Chapter 319 Li Yunfeng is here!

Ye Fei’s heart was filled with emotion.

Luo Weiyu did everything for him, and Ye Fei knew very well in his heart that he felt even more pity for the girl in front of him.

“Let’s rest, don’t keep practicing, or it will be counterproductive.” Ye Fei didn’t want to give Luo Weiyu too

huge pressure.

What’s more, as a master of the realm of transformation, there are fewer and fewer people who can threaten Ye Fei, except for a few of him such as Li Yunfeng.

Outside of his opponents, Ye Fei was determined not to be afraid.

“Yeah, good.” Luo Weiyu nodded obediently, her bright eyes looked at Ye Fei, and then leaned against Ye Fei’s chest, looking for a comfort.

The clothing posture leaned against Ye Fei’s arms.

Ye Fei smiled and hugged Luo Weiyu tightly into

Early the next morning.

When Ye Fei woke up, Luo Weiyu had already prepared breakfast.

Smelling the aroma of this breakfast, Ye Fei also had a great appetite.

Luo Weiyu said to Ye Fei: “I don’t know why, I always feel that today is easier than usual for me_

Luo Weiyu said embarrassedly.

Hearing Luo Weiyu’s words, Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile: “Silly girl, this is normal. After you practice martial arts, your body

Physical fitness becomes stronger, and the demand for things is also greater, so you must not eat less for weight loss

Ye Fei told Luo Wei Yudao.

Luo Weiyu let out a cry, and then understood the reason.

Ye Fei and Luo Weiyu ate and chatted.

At this moment, Ye Fei received a call from Zhang Minle.

Zhang Mingle excitedly said to Ye Fei on the phone: “Mr. Ye, good news, great news!”

“What’s so exciting?” Ye Fei shrugged and asked lightly.

Ye Fei is very calm, Zhang Minle is abroad at this time.

Before that, Ye Fei was going to a foreign country, but it was delayed because of Fang Qihong’s affairs. Ye Fei makes people pretend to be

He had already boarded the plane and went abroad, creating the illusion that he had already gone abroad, and gave Fang Qihong a set.

Although it was the next set, it was true that Ye Fei was going abroad, but he didn’t go.

Because the filming of “I am not the god of medicine” has been invited at major international film festivals, please go to “I am not the god of medicine”

Participating in the film festival to win awards.

One of the most famous awards is the Golden Bell Award.

The Golden Bell Award is an award of the European Film Festival. In this parallel time and space, it is one of the very important awards. There are

Very high standard.

This time, “I am not a medicine god” represents Xuan Huangguo to participate in the selection of the Golden Bell Awards.

Ye Fei doesn’t report high expectations for the award of “I’m Not the God of Medicine”. After all, Ye Fei also knows that

These awards are rarely awarded to domestic films.

Xuan Huangguo’s film industry has been in the business for so many years, and there are only a handful of films that have won foreign awards.

But now listening to Zhang Minle’s tone, this year seems to be different?

Sure enough, I heard Zhang Minle enthusiastically saying on the phone: “Mr. Ye, we won the prize, we won the prize! The best telephony

Movie Award! There is also the Best Actor Award, both of us “I am not the God of Medicine”! ”

Best movie award!

Best Actor Award!

These two awards are indeed very important awards, and they are also the most important awards in the entire Golden Bell Awards-!

Ye Fei’s spirit was slightly startled, and he was obviously surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei smiled and said, “Yes, it seems that although I didn’t go, I won the award too, not bad.

“More than that, I also have great hopes for the Golden Horse Award. Hey, Mr. Ye, this time we are just windy.

With my head out, I guess many domestic media will be competing to report,” Zhang Minle said with a smile.

Zhang Minle is obviously in a very good mood, and he is very excited.

Ye Fei heard Zhang Mingle say this, nodded slightly and said: “Okay, if you are not in a hurry, you can play there for a few days.

I’ll give you a celebration banquet when you come back.

“Hey, Mr. Ye, look at what you said, we don’t have the mind to play abroad. We can’t wait to fly back to China right away.

Show off! “Zhang Min said in a happy mood.

Hearing what Zhang Minle said, Ye Fei smiled suddenly, which really fits Zhang Minle’s personality.

The film “I’m Not the God of Medicine” won the award, which is also an unprecedented honor.

At present, there are almost no movies in Hyun Wong country that have won foreign awards. Now Ye Fei has won this award.

This item is already very rare, and it will definitely be featured in the domestic media.

It can be said that the box office and influence of “I’m Not the God of Medicine” will be even higher!

And Ye Fei’s own fame will naturally rise with it.

In fact, Ye Fei had always followed the principle of low-key and did not want to appear in the public too high-key, but after this

The movie “I’m Not the God of Medicine” won the award this time, I’m afraid Ye Fei wants to keep a low profile and it’s difficult.

Ye Fei hung up Zhang Minle’s call, Luo Weiyu blinked and asked curiously what was going on.

Ye Fei smiled and explained to Luo Weiyu, and Luo Weiyu knew the specific situation.

Luo Weiyu immediately admired Ye Fei, and said in a low voice: “It’s really amazing, this “I am not the god of medicine” has been in the past two days.

I often hear people mention that it’s a very moving good movie, a good movie

Luo Weiyu’s tone was full of pride. She was sincerely happy and proud for Ye Fei977.

Ye Fei smiled: “Don’t praise me, I will be proud.”

Ye Fei joked with Luo Weiyu, and drove Luo Weiyu to the flower shop.

Just after sending Luo Weiyu to the flower shop, after kissing Luo Weiyu goodbye, Ye Fei returned to the car and found that his phone rang again


It was from Concubine Ning Yu!

Ye Fei was a little surprised, but she didn’t expect that Ning Yufei, a beautiful lady, would contact him on the initiative.

Ye Fei and Concubine Ning Yu have always kept in touch, but they haven’t had much contact recently.

Ye Fei answered the phone and heard Concubine Ning Yu’s hooking voice ringing on the phone. Concubine Ning Yu didn’t talk nonsense and opened the phone.

Seeing the truth, he said: “Ye Fei, let me tell you a news that Li Yunfeng has come to Yandu!”

Ye Fei heard the words and squinted slightly.

Li Yunfeng has come to Yandu!

This means that Ye Fei is about to violently collide with the protagonist of “The King of Soldiers in Huadu”!

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