Chapter 327 Is the fake show really doing? I can save you!

Ye Fei only felt that his experience skyrocketed and his heart was so refreshing, he squinted slightly.

No matter what, today’s results are beneficial to Ye Fei, and his reputation and prestige will be even higher.

Especially in the martial arts world of Yandu, Ye Fei’s prestige is far stronger than before.

They are two concepts, so there is no need to say more.

Even Ding Yicheng, Guo Dazhi, Wei Laowu and others expressed their respect for Ye Fei to Ye Fei.

In fact, according to common sense, even if Ye Fei is the master of the world, Ding Yicheng and others cannot be convinced by Ye Fei.

Behave so respectfully.

Among them, the identity of Ye Fei’s heir to the Ye family also played a big role.

Strictly speaking, Ye Fei is not from the martial arts world.

Bi Jing Ye Fei is rooted in the Ye family, one of the three major commercial giants in Yandu, and his status is extraordinary.

Regarding this heavy identity, Ye Fei’s identity is also incomparably noble, even more so that people in the martial arts world are in awe.

Unless she was born in a martial arts family like Ling Shiyun, she would definitely not be able to compare with Ye~’s family.

For this reason, Ding Yicheng, Guo Dazhi and others are all convinced-Ye Fei.

Hearing Ding Yicheng and Guo Dazhi’s words, Ye Fei smiled nonchalantly.

After chatting for a few words, then declining everyone, he walked to Mu Zijin’s side.

Mu Zijin blinked, her mouth curled up with a sweet smile, walking beside Ye Fei, very clear

The eyes always focus on Ye Fei’s body.

Mu Zijin whispered softly: “I did a great performance tonight. I didn’t think you just became a master.

Helpless to you, he is one of the most recognized masters. ”

Of course, there are three or six or nine grades of grand masters, and there are also strong and weak points.

Li Yunfeng is only in his thirties and he is in his prime of life. He is at the peak of his physical functions and various strengths.

And he was once the captain of the Dragon Tooth mercenary, a well-deserved king of soldiers.

For this reason, Li Yunfeng is recognized in the martial arts world as being a great master in the realm of transformation.

Ye Fei, as the newly promoted master, was able to compete against Li Yunfeng, and even seemed to be slightly better on the scene.

He was enough to do it himself.

“That is, don’t look at who it is.” Ye Fei joked at Mu Zijin with a smirk.

Mu Zijin’s face was reddening right now, and she remembered those fantasies she had just now, if she wanted to be more powerful in martial arts

Furthermore, then you must practice the “Huangdi Neijing” with Ye Fei again

Mu Zijin blushed, but he didn’t say anything in embarrassment.

Ye Fei chuckled and took Mu Zijin’s hand and walked out.

Mu Zijin followed Ye Fei, and the two walked into the car.

Ye Fei kindly fastened Mu Zijin’s seat belt and smiled: “Why don’t you go to my house for dinner tomorrow?

My parents also said they wanted to see you. ”

Ye Fei told Mu Zijin about this last time.

After all, Ye Fei has already met Mu Zijin’s parents, and this time it’s Mu Zijin’s turn to see Ye Fei’s father.

The relationship between the two parties is basically determined.

Ye Fei and Mu Zijin went through life and death together, and their feelings were different.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Mu Zijin’s face blushed slightly, but he still agreed to Ye Fei and said in a low voice: ”

okay, I get it

Mu Zijin’s cheeks are blushing, her eyes are extremely moisturized, and her eyes float with shame and joy. Obviously for Ye Fei’s

The proposal is still very happy.

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei smiled and said, “Well, that’s it. Others who are ugly wives always want to see their in-laws, you

It’s a beautiful daughter-in-law

Ye Fei smiled and teased a few words before seeing Mu Zijin’s face even more blush.

Ye Fei sent Mu Zijin to Mu’s compound.

At the gate of Mu’s compound, after Mu Zijin kissed Ye Fei, he hurriedly got out of the car, blushing and left.

Ye Fei drove home, just waiting for tomorrow.


Next day

Early in the morning, when Ye Fei finished washing, he was not in a hurry to return to Ye’s house, but was preparing for something else.

This is to help Ling Shiyun use the Suzaku fire needle to regulate her body.

Since this period of time, Ling Shiyun almost every two or three days, Ye Fei will make a special trip to use the Vermillion Bird Fire Needle for Ling Shi

Yun has adjusted her body once, and Ling Shiyun is also taking care of the doctor Wu, so since this time

Ling Shiyun’s body recovered well.

But after all, Ling Shiyun is weak, and the weather is getting colder. The cold and damp weather makes Ling Shiyun

Cough badly.

Ask for flowers

When I saw Ling Shiyun today, Ye Fei saw that Ling Shiyun was pale again, and his lips were almost bloodless.

It’s just that her eyes are so bright that she looked at Ye Fei and smiled: “Ye Fei, you had a relationship with Li Yunfeng last night

I’ve heard about the hands, it’s amazing

Ling Shiyun admired Ye Fei very much.

Ye Fei was taken aback when she heard Ling Shiyun say this. Ye Fei was surprised and said, “You actually did it so soon


Ye Fei was indeed surprised.

After all, it was only one night.

Ling Shiyun whispered: “Yes, don’t forget, my master is also the master of the world, he is actually

People in the martial arts world, of course someone will tell him the news

“Yes, I almost forgot about God Wu.” Ye Fei nodded slightly. It seems that someone will match Ye Fei with Li Yun last night.

The news of Feng’s battle was told to Doctor Wu.


At this moment, Ling Shiyun coughed violently again, and she carried a delicate blue silk scarf handkerchief with her.

She covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and after coughing violently, she saw traces of blood on the handkerchief.

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei frowned slightly and said, “Your cough seems to be serious again.

“As soon as winter comes, I am used to it. I usually spend the winter in the south, and sometimes it is very

When I go to the island, it’s warmer there. I didn’t expect this year to spend the winter in Yandu.” Ling Shiyun smiled reluctantly

In a low voice: “But after your treatment, I feel my body feels much more comfortable than before. I used to cough up blood.

more serious.

Ling Shiyun told the past, without fear of death, only calm.

When Ling Shiyun said this, Ye Fei still frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: “Actually I can save you, you too

Know the method, why don’t we do the fake show?”

Ye Fei’s meaning is obvious.

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