Chapter 256 Kill! Experience skyrocketing!

Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu fight!

Only seeing Ye Fei preemptively, he stomped forward, stepping forward, and quickly approaching Fu Hongyu.

Ye Fei’s figure is extremely fast, and he shoots towards Fu Hongyu!

Inch Jin!

I only saw Ye Fei’s punch explode. At the moment Ye Fei punched his fist, he started fiercely.

Powerful, this punch came straight out, and Fu Hongyu’s pupils closed sharply.

Fu Hongyu realized the horror of Ye Fei’s punch.

The strong wind energy broke out in vain with the inch of the fist, and even the violent wind broke out, Fu Hongyu

Subconsciously, I want to take a step back to avoid the sharp edge.

However, Ye Fei’s punch is extremely fast, and he didn’t even give him any chance to escape!

“This is, half a step!”

“It’s a good move to break the fist in half a step, and it has the essence of Xingyiquan. It’s so powerful. I can’t think of Yandu Xingyiquan as having this character!”

In the audience, several old martial artists had unique eyes and saw the powerful punching technique.

Fist in half a step!

This is a boxing method born out of Xingyiquan. Xingyiquan has a variety of boxing methods, such as Bengquan, Paoquan and so on. And half of it

Bengquan is a very powerful boxing technique.

The so-called half-step collapse boxing is the famous skill of Guo Yunshen, once a giant of Xingyiquan in history, who has profound skills.

The direction 407 is invincible, and has the reputation of half-stepping to beat the world.

This half-step collapse fist is issued from the chest and abdomen. Its shape is short and its strength is fierce.


The punches are extremely powerful, like a mountain and the ground cracking, like a snowfall!

Ye Fei’s punch was quick and hard, which made Fu Hongyu unavoidable.

Fu Hongyu only tried his best to parry. He crossed his hands and relied on his arms to dissolve the power of Ye Fei’s fist.


Hearing only a dull sound, Fu Hongyu stepped back five or six steps, about a few meters.

On the ground, there was a deep footprint at this moment, which was caused by Fu Hongyu’s forcibly resisting this fist.

Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu are both masters of internal strength, and they naturally use internal strength during their learning, especially when they have achieved great internal strength.

After success, Fu Hongyu and Ye Fei can both play internally and externally, and the way the two played against each other can also be seen.

Fu Hongyu took a few steps back, his face paled, and his expression became extremely serious.

Because Fu Hongyu knows well that Ye Fei is a terrifying master!

Experts can often judge the opponent’s level in a flash (cebi).

Similarly, Fu Hongyu understands the terrible aspects of Ye Fei. Fu Hongyu even felt that he was in Yandu

Then I met the strongest opponent~!

The attitude of Fu Hongyu just now disappeared instantly, replaced by a solemn look.

When Fu Hongyu was about to strike back, Ye Fei flew out again.

Ye Fei’s offensive is quite fierce, almost one move after another, extremely fierce and extremely powerful.

This kick hit Fu Hongyu’s waist sideways.

Fu Hongyu also felt the wind, and his expression changed again.

Ye Fei uses Tan legs this time!

In martial arts, there has always been the name of Nanquan and Northern Leg. The Nanquan here refers to Hong Quan, and the north leg is Tan Leg, also known as

Tan legs. Tan leg routines are simple and neat, symmetrical and coherent. In terms of offensive and defensive skills, the North

The characteristics of the Fangquan School, the legwork is changeable, and the loops and turns are forward and backward smoothly.

Fu Hongyu thought Ye Fei was a master of boxing skills and a master of Xingyiquan after Ye Fei used a half-step collapse boxing, but

Who knows that unexpectedly, Ye Fei immediately used Tan legs!

I only saw Ye Fei’s exquisite legs, this leg hit Fu Hongyu’s waist accurately.

Fu Hongyu reacted quickly, first shrinking quickly, and then blocking the vital part with both hands to dissolve Ye Fei’s strength.

But Ye Fei’s kick was heavy, and it hit Fu Hongyu’s waist heavily.

Suddenly, Fu Hongyu felt a terrifying force coming.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, it was the sound of broken bones in Fu Hongyu’s body.

Fu Hongyu also paled and vomited blood.

Ye Fei took the lead, with just two moves, he completely grasped the opportunity!

Master tricks are sometimes so simple and clear.

Fu Hongyu didn’t know Ye Fei’s strength. Although he didn’t care about it, he didn’t know Ye Fei’s preemptive strike.

Completely resist or avoid Ye Fei’s attack, which makes Fu Hongyu fall into a passive position.

It is difficult for Fu Hongyu to gain the upper hand again!

Fu Hongyu’s expression was already a little sluggish at this time, and he suffered two heavy blows from Ye Fei. If it were someone else, he would have been cold.

But Fu Hongyu’s skills are really good, and he actually resisted Ye Fei’s two attacks abruptly.

Even Fu Hongyu himself is not weak in offensive. He is proficient in Hongquan.

Ye Fei attacked one after another, but unfortunately they were all resisted by Ye Fei.

After dozens of moves between the two, Fu Hongyu’s offensive stagnated a bit, but Ye Fei was still sharp, even Ye Fei offensive.

Cruel, directly bombarded Fu Hongyu’s shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei used the grappling hand again, grabbed Fu Hongyu’s arm, and jerked.

Only a sound of cracked bones was heard, followed by the screams of Fu Hong’s characters!

Although Fu Hongyu is strong, he is not Ye Fei’s opponent, and he is completely at a disadvantage!

At this time, Fu Hongyu turned pale and couldn’t help screaming. His left hand was completely fractured and his right arm was also injured.

There are a few more important points.

Between Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu’s fight, they also used grappling techniques, and they were not polite.

Just now Fu Hongyu spoke out loudly, saying that he would let Ye Fei spend the rest of his life in the hospital, and Ye Fei would not take any responsibility for Fu Hongyu.

How to keep your hands.

Fu Hongyu himself was extremely miserable. He screamed, and the more he fought, the more serious he was injured.

After just a few minutes.

There were 206 bones in Fu Hongyu’s body, and almost 100 bones were broken.

The main muscles of his body were all severely injured by Ye Fei.

Fu Hongyu screamed again and again, he was not his opponent at all. Fu Hongyu’s eyes became more and more desperate, and he was finally caught by Ye Fei.

Grab the choke, and kneel directly on the ring!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating the important person Fu Hongyu, reward experience points

At this time, Ye Fei’s ear also heard the voice of the system.

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