Chapter 231 Cooperate with Concubine Ning Yu!

The place where Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei met was in a high-end teahouse not far from the Bai Group.

This teahouse is called Hongding Teahouse, and it has reserved a quiet and elegant room for Bai Ruoxi.

When Ye Fei arrived at the teahouse, Bai Ruoxi had already been waiting.

Today’s Bai Ruoxi is wearing a white professional dress, flesh-colored stockings and black boots, which outlines the lines of his legs.

The curve is very moving.

Bai Ruoxi has a slender figure, a pretty face, and a dignified and delicate appearance.

The key is that her temperament is graceful, charming, full of oriental feminine beauty.

Seeing Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi took the initiative to make a pot of scented tea for Ye Fei and whispered: “Have you eaten yet?”

“Not yet, I sent it to you as soon as I received the news from Liu Zihao. I was planning to eat.” Ye Fei said.

Bai Ruoxi tapped her head lightly and said, “I didn’t even eat it either. Let’s eat something to fill my stomach first.

This teahouse also has dim sum. Bai Ruoxi ordered some meals casually, and the two of them sat-started eating and chatting.

Bai Ruoxi has been busy for a day. At this time, his mental state is actually a bit exhausted, but when he thinks of the email sent by Ye Fei,

It’s like being lit by a fire.

She wants revenge!

After 220 points came up, Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi just ate some casually, and Bai Ruoxi said in a casual way: “I want to take someone there.

Binhai City, the stronghold of the Violet Group. ”

Before she came out, Bai Ruoxi had already contacted the Bai’s security company, and to put it bluntly, she was looking for someone.

After all, the Violet Organization is so powerful that it is not easy to destroy the Violet Organization in Binhai City.

Ye Fei pondered slightly, and said, “You don’t have enough people. In the field of business, you may be fearless, but when it comes to force

On the one hand, you are not an opponent of the Violet Organization. ”

Ye Fei tells the truth.

In terms of business talent and skill, Bai Ruoxi is indeed extremely talented. With her support, Bai Ruoxi has not only failed to fail.

On the contrary, it also bloomed with unprecedented brilliance, firmly occupying the position of the three major commercial families in Yandu.

In terms of force, the Violet Organization is a world-class killer organization. It is not that simple to destroy the Violet Organization.


“Then what do you suggest?” Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Fei.

Since Ye Fei has said so, he must have made a decision.

Bai Ruoxi knew that Ye Fei made sense.

Ye Fei said: “I want to find someone, she can definitely help.”


“Concubine Ning Yu.

That’s right, it is Concubine Ning Yu!

Last time at Wei’s house, Ye Fei kept contact information with this very top beauty.

Concubine Ning Yu owns the largest security company in Yandu, and she is very famous in the martial arts world.

Boxing gyms are her industry.

As the first heroine of “The King of Soldiers in Huadu”, Ye Fei also knows how powerful this woman is.

And more importantly, Concubine Ning Yu took advantage of the previous influence of the Ning family and became the underground of the entire northern Xuanhuang Kingdom.

Overlord, Binhai City is also within her sphere of influence.

As the killer organization of the East Sakura Kingdom, the Violet Organization didn’t deal with Concubine Ning Yu. This is equivalent to Concubine Ning Yu’s.

There is another hilltop on the site.

So Ye Fei can cooperate with Concubine Ning Yu this time.

“Concubine Ning Yu, the girl from the Ning family” Bai Ruoxi thoughtfully, she had also heard the rumors of Concubine Ning Yu.

“Yes, it’s her.”

Bai Ruoxi thought for a while, and immediately said: “Do you think she will help us?’

Ye Fei said: “Of course, we can cooperate with Concubine Ning Yu.”

“Well, do you want me to contact?” Bai Ruoxi said simply.

“Let me do it.”

Ye Fei made a call and directly called Concubine Ning Yu. After a few rings, Concubine Ning Yu answered the phone.

Seeing Ye Fei and Concubine Ning Yu’s call, Bai Ruoxi’s eyes moved slightly.

Concubine Ning Yu’s slightly cold and surprised voice came from the phone, she said: “Mr. Ye actually took the initiative to call me, really

It was an accident. ”

Concubine Ning Yu was deeply impressed by Ye Fei’s performance during the last visit to the Wei family (bgad).

“Hello, Miss Ning, I have something to tell you.” Ye Fei said simply.

“Mr. Ye, please speak.

“Miss Ning knows the Violet Organization, right?”

“Violet? Oh, did Mr. Ye want to find news from the Violet Group? No wonder, last time you were caught by the Violet Group.

Weaving people have been assassinated. “Concubine Ning Yu was slightly surprised at first, and then said.

Ye Fei’s eyes showed a different color.

Concubine Ning Yu, the woman really had good news.

The assassination of him and Bai Ruoxi has always been kept secret, of course, because of the last time he hunted down the assassin of the Violet organization.

Perhaps it was at that time that Concubine Ning Yu knew about the power of the three schools of Ye, Bai, and Yang.

However, it can also be seen that Concubine Ning Yu’s intelligence network and underground forces are powerful.

“I’m not looking for news from the Violet Organization, but I found the Violet Organization’s stronghold in Binhai City, wanting to eradicate

Violet organization, I wonder if Miss Ning is willing to cooperate and help?” Ye Fei asked.

Concubine Ning Yu is also extremely powerful in Binhai City and has a lot of energy. If she helps, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

“Can I help you? It’s not a small trouble to provoke the Violet Organization.” Ning Yufei said softly.

Ye Fei smiled: “With Miss Ning’s position, you are not afraid to offend the Violet Organization, right?”

The Violet Organization is the Dragon Crossing the River, and Concubine Ning Yu is the local snake in the entire Yandu area.

The strong dragon does not crush the snake!

“That’s right.” Concubine Ning Yu didn’t even object, she thought a little, and said: “I can help you, in terms of price.

Ye Fei’s mobile phone was turned on, and Bai Ruoxi heard that Concubine Ning Yu agreed to help, and immediately said: “Miss Ning, money is not a problem.

As long as you help, the price is easy to negotiate. ”

“Is Miss Bai next to you?” Concubine Ning Yu’s voice came.

Concubine Ning Yu had obviously heard of Bai Ruoxi, and she also knew that Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi had been attacked by the Violet organization before.

In terms of popularity in Yandu, Bai Ruoxi is definitely one of the most famous women in Yandu. After all, it is the first Yandu-Bai Fumei.

Ye Fei said: “Yes.

“Well, I agree to help with the Violet Organization,-let’s meet and go to Binhai City, I will arrange the action as soon as possible.

Act as soon as possible tonight, no problem, right?” Concubine Ning Yu’s voice came.

Concubine Ning Yu really agreed, and she agreed very easily, and she didn’t even say much about the price.


Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi looked at each other, and the two briefly communicated with Concubine Ning Yu, and then set off for Binhai City!

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