Chapter 265 Great benefit!

“Even Lao Mu knows?” Ye Fei couldn’t help asking.

“Yes.” Mu Zijin smiled,-while pouring tea for Ye Fei. Although Mu Zijin is not good at cooking, she makes soaks.

The kung fu of tea is–absolutely.

Ye Fei enjoyed Mu Zijin’s attentive service, and then asked with concern: “What did Old Mu say?” “Grandpa had a bad impression of Chen Luo. Of course, he was on your side, but he thought you were a little too impulsive. NS.

“Mu Zijin said softly.

Ye Fei shrugged. If he wasn’t impulsive, he might have really let Chen Luo run away this time.

Ye Fei didn’t expect Chen Luomi to run so decisively. If he didn’t chase him quickly, Chen Luo would really have slipped away.


Therefore, he doesn’t regret killing Chen Luo. After all, he took this opportunity to get rid of a big worry, and also

Take your strength to the next level and become a master of martial arts!

Ye Fei laughed and said nothing.

Mu Zijin continued: “But don’t blame Grandpa, his elders can only ask people close to him in this way. Although

He feels that you are a little impulsive, but he is also concerned about you, fearing that you will not be able to deal with the troubles of Doctor Wu.

“I know, I know the character of Mu Lao very well.” Ye Fei told Mu Lao that he doesn’t mind impulsiveness, because Ye Fei knows very well

Mu Lao’s attitude is precisely because he cares about Ye Fei, but because he treats Ye Fei as a junior.

Lao Mu’s temper is very straight, and he never blunts.

“It’s fine if you can think like this.” Mu Zijin saw Ye Fei understand, her smile was sweet, and the pears on her face were shallow, gentle and pleasant.

Mu Zijin looked at Ye Fei’s movements carefully, and suddenly found that something was wrong.

I only saw Ye Fei serving tea and drinking water. The movements were ordinary and simple. It looked like drinking water normally. The movements were very

Natural Xiaojiu.

But this is the case, but Mu Zijin felt that Ye Fei’s movements were natural and flowing, and there was an indescribable natural smoothness.

Ye Fei’s every move seems to be natural.

Looking closely at Ye Fei’s appearance, Ye Fei’s whole person is like a reborn, although the appearance changes are very subtle, but

The whole person’s temperament has completely changed.

If the previous Ye Fei’s performance in martial arts was like a sharp sword, then the current Ye Fei is restrained and calm.

But it is even more unfathomable than before.

The epee has no edge, and the great skill is not working!

Mu Zijin couldn’t help but think of these eight words.

A touch of surprise appeared in her agile eyes, and she couldn’t help but blurt out: “Ye. You broke through begging?”

Mu Zijin couldn’t believe it, but the fact seemed to be before her eyes again.

In just one night, Ye Fei seemed to have broken through.


Master of Transformation Realm!

If it is an ordinary person, or even an ordinary martial arts expert, it is impossible to notice the subtle changes in Ye Fei, but Mu Zijin can

Not an ordinary person, and she knows Ye Fei very well and knows Ye Fei’s situation very clearly.

Ye Fei last night was completely different from now.

Although the changes are subtle, Mu Zijin can be sure.

Ye Fei smiled slightly: “You can see it. I got something occasionally last night, so I can go further.”

Sure enough, it is the master of the realm of transformation.

Hearing the words, Mu Zijin couldn’t help but tremble, and the surprise in her beautiful eyes was hard to conceal.

Guessing is one thing, but listening to Ye Fei’s confirmation is another.

In just one night, Ye Fei turned into a pupa and turned into a butterfly, and he really became the master of the realm of transformation.

Xuanhuang Kingdom’s youngest master of transformation!

Mu Zijin looked at Ye Fei carefully, and was surprised to see the changes in Ye Fei’s body.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Looking at what I am doing, are there flowers on my face?”

After a long while, Mu Zijin digested the shocking news, she whispered: “I really didn’t expect it,

You became a master in one night, how did you do it?”

“I don’t know, I said that when you wake up from sleep, you will become a master, do you believe it?” Ye Fei smiled.

The existence of the system is Ye Fei’s biggest secret, he certainly can’t say.

Mu Zijin gave Ye Fei a blank look. He was obviously not satisfied with Ye Fei’s remarks, but Mu Zijin did not press Ye Fei.

Instead, he whispered: “I haven’t reached the threshold of a grandmaster yet, but you have become a grandmaster. Really

There was wonder and surprise in Mu Zijin’s eyes, as well as the color of appreciation and admiration.

Anyway, her own man became a martial arts master, of course she was happy in her heart.

Especially Mu Zijin herself is still obsessed with martial arts, so Ye Fei’s name as the master of martial arts is even more significant for her.

Ye Fei blinked and said, “I can teach you martial arts in the future.

Mu Zijin did not refute. Ye Fei, now a master, has already jumped over the dragon gate and is indeed qualified to teach her.

Mu Zijin’s red lips pursed slightly, and he said in a low voice, Ye Fei vaguely heard the word “monster” and couldn’t help but smile, Mu Zi

This Y head is really cute sometimes.

“By the way, I want to ask you, the bottle of healing medicine you gave me last time” Mu Zijin said of the last time Ye Fei gave her

Bottle of healing medicine.

Ye Fei asked, “What happened to the bottle of healing medicine?”

The bottle of healing medicine was prepared by Ye Fei himself, and it was also improved by referring to some prescriptions in the “Huang Di Nei Jing”.

“This bottle of medicine is your own medicine, right? The healing effect is very good. I don’t know if it can be mass-produced?” Mu Ziyan blinked

Asked softly.

She brought the bottle of medicine.

Ye Fei saw that the medicine in the small porcelain bottle was almost used up, and Mu Zijin’s injury was basically healed.

The bottle of medicine configured by Ye Fei is much better than ordinary Chinese traditional Chinese medicine. Even with Mu Zijin’s injuries,

It also recovered in a very short time, and the effect was quite good.

“Mass production is okay, but the material of this medicine is more expensive. Although it has a good effect, it is not very practical.” Ye


This medicine is only for traumatic injuries. Although the medicine is very effective, the cost is somewhat high.

(Wang? Zhao) It’s okay. I told my grandpa the efficacy of this bottle of medicine. His old man wants you to mass produce this medicine, and then

Let the military purchase in large quantities. “Mu Zijin said with a smile.

Ye Fei heard the words, and his heart suddenly moved.

In this way, Ye Fei can use this to get a relationship with the Xuanhuang ** Brigade, which is unexpected for Ye Fei.

the benefits of.

Once the line with the military is successful, Ye Fei will have to add a layer of background, which is a huge benefit!

Mu Lao seemed to have done it deliberately, and this was a great help for him.

Of course, the most important thing that affected this matter was Mu Zijin in front of him.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Fei’s heart is also full of tenderness.

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