Chapter 241 Make a big profit!

Chen Luo is brewing a plan to retaliate against Ye Fei, and he decides to act first!

Since the backers of the Zheng family and the Wei family are unreliable, he does not intend to sit still, he wants to retaliate severely.

Ye Fei!

Give it a go and use extreme means to deal with Ye Fei!

This is Chen Luo’s current thinking, he is completely crazy now.

Chen Luo also knew that if he didn’t do anything, there would be no chance.

Chen Luo’s thoughts turned sharply, he thought about it, and immediately proceeded to secretly contact a few people

Just when Chen Luo was playing tricks and preparing to take action against Ye Fei, Ye Fei was relaxed and happy.

Ye Fei of course had expected that Chen Luo would take extreme measures to deal with him, Ye Fei was waiting.

Ye Fei knows Chen Luo’s character very well. He knows that Chen Luo is not willing to sit still and will definitely act.

As long as Chen Luo dares to do it, that’s his death date!

While Chen Luo was preparing, Ye Fei was busy with another thing.

Lu Lingyun’s new album is on the shelves!

This is the first time that Brilliant Entertainment has so strongly praised a female singer.

Before that, Brilliant Entertainment also had some singers and actors, but Brilliant Entertainment mainly made movies

Company 260, the contract is mainly directors and screenwriters.

Lu Lingjun was praised by Brilliant Entertainment because of her excellent appearance and voice conditions.

And Ye Fei also knows that the future Lu Lingyun will be a queen-level figure in the entertainment industry and a worthy object of praise.

With Lu Lingjun, Brilliant Entertainment can definitely make a lot of money.

Just today, Lu Lingyun’s new album is officially on the shelves.

The singing skills and level of this natural dementia girl are unique, and the noise is unique, very ethereal and clear.

Even Ye Fei has to admit that the noise of some people is just to eat food.

In Lu Lingyun’s new album, there are many good songs, of course the two most watched and popular ones

It is the two songs “I Do” and “Meeting”.

These are also two previous classics from Ye Fei’s computer.

These two songs are enough to make Lu Lingyun popular.

Of course, the most important thing for a female singer to be known is her masterpiece.

This is especially true for the future superstar Lu Lingjun, who is both an idol school and a powerful school. ,

The two songs “I Will” and “Meeting” have such a welcome level.

In the Xuanhuang national anthem, judging whether a song is popular can be judged by the music chart of

Almost all singers will be on the music charts.

This time Lu Lingyun was no exception.

In addition, Zhang Minle also spent a lot of money to buy a lot of marketing accounts on Weibo and forums to help Lu Lingyun’s new album

Do publicity and promotion.

After all, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, so publicity is necessary.

Ye Fei also supported Lu Lingjun and gave Zhang Minle-Lu the green light.

Ye Fei, Zhang Minle and Lu Lingjun are at Brilliant Entertainment at this time.

Lu Lingyun’s white face flushed slightly with excitement. She was a little nervous and looked at the computer screen expectantly.

In a little while, the data of will be displayed soon.

In the Music Billboard of, there is a category list called “New Song List”. Through the new song list, you can see the current new

The popularity of the song after it went live.

In another hour, the new song list will be refreshed.

Similarly, the album sales data will also be aggregated so that the situation will be known at that time.

Lu Lingjun couldn’t help feeling nervous.

Ye Fei saw this, he smiled and said: “Don’t be nervous, your grades will definitely not be bad.

With classic songs like “I Will” and “Meeting”, Ye Fei doesn’t have to worry about the situation that will not be popular at all.

After all, the public’s aesthetics are similar. I believe everyone likes this kind of classic music.

Lu Lingyun was pierced by Ye Fei. Her face was reddened. When Ye Fei said this, she smiled and said, “Mr. Ye, you gave it to

The tune is really good, (bjdb) but I’m a little worried that I can’t sing well

Lu Lingjun admires Ye Fei very much.

Especially after she mistakenly thought that these songs were composed by Ye Fei last time, she contacted the ones that Ye Fei had previously played.

A piece of piano music immediately made Lu Lingjun worship Ye Fei in his heart.

Ye Fei suddenly laughed when he heard the words: “Excessive modesty is pride. Your singing skills are among all the female singers in the music scene.

It is enough to rank in the top three. This time I will release the album to lay a solid foundation and strive to become a first-line singer. Then I will ask Mr. Zhang to arrange for you

Enter a few singing variety shows, raise the popularity, and release a few high-quality albums. I am very optimistic about your performance.

“Thank you, Mr. Ye.” Lu Lingyun was a little excited when she heard Ye Fei’s recognition of her.

Ye Fei is a master of music in Lu Lingjun’s heart. He can recognize himself, which makes Lu Lingjun very happy.

As for becoming a first-line celebrity, she didn’t think much about it, because her original intention of becoming a singer was simply that

It’s just singing on the stage.

One hour later, the data of was released.

On the new song list, Lu Lingyun’s “I Will” and “Meet” received 450,000 and 390,000 popularity respectively, ranking new

The first and second place on the song list!

The comment area below the song is even more rave reviews, with more than 5,000 comments!

In addition, Lu Lingyun’s album sales have also been released. The sales of digital albums on the Internet exceeded 30,000 in just one hour.

The sales of physical albums are also quite good, all of which are very eye-catching results.

Full bloom!

As the helm of Brilliant Entertainment, Zhang Minle was extremely excited and said to Ye Fei: “Mr. Ye, boss, we are on fire!

This is a good start!”

Ye Fei laughed too.

The release of Lu Lingjun’s album is indeed an important step in his plan for the rise of brilliant entertainment.

A good start!

Lu Lingjun’s performance in this song is a bit strong, and Brilliant Entertainment can definitely make a lot of money from it.

Of course, making money is second, and more importantly, getting enough influence! The impact on Brilliant Entertainment

The power increase is very beneficial!

It can be said that Ye Fei made blood this time.

Lu Lingjun herself is blushing, she is a little excited, and her performance is liked by fans, which is her greatest relief.

“Mr. Ye, thank you, if it were not for the two songs you gave, I would definitely not have such a good result.” Lu Ling

Yun Qiao’s face was filled with sincere gratitude.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, 100 experience points are rewarded.

Ye Fei’s ear heard another system prompt.

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