Chapter 303 Experience skyrocketing, the feeling of electric shock!

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun walked out of the screening room side by side. The two of them had just left the screening room, and there was a cold wind coming outside.

Along with the cold wind blowing, Ling Shiyun shuddered suddenly.

She was shrinking subconsciously when she felt the chill.

At this moment, she suddenly felt warm, but she saw Ye Fei put her coat on her.

Ling Shiyun’s heart moved slightly, her cheeks blushed, she felt strange and embarrassed in her heart.

Is this the feeling of being in love? Ling Shiyun thought to herself, her face even hotter.

Ye Fei sent Ling Shiyun to her place.

Currently Ling Shiyun and Wu Shenyi are temporarily living in Duan Qizheng’s villa.

Ye Fei sent Ling Shiyun to the door, Ling Shiyun whispered: “Thank you Ye Fei, I watched a movie for the first time today and found

feel good

“Six Nine Zero” “Really, then you can often watch movies with me in the future.” Ye Fei laughed.


Ling Shiyun whispered, expecting in her eyes.

Ye Fei opened the car door very graciously and sent Ling Shiyun out of the car.

When Ling Shiyun saw this, her cheeks were slightly red, and her cheeks were even more faint. She was a little uncomfortable with Ye Fei’s behavior, but in her heart

But it’s sweet.

This gave Ling Shiyun a feeling of love.

Ling Shiyun stood in the cold wind. Although she was wearing Ye Fei’s coat, she still felt a little cold.

Ye Fei could see that Ling Shiyun felt cold, and also knew that Ling Shiyun was weak, which was also normal.

Right now, Ye Fei said to Ling Shiyun: “Shiyun, you should go back to the house first, and rest early.”

Ling Shiyun nodded lightly and said softly: “Then I will go in.” For some reason, Ling Shiyun’s heart was rising-no

The emotion of home.

She looked at Ye Fei, hung her head slightly, Xia Fei’s cheeks, and was about to return to the villa.

“and many more.”

Ye Fei spoke at this moment, and stopped Ling Shiyun.

Ling Shiyun paused in her footsteps, then turned her head when she didn’t know, and looked at Ye Fei, not knowing what Ye Fei meant.

Just listen to Ye Fei smiled and said, “Actually, there is one more thing I didn’t do.”

“What?” Ling Shiyun was slightly surprised, but she had a vague premonition in her heart, as if she knew what Ye Fei was doing.

So general.

Only at this moment Ye Fei walked to Ling Shiyun’s side, gently hugged Ling Shiyun in her arms, with a hint of her mouth showing.

Smiled, and then pressed against Ling Shiyun’s cheeks.

Ye Fei does not have a close relationship with Ling Shiyun. After all, the two are not really lovers, and even if they are truly sure of the relationship

Couple, this is a bit abrupt.

Today, the relationship between Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun is not so close, so Ye Fei just sticks to Ling Shiyun’s face.

Instead of kissing goodbye.

Ling Shiyun’s cheeks flushed immediately, and her cheeks were completely flushed.

At the same time, Ling Shiyun even felt like an electric shock. Her whole body was like a slight electric shock, and her heartbeat accelerated.

Can’t help but feel contemplative.

“Ding, congratulations to the host. You have obtained the favorability value from Ling Shiyun and converted it into experience. You have a total of 500 points.

Value. ”

Immediately afterwards, the system reminder sounded in Ye Fei’s ears.

500 experience points!

This experience value is quite high.

Ye Fei has been prompted by the system, knowing that if he wants to upgrade the system skills from master level to god level skills,

Need 20,000 experience points.

Ye Fei’s experience points are accumulating very quickly at present, and Ye Fei now has 2500 experience points.

If Ye Fei can accumulate 20,000 experience points to upgrade his god-level skills, then his strength will leap again.

Ye Fei believes it won’t take long.

Ye Fei looked at Ling Shiyun in front of him.

Only to see Ling Shiyun’s eyes were watery, and her cheeks were completely blushed. Although Ye Fei did not do anything out of the ordinary, but

It was Ling Shiyun’s blushing face and her heartbeat speeding up.

“Go back now, don’t catch a cold.” Ye Fei whispered.

“Oh, good.” Ling Shiyun whispered.

Later, Ye Fei saw Ling Shiyun trotting all the way, returning to the villa like a frightened deer.

When Ye Fei saw this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After Ling Shiyun left, Ye Fei also drove back to her private villa.

It is late at night.

It’s quiet at night, and Ye Fei is alone today.

Luo Weiyu is busy decorating the new house, while Su Qingzhu is still busy with the Su Group. Mu Zijin’s recent incident in the barracks

Not a lot

Although Ye Fei kept in touch with them, he was alone tonight.

When Ye Fei was about to go to bed, he suddenly received a call from Bai Ruoxi.

Ye Fei answered the phone, Bai Ruoxi’s voice came to his ears.


Bai Ruoxi’s voice trembled slightly, it seemed that something happened, and his emotions fluctuated.

“Ruoxi, what’s the matter?” Ye Fei asked immediately, very concerned about Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi must have encountered something, otherwise he would never come to Ye Fei so late.

Sure enough, Ye Fei only heard Bai Ruoxi say in a low voice: “I got the news that Fang Qihong will come to Yandu tomorrow.

Fang Qihong!

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes when he heard the name.

Fang Qihong, the real culprit who killed Bai Ruoxi’s father six years ago, was behind the scenes!

Fang Qihong is the helm of the Fang family, the business family of the Magic City.

The Fang family, like the Bai family and the Ye family, are both top-notch business families.

Fangjia’s assets have already exceeded 100 billion, and they are involved in multiple industries such as real estate and finance.

In business, there was a period of competition between the Fang family and the Bai family, which is why Fang Qihong hated Bai Ruo.

Xi’s father finally murdered Bai Ruoxi’s father through the Violet 1.5 Killer Organization, creating the accident.

To this end, Fang Qihong spent a very high price, and he did it in secret.

If Ye Fei hadn’t known the plot of the original book, it wouldn’t be so easy to find Fang Qihong.

And listening to Bai Ruoxi, Fang Qihong will come to Yandu tomorrow!

It’s no wonder that Bai Ruoxi couldn’t contain her inner emotions. Fang Qihong wanted to come to Yandu, and her father and enemy wanted to come to Yandu. She

How can I bear it?

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