Chapter 290 It’s a matter of course with Mu Zijin!

God Doctor Wu apologized to Ye Fei, with a very low attitude, and took the initiative to apologize to Ye Fei, even though he was very Chen Ken.

Ye Fei was silent, but the genius Doctor Wu bowed his hand to Ye Fei and said one after another: “Young Master Ye, Chen Luo may indeed be old.

I’ve wronged you, and I hope you don’t care. My apprentice Ling Shiyun’s illness may really only be saved by you.

Doctor Wu Chen Ken said again.

Ling Shiyun watched Ye Fei, bit her mouth, and stopped talking.

Ling Shiyun has lived in the shadow of disease since she was a child.

She died of illness, this kind of disease and torture made Ling Shiyun always be shrouded in great fear.

The torture of the disease made Ling Shiyun also full of yearning for the treatment of the disease, but she did not want to beg Ye Fei in a low voice.

Ye Fei saw that Doctor Wu was sincere, and noticed Ling Shiyun’s gaze. He frowned slightly and said, “Doctor Wu, really

It’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s not that simple

Ye Fei said, he approached the genius doctor Wu, whispered a few words in a low voice, the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” was used to treat congenital deficiencies.

After he said something, he saw that Doctor Wu’s expression changed slightly and he fell silent.

Master Wu learned that Ye Fei’s general method of treatment in the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” has changed his expression slightly.

Ye Fei said indifferently: “Simply put it all here, if the doctor Wu doesn’t want to trouble me, then I will go first.”

With that said, Ye Fei took a deep look at Ling Shiyun, then turned and left.

Only God Doctor Wu and Ling Shiyun stay where they are.

Ling Shiyun looked at Ye Fei who was leaving, she couldn’t help but wonder, and asked God Doctor Wu in a low voice: “Master, he said


Ling Shiyun is very strange, why did Ye Fei say a few words with the master, the master was completely silent?

What did Ye Fei say?

Doctor Wu sighed. He glanced at Ling Shiyun and said, “Shiyun. Don’t bother about this matter. Master, I’m

I will find a way to treat your illness as long as possible”

Ling Shiyun became more curious, and at the same time was silent in her heart.

It’s not the first time she heard that Doctor Wu said this. Every time God Doctor Wu said to try to cure Ling Shiyun’s disease,

In fact, if Ling Shiyun’s illness could be cured, she would have been cured long ago, so why wait until now?

With the passage of time, even Ling Shiyun herself gradually lost her confidence and did not return hope for her illness.

Ling Shiyun knew that Doctor Wu was just comforting her.

Ling Shiyun was not lost, did not complain, only calmly and sighed, she whispered: “It’s okay, Master, I know

Dao, in fact, I am very lucky to live till now.

Ling Shiyun smiled lightly, lowered her head and said.

A slight smile gradually bloomed on her delicate face, the smile was clear and moving, without the slightest resentment.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Wu sighed in his heart again, thinking about what Ye Fei said just now, he was speechless for a while.

Ye Fei doesn’t care what God Doctor Wu and Ling Shiyun are thinking, because Mu Zijin has already arrived.

Mu Zijin was late, and apologized to Ye Fei and said softly: “Sorry, I came too late.

Something to be handed over

Mu Zijin is an instructor. Although her job is relatively simple and easy, it is only relatively speaking.

In the martial arts world, there is an unfamiliar rule. As long as the martial artist reaches the level of internal strength, he can enter the army as an instructor.


Of course, martial arts instructors are also divided into three, six or nine grades. Mu Zijin, a master with great internal strength, has a very high status.


“It’s okay.” Ye Fei waved his hand. Of course he wouldn’t care about it. He smiled and took Mu Zijin’s little hand, and said: “Let’s first

Find a place to eat?”

Mu Zijin blinked her swift eyes, but she was a little bit of acting like a baby at Ye Fei, and said, “I think

“What do you think?”

Mu Ziyan pouted, tilted his head, with a cute expression: “I want to eat the food you cooked~.”

Since the last time I ate Ye Fei’s meal, she has been looking forward to it.

“No problem, it’s easy.” Ye Fei agreed in one fell swoop, and said, “Then go to my villa?”

“Okay, it’s time to visit.” Mu Zijin hadn’t been to Ye Fei Villa yet, she readily agreed.

Mu Zijin readily agreed to visit, and a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fei’s mouth. He immediately drove Mu Zijin to the villa.

In fact, Ye Fei has long been looking forward to this day, and has been planning for a long time.

Ye Fei and Mu Zijin have both met their parents, and the relationship between them can be said to have been confirmed long ago, and now the gap is even further.

It stands to reason that it should have been a matter of course long ago.

Ye Fei drove Mu Zijin back to his villa.

In the villa, Ye Fei let Mu Zijin sit first and visit at will.

Mu Zijin looked up and down the layout of Ye Fei villa, stuck out his tongue and said: “”You are really luxurious, this villa

Many of his outfits are very valuable.

Mu Zijin is not particular about the material. She never uses brand-name bags, brand-name cosmetics and jewelry.

Even the furnishings of her room are simple.

Compared with Ye Fei, her boudoir can only be described as crude.

That’s why Mu Zijin said Ye Fei was extravagant.

Hearing Mu Zijin’s words, Ye Fei said confidently: “No way, as a rich second generation, I always want to be rich.

What should the second generation do, right? Prodigal should be. ”

Mu Zijin couldn’t help but smile.

“You wait, I will cook for you, do you want Chinese food or Western food?” Ye Fei asked.

“Chinese food bar, I like Chinese food.” Mu Zijin said with a smile.

“Good.” Ye Fei agreed.

Immediately afterwards, (Wang’s) Ye Fei went to prepare food.

Ye Fei thought for a while and just cooked Sichuan food.

Mapo tofu, saliva chicken, boiled pork slices, and a kung pao chicken.

These dishes are all dishes that can make people appetite.

A table of dishes makes Mu Zijin even more supportive of her chin. She loves surprises with Ye Fei’s dishes, and she doesn’t even think about it.

From the appearance of soft colors.

I don’t know what I remembered, Mu Zijin’s cheek was also ruddy.

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