Chapter 229 Guessed the beginning, but couldn’t guess the ending!

In a private villa.

Chen Luo’s face was extremely gloomy, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes were even more miserable.

Lei Haoran is dead.

This heavy news hit Chen Luo not lightly.

Chen Luo’s mentality collapsed.

Moreover, following Chen Luo’s heart, there was a burst of despair and even fear, Lei Haoran died too strangely.

After Lei Haoran died, will his poisoning of Lei Haoran be revealed?

Chen Luo has been thinking about this problem all the time, and the more he thinks about it, the more afraid he becomes, because once this matter is revealed, his problem will become even greater.


Thinking of this, Chen Luo burst into a cold sweat on his forehead.

“Junior Brother, how could Lei Haoran suddenly die?” Duan Qizheng was also very puzzled by the side.

The year is not good, the point is too memorable.

How could Lei Haoran die suddenly?” Lei Haoran died really strangely. It is said that Lei Ming suddenly attacked him, but I always feel that there is nothing behind this incident.

It’s simple. Lei Haoran and Lei Shaohui’s father and son were killed as if they were suddenly caught in their lifeblood.

Chen Luo muttered to himself, he always felt that the way of doing this was very familiar.

Chen Luo had actually guessed the main envoy behind this incident.

Ye Fei

Thinking of this name, Chen Luo felt like a nightmare, with a deep hatred in his eyes.

The operation method of this incident is indeed very similar to what Ye Fei did!

The more Chen Luo thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, but there was no evidence. But the contradiction between Lei Haoran and Ye Fei Chen Luo is

I know, it’s very likely that Ye Fei is behind this incident!

“Junior Brother, do you think there will be a master behind this incident?” Duan Qi was looking at Chen Luo and couldn’t help asking.

Duan Qizheng actually said this casually.

But at this time, Chen Luo suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Duan Qizheng: “Brother, you also think this is what Chen Luo did.


This next Duan Qi was stunned for a moment, his eyes were strange: “Junior, you mean to doubt Ye Fei?”

Duan Qizheng looked incredible. He actually said casually just now, who knew that Chen Luo reacted so much, and Chen Luo

Actually think that this incident is behind the scenes of Ye Fei?

Duan Qizheng felt that his junior was a little startled by Ye Fei, so he thought about Ye Fei.

Sure enough, Chen Luo nodded very simply: “Yes, I suspect that Ye Fei is behind the scenes.”

Duan Qizheng thought for a while, silently, but felt that Chen Luomo was startled more and more.

Even Duan Qizheng wanted to ask Chen Luo, are you stupid by Ye Fei?

Ye Fei is really that great?

Duan Qizheng wanted to look at Chen Luo with caring eyes for the mentally retarded, but in the end he gave a long sigh and sighed: “Brother, then you

What do you plan to do next?”

“Me?” When Duan Qizheng asked about this, Chen Luo also showed a dazed look in his eyes, and then became extremely fierce.

I still hate Ye Fei unabated, and I can’t wait to eat his flesh.

Chen Luo said fiercely: “Of course I want to retaliate against Ye Fei. He hurt me so badly. I must let Ye Fei and Ye’s

The group is completely destroyed, but the time has not come, I still keep in touch with the Zheng family first, so as not to be affected by Ye Fei

With the asylum of the Zheng family, I don’t have to worry about safety.

That’s right, Chen Luo has already been sheltered by the Zheng family!

After losing the reliance of the Wei family, Chen Luo immediately found the Zheng family as an umbrella, just like Ye Fei guessed.


It’s just that Ye Fei guessed the beginning, but didn’t guess the ending.

The reason why Chen Luo was able to get on the line with the Zheng family so quickly was very special.

On the one hand, of course, it’s because Chen Luo’s master, Doctor Wu, once made the Zheng family owe favor, and the Zheng family missed this old love.

Help Chen Luo.

Another more important aspect is that Chen Luo hooked up with a woman from the Zheng family!

This woman is called Zheng Ruzhu, forty-eight years old this year, and is the youngest daughter of the Zheng family.

That’s right, it’s not a granddaughter, it’s a daughter!

Forty-eight years old!

And what’s more terrible is that this Zheng Ruzhu man, as his name suggests, is really as fat as a pig.

With a weight of more than 180 kilograms, one can imagine Zheng Ruzhu’s tonnage.

Forty-eight years old, weighing 180!

Chen Luo also had a bitterness and couldn’t tell. In order to get a relationship with the Zheng family, he forcibly endured the relationship with Zheng Ru, Zhu Xu and Wei Snake, relying on him.

That pretty handsome skin bag hooked up with Zheng Ruzhu.

With the help of Zheng Ruzhu, Chen Luocai got the asylum of the Zheng family so quickly!

Chen Luo also had troubles and couldn’t tell. In order to avoid Ye Fei’s revenge, he had to find Zheng Ruzhu, a protective umbrella.

Therefore, Chen Luo’s resentment towards Ye Fei is getting deeper and deeper!

In Chen Luo’s eyes, if it were not for Ye Fei, he would never have fallen into this field.

But the only thing that comforted Chen Luo was that at least with Zheng Ruzhu’s help, his safety in Yandu was guaranteed.

No matter how strong Ye Fei is, no matter how powerful the Ye family is, it can’t shake the Zheng family!

Although Chen Luo paid a’tragic’ price, Xiao Bailian was not so good after all.

What is there to say?

Thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, fifty sits on the ground and sucks dirt

The more Chen Luo thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He was thinking about how to deal with Ye Fei, and his heart was cruel.

But Chen Luo didn’t know. He thought he was hugging the thick thighs of the Zheng family, but what was actually waiting for him was a battle.


After Ye Fei helped Mu Zijin get treatment, he came out of the Mu family compound refreshed.

There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and he was in a good mood.

110 These few times, his relationship with Mu Zijin has grown by leaps and bounds, and the two are obviously in love.

And Ye Fei also saw an extremely beautiful scene today, a more wonderful’view’ than he imagined.

Saying goodbye to Mu Zijin, Ye Fei returned to his private villa. As soon as he returned to the villa, he heard the phone ringing, it was a black five dozen.

Incoming call.

Now Ye Fei can mobilize all security personnel under the Ye’s Group, and the number of people under the Black Five has increased several times.

It’s easy to do things.

Hei Wu’s voice came from the phone, and he said, “Master, I have some news about Chen Luo.”

“Let’s talk.” Ye Fei said lightly.

“That’s it. Chen Luo, this kid, caught up with the Zheng family and walked very close to a woman named Zheng Ruzhu.

Ye Fei previously ordered the Black Friday to monitor Chen Luo’s movements. Black Friday did a great job and told Ye Fei some of Chen Luo’s feelings.


Because of Chen Luo’s high level of force, the Black Friday did not dare to monitor too closely, and all he got was some general news.

But this is enough.

Knowing that Chen Luogou has caught up with Zheng Ruzhu, Ye Fei has no fluctuations in his heart, and even wants to laugh a little!

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