Chapter 316 Experience soars!

It’s finally over.

Fang Qihong was taken away by the criminals.

Fang Qihong looked downcast, his face was downcast, his face was as sinking as water, he was handcuffed, and then he was caught.


This is indeed a sad reminder for Fang Qihong.

But this is what he deserved.

Ye Fei squinted, he took Bai Ruoxi’s hand and said softly: “Well, it’s finally over.”

Fang Qihong may still struggle to resist, but the charge for the murder of Bai Ruoxi this time is very difficult to get rid of, plus Qihong at the top

The murder six years ago was enough to drive Fang Qihong to a dead end.

At any rate, Bai Ruoxi and her father are both top business people and have a huge influence in society. This kind of case

It is easy to attract the attention of the whole society.

Under the pressure of the fishing boat, it is difficult for Fang Qihong to make small moves.

No matter how powerful and powerful the Fang family is, there is already a struggle involved. Once involved, it is indeed dangerous.

Fang Qihong is completely finished.

Ye Fei was also thinking about how to put the Fang family to death.

To deal with people like Fang Qihong, you must not be merciful, especially the Fang family itself is also very powerful.

Called the top business family, no worse than the Ye family.

Once Fang Family 653 can fall, the Ye Family and Bai Family and other big families will ultimately benefit.

Ye Fei said: “Although Fang Qihong is temporarily under control, he will definitely want to struggle.

Strength. ”

Bai Ruoxi nodded lightly, her eyes flashed brightly, and she whispered: “Fang Qihong is not weak enough to let the Fang family rise again.

“En. Of course, since you have decided to step on someone, you have to trample to death.” Ye Fei’s tone was calm, but very firm.

Both Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei have this kind of consciousness.

Among them, Ye Fei even contacted the cheap daddy Ye He, and Bai Ruoxi also mobilized the resources of the Bai family. Ye Fei also returned

Speaking to Yang Zimo, and specifically contacted Yang Dongsheng, Yang Zimo’s father, to explain the matter.

The facts that happened this night are too big.

I heard that Fang Qihong was the master of the accident six years ago, and he had premeditated the murder of Bai Ruoxi’s father.

This immediately made Ye He and Yang Dongsheng quite surprised.

The accident in which Bai Ruoxi’s father died six years ago shocked Yandu.

Ye He listened to Ye Fei’s account, and he bgch booed: “It turns out that Fang Qi is the real murderer.

Sure enough, people are unpredictable

Ye He sighed, and then was quite surprised by what Ye Fei did. He didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so relaxed.

Fang Qihong was sent to prison.

Ye Fei said a few words with Ye He, and also expressed the hope that Ye He could help and deal with Fang Qihong.

Because once news of Fang Qihong’s imprisonment comes out, Fang’s share price will inevitably fluctuate significantly, and even lose Fang Qi

The core figure of Hong, the Fang Group suddenly became a no-owner, and the Ye Family would definitely get a lot of opportunities by then.

The same goes for the Bai family and the Yang family.

After all, for big companies like Ye, Bai, and Yang with a market value of over 100 billion, these big companies compete with each other.

It is also very intense.

Especially in industries such as real estate and finance, which are inherently highly competitive.

After all, the cake is so big, of course, these giant companies will get involved.

Therefore, once the Fang group falls, the cake of the Fang group will be let out.

Occupied by Yang and other families.

Therefore, when Ye Fei asked Ye He, Yang Dongsheng and others to help, Ye He and Yang Dongsheng didn’t even think about it.

I agreed immediately.

In any case, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of Ye, Bai, and Yang, even if it is as strong as Fang Qihong, it is difficult to toss about anything.

The storm is over.

The strength of each of Ye, Bai, and Yang is not inferior to Fang Qihong.

No matter how you look at it, Fang Qihong is doomed this time.

After Ye Fei finished the phone call, Yang Dongsheng was also polite, and even wanted to formally establish a relationship with the Ye family and the Bai family.


Hearing Yang Dongsheng’s words, Ye Fei of course readily agreed and did not refuse.

The current alliance between the Ye family and the Bai family has resulted in great benefits to the Ye family and the Bai family.

China has also benefited a lot, especially for the Ye family.

When Yang Dongsheng saw that he was naturally jealous, he also took this opportunity to propose an alliance.

At this point, the three major commercial giants in Yandu have finally formed a complete alliance.

Thanks to Fang Qihong’s appearance

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night, and Bai Ruoxi’s villa is temporarily unavailable.

Ye Fei took Bai Ruoxi to his villa, and Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei rested in the villa–night.

Bai Ruoxi avenged her father and was finally able to get revenge. The gratitude she felt in Ye Fei’s heart is of course needless to say, the experience is more

It soared, echoing in Ye Fei’s ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, Bai Ruoxi has increased his favor with you and increased his experience by 200 points.”

The experience value increases again.

Ye Fei is happy.

The growth rate of this experience value is still very good.

Although it was late at night, Bai Ruoxi couldn’t sleep. Instead, she leaned against Ye Fei, hugged Ye Fei’s waist tightly, and watched.

To Ye Fei’s profile.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Go to sleep, you have to work tomorrow.”

“Well, thank you, Ye Fei.” Bai Ruoxi said again and kissed Ye Fei’s face before lying on Ye Fei’s

He fell asleep in his arms.

The next day.

Ye Fei sent Bai Ruoxi to the Bai Group.

After arriving at the Bai Group, after going to Bai Ruoxi’s office, I saw that Bai Yu also rushed over soon.

After Bai Yu came, he was slightly taken aback when he saw Ye Fei, but before he could say hello to Ye Fei, his first sentence was to ask Bai.


“Sister, I heard that the murderer of my father was caught, really?” Bai Yu asked Bai Ruoxi excitedly.

Bai Ruoxi nodded slightly and said, “Well, it’s true. Thanks to Ye Fei, he helped.”

Suddenly, Bai Yu’s expression was also extremely excited. At this moment, he took a deep look at Ye Fei and said, “Ye Fei, you really deserve to be me.

Good brother!”

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