wu returned to Yandu.

After disinfection and other treatments, Ye Fei and God Doctor Wu finally boarded a plane and returned to Yandu Airport, and God Wu

The doctor cares about Ling Shiyun. He said to Ye Fei: “Ye Xiaoyou, thanks to you this time, otherwise I don’t think there will be any.

It will be difficult for us to come back for a few months.

Dr. Wu is deeply moved. It is true that Ye Fei has the foresight to kill this epidemic in the cradle.

Dr. Wu also admired Ye Fei very much. He was able to risk his life to come to Ezhou, which is enough to explain Ye Fei’s people

Quality and responsibility.

Now God Doctor Wu and Ye Fei are not only laughing and grinning, but he also sympathizes with Ye Fei.

Ye Fei heard Doctor Wu’s thanks. He also smiled slightly and said, “Doctor Wu, you are polite. It just so happens that I

I also want to see Shi Yun,-get up, for a long time. ”

Doctor Wu was taken aback for a while, and then smiled: “Okay, okay. Actually, I hope you and Shiyun can reach the same level.

In this way, Shi Yun’s condition is also

Dr. Wu didn’t say much, but said with emotion: “Shiyun’s grandfather and I are close friends. When we were young,

I used to learn martial arts together, so Shi Yun is also an old friend to me, I can’t help but wish her for a long time.


Ye Fei nodded slightly when he heard the words. Only then did he realize that there was such a reason in this. It turned out that Ling Shiyun and

God doctor Wu still has such a relationship, no wonder doctor Wu takes care of Ling Shiyun so much.

Ye Fei went to Duan Qizheng’s villa with Wu Shenyi.

During this time in Yandu, the doctor Wu and Ling Shiyun lived here.

Ye Fei and Dr. Wu are completely relieved of their previous suspicions, and Chen Luozhi’s death is no longer in the mind of Dr. Wu.

Doctor Wu also completely put down.

The current doctor Wu has no conflict with Ye Fei, but after the epidemic, it’s a bit like fighting side by side.


Ye Fei and Doctor Wu went to Duan Qizheng’s villa.

In the villa, Duan Qizheng and Ling Shiyun had long learned about the return of God Doctor Wu, and Ling Shiyun went to greet them.

Ling Shiyun was naturally very happy after seeing the genius doctor Wu. Ling Shiyun did not go out of the gate these days.

Although her body has recovered a lot, she lost contact with Ye Fei and Wu Shenyi for nearly a week.

My heart is also quite worried about this.

Ling Shiyun now sees Dr. Wu and Ye Fei next to Dr. Wu. Ling Shiyun is immediately surprised.


After Ling Shiyun saw the two, there was surprise in her beautiful eyes, and her beautiful face was full of joy.

Whispered: “Ye Fei, you also come back

“Ahem, my master can be here, but you only saw Ye Fei?” Doctor Wu teased.

Upon seeing this, Ling Shiyun’s face was slightly red, Ling Shiyun whispered: “Master, what are you talking about! I know

You will come back, but I didn’t expect Ye Fei to also come. ”

Ye Fei smiled and asked: “How is your condition? We are not here for a few days. Your health

No discomfort? ”

Seeing Ye Fei caring about herself, Ling Shiyun felt sweet in her heart. She said softly, “It’s okay, I eat and sleep well now.

Anyway, I knew the epidemic was spreading, so I didn’t go out at all. Get enough sleep during this time, but the spirit can still be

by. ”

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei carefully examined Ling Shiyun’s complexion. Although her face was still slightly pale, she was fine.

The god is in a good state, which also made Ye Fei relieved.

“Ye Xiaoyou, you chat with my apprentice, I have to rest more when I am older, so I won’t bother you.” Wu

The genius doctor said, and waved his hand at Duan Qizheng who was not far away. Both he and Duan Qizheng returned to the villa’s room.

Leave space for Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun.

When Ling Shiyun saw this, her cheeks flushed immediately after rubbing them, full of blushes.

God Doctor Wu is a master of transformation, and his physique is different from that of ordinary people. How could he feel tired and take more rest?

To tell the truth, with the physical quality of the genius doctor Wu, he can hardly feel tired even if he is sleepless for three days and three nights.

Obviously, Doctor Wu is making room for Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun, and he intends to bring them together.

Both Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun know well, especially Ling Shiyun, she is even more embarrassed at this time, her face is full

It’s blushing, I’m very embarrassed.

Ye Fei was used to it. He naturally took Ling Shiyun to sit down and said:-“I haven’t seen you for almost a week

Although you are in good spirits, you are thin.

Ling Shiyun is indeed a little thinner. These days, she is worried that Ye Fei is fighting on the front line with Doctor Wu. She is not like that.

As she said, “eat well and sleep well”, in fact, she was in a state of insomnia for a few nights.

“I’m fine, but you. (Okay) I’ve seen you on CCTV news several times, you are now a famous

Moved the whole country. “Ling Shiyun said softly.

Ling Shiyun’s words are not fake at all.

During this epidemic, many things Ye Fei did were highly praised. He himself was also an expert.

The group’s benchmarking figures have attracted much attention and publicity, and have been on CCTV news and Weibo headlines several times.

Zi is remembered by hundreds of millions of netizens and followed by hundreds of millions of people.

It can be said that Ye Fei is really famous all over the country now!

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