Chapter 301 Women blush, just miss her husband!

Ye Fei was a little surprised when she heard Ling Shiyun’s words.

When the movie “The God of Medicine” was just released, Ling Shiyun asked to go to the movie?

Ye Fei calmly asked, “Then which movie do you want to see?”

“I. Ling Shiyun thought about it seriously: “I heard that “I’m Not the God of Medicine” has just been released and it has a good reputation.


“What’s wrong?” Ling Shiyun noticed Ye Fei’s strangeness.

Ye Fei smiled and shook his head and said, “It’s okay. I’m the screenwriter and producer of this movie.”

Ling Shiyun was surprised now.

Ling Shiyun said in amazement: “You invested in this movie?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Then I want to see it more.” Ling Shiyun said in a low voice, and she was completely aroused by Ye Fei’s curiosity.

Ye Fei laughed dumbfounded, but Ling Shiyun really aroused curiosity.

In fact, Ye Fei also roughly knows why Ling Shiyun wants to go to the movies. It must have been in Ling Shiyun for so long,

Haven’t been to a movie before, and watched a movie.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei smiled and agreed: “Okay, then I will arrange it. I will take you to the 770 movie.”

When Ye Fei said so, Ling Shiyun said hurriedly: “You don’t need to make arrangements, just go and see it normally. I just want to be with ordinary people.

How to watch a movie

Ye Fei nodded and said: “Alright, then you wait and I will pick you up.


Ye Fei chose a blue Bentley and drove to pick up Ling Shiyun.

Ling Shiyun is also wearing a thick down jacket today. She wears a hat, looks playful and pleasant, with a hint of shallowness at the corners of her mouth.


Ling Shiyun sat in the co-pilot. She looked at Ye Fei curiously, and said with a soft smile: “I saw “The God of Medicine” on the Internet.

This movie is very popular, is it really your investment to shoot?”

Ye Fei smiled: “Well, I provided the script and the investor. The director and actors are basically my company.

When Ling Shiyun heard this, she couldn’t help but look forward to it, and wanted to see how this movie was going.

The two went to the Bank of China Movie Plaza, which is also the Ye family’s property.

Ye Fei bought two VIP couple tickets, and he took Ling Shiyun into the cinema.

The vip couples hall is not crowded, but the whole movie theater is full of seats. Ye Fei took a look at the movie theater by the way.


Almost all the audience came to watch the movie “I’m Not the God of Medicine”, and the viewing hall was full of seats.


Seeing this scene, even Ling Shiyun couldn’t help but slap her tongue, sticking out her tongue and whispering: “Ye Gongzi, you are so amazing.

Is this movie a big hit?”

“It’s okay.” Ye Fei smiled: “Call me Ye Gongzi?”

Ye Fei and Ling Shiyun are now in a serious relationship.

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, Ling Shiyun’s face turned red, and she whispered: Ye Fei.”

Ye Fei reached out and took the initiative to take Ling Shiyun’s hand, and the two entered the theater together.

Being held by Ye Fei, Ling Shiyun’s body trembled slightly, as if there was a warm feeling coming from the palm of her hand, the feeling was even more

It makes Ling Shiyun feel incomprehensible.

Ling Shiyun’s face was flushed, and she blushed in her heart and thought: It turns out that it feels like holding hands with boys.

Ling Shiyun only felt that Ye Fei was warm, Ye Fei was like a big stove, holding his hand, letting him

The warmth spread to Ling Shiyun.

Seeing Ling Shiyun’s pretty face blushing, Ye Fei saw that her pretty face was blushing and pleasant, and suddenly thought of a sentence:

The woman blushed, just thinking about her husband.

After admiring Ling Shiyun’s blushing face for a while, Ye Fei stopped by to buy juice and popcorn.

Ling Shiyun picked up a glass of juice and bit the straw with relish. The action was really cute.

The two of them are sitting in the couple deck, (bedi)-starting to watch a movie.

With the sound of the opening of the movie, the plot of this movie gradually unfolded.

At the beginning of the movie, the rhythm of the first half of “The God of Medicine” is that there are frequent jokes, and all kinds of jokes and coincidences emerge endlessly.

Plus the overall rhythm is also very good.

With the gradual deepening of the plot, the story becomes compact and contradictions frequently emerge.

At this time, Ling Shiyun realized the meaning contained in the movie “I am not the god of medicine”. Everyone is doing it for

After life and struggle in life, those characters who have chronic myelogenous leukemia are struggling for life.

This immediately made Ling Shiyun feel the same.

Isn’t this movie just talking about herself?

Ling Shiyun saw those who are suffering from illnesses in the movie, but still want to work hard to survive, see this scene.

The grass-roots sentient beings with the radiant face touched my heart.

As the plot gradually deepened, there were even sobbing sounds in the cinema.

Many people are crying.

The movie “I’m Not the God of Medicine” is really touching, and such a highly rated movie is not a joke.

Ling Shiyun’s eyes were also bright. Although she did not cry, she was also moved.

Soon, the movie time is over.

Ling Shiyun breathed a long sigh of relief, and whispered in Ye Fei’s ear: “Ye Fei, your movie is very touching.

The shot is so good. ”

Ye Fei smiled, “Well, it doesn’t seem to disappoint me.”

“This movie is so popular, it should arouse a very strong social response. You are a drunkard, not drinking.

Ling Shiyun said softly.

Ling Shiyun is very smart, and immediately knew Ye Fei’s thoughts.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Well, somehow I have to do something. I can’t really be a second-generation rich man who eats and waits to die.”

The previous life “I am not the God of Medicine” caused a strong sensation, and even the head of the Privy Council spoke in person, urging the request

Relevant departments are speeding up the implementation of relevant measures such as reducing the price of anti-cancer drugs and guaranteeing the supply.

It can be said that one movie affects the entire society.

And what Ye Fei has to do now is this!

Ling Shiyun blinked, and at this moment she realized that she didn’t understand the man in front of her at all.

What is his identity? Yan has a famous top rich second generation? Or a sage doctor who can compare with Master

Or is it a playboy?

Ling Shiyun fell into doubt, and at the same time became more interested in Ye Fei.

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