Chapter 227 Unspeakable!

Ye Fei smiled, looking narrowly at Mu Zijin.

Between Mu Zijin and Ye Fei’s eyes, his cheeks slowly turned red.

Ye Fei blinked and said, “How are the dishes I cook?”

In all fairness, Ye Fei’s dishes are indeed master-class, comparable to professional chefs. Although the fish-flavored shredded pork and

Both sweet and sour pork ribs are home-cooked dishes, but Ye Fei has different flavors.

Especially the sweet and sour pork ribs, the taste is simply delicious, it is really a treat on the tip of the tongue.

Mu Zijin is still secretly looking at the sweet and sour pork ribs, the smell of sweet and sour pork between his lips and teeth.

It smells so good!

In an instant, she forgot to say not to eat Ye Fei’s cooking, and looked at the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs eagerly.

It’s delicious, I still want to eat it.

“Your cooking skills are very good.” Mu Zijin said such a sentence for a while, she is not good at lying, and she admits ~ Ye Fei

The cooking skills are very good.

In Mu Zijin’s view, Ye Fei’s cooking skills are even better than Mu’s chefs, at least Mu Zijin himself has a long history.

It’s been a while since I had such delicious sweet and sour pork ribs.

However, this’gambling game’ was really lost to him, completely lost. Mu Zijin couldn’t help being white-a look at Ye Fei was very charming.

“You are such a monster.

Mu Zijin thought for a long time, and used the word “monster” to evaluate.

Ye Fei is really _. He is very proficient in swimming, martial arts, and marksmanship, and what makes Mu Zijin even more amazed is how he is also proficient in such a side-by-side thing as cooking?

Facing such a guy, Mu Zijin didn’t feel frustrated, but gave the monster a very appropriate evaluation.

Ye Fei accepted the title calmly, and he smiled; “Monsters are monsters, in any case, you are willing to bet, don’t be fooled.

Ye Fei was talking,-picking up the braised fish cubes made by Mu Zijin. Mu Zijin’s cooking skills are relatively unfamiliar, but this red

The grilled fish pieces taste good unexpectedly. It seems that Mu Zijin is also very talented in cooking.

It’s a pity that Mu Zijin met Ye Fei.

Ye Fei tasted the braised fish nuggets made by Mu Zijin, and said with a smile: “Well, you make the braised fish nuggets very delicious.”

Ye Fei’s narrow focus was on Mu Zijin’s body, making Mu Zijin flushed, knowing what bad idea this guy was making.

What Ye Fei wants is a bet.

The two had just discussed the bet.

Mu Zijin’s heart was a bit twisted, but seeing Ye Fei’s movements at this moment, he stretched out his hand and stroked her delicate face.

Mu Ziling’s face and skin were as delicate and smooth as a peeled egg.

Although the powder is not applied and the face is facing the sky, the delicate touch of the skin is as silky as pearls.

Ye Fei’s fingers touched Mu Zijin’s lips lightly, which was as soft as water, and it was even more touching.

At this time, Mu Zijin’s eyes were also affectionate and her temperament was soft and charming. She closed her eyes slightly, as if doing something bad, her long eyelashes trembling nervously.

“Open your mouth.” Ye Fei was full of bewilderment with words.

Mu Zijin opened her mouth lightly, Ye Fei reached out and put her fingers in her mouth, and suddenly a gentle touch came from her fingertips.

Feeling that Mu Zijin’s entire face was completely red.

That’s right, this is Ye Fei and Mu Zijin’s bet!

Ye Fei looked at the beautiful woman in his arms, and at this moment an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and conquest rose.

Ye Fei saw the flushed face, the corners of his mouth curled up, and Mu Zijin seemed to be alienated and indifferent to any attitude on the surface.

But when he came into contact with Ye Fei, it was a different look, giving Ye Fei a very strong sense of conquest.

Mu Zijin was nestling next to Ye Fei. The two of them ate very slowly at this meal, and Mu Zijin blushed the whole time.

Ye Fei’s meal was really delicious. Both fish-flavored pork and sweet and sour pork ribs were eaten up, and Ye Fei treated Muzi to Muzi.

The braised fish nuggets made by Yan was also very expensive. He almost wiped out the whole plate of braised fish by himself.

Upon seeing this, Mu Zijin smiled, his eyes crooked, and the veins of light in his eyes were like water.

Of course she knows that Ye Fei ate all the food cleanly because of her. What else is there for the cooks?

Is it a better compliment than this?

Mu Zijin can feel Ye Fei’s tenderness from these details.

If this bad guy didn’t have those bad thoughts, he would be more perfect. Mu Zijin thought to himself with a blushing face.

After the meal, Mu Zijin spoke highly of the meal and whispered to Ye Fei: “If you cook for me every day,

I don’t feel like I’ll be fattened by you soon

Ye Fei smiled and said: “Actually, it’s okay to be fatter. You are also a good figure now. Besides, Zijin, you like sports so much.

How could be fat


What is there to say? Slightly fat is the best.

Of course, there is no need to worry about Mu Zijin’s figure. She is the most sports girl next to Ye Fei. If she is

It’s weird to be fat.

After eating, Mu Zijin was forcibly pulled by Ye Fei to apply Bing Muscle Jade Bee Water, which is known as Ri, to consolidate the wound.

So as not to leave scars, but Ye Fei only knows the purpose.

Finally, Mu Zijin came out of the bedroom blushing and gave Ye Fei angrily. Ye Fei smiled, looking at him.

Mu Zijin’s body staggered.

Mu Zijin was shy and sweet.

The two really have a feeling of love and sweetness now.

“By the way, how do you plan to deal with Chen Luo next?” Mu Zijin is very clear about Ye Fei’s thoughts and is solving Lei Hao

After that, Lei Shaohui is also facing an investigation by the Supervisory Office. Falling off the horse is a certainty.

Mu Zijin is very concerned about Ye Fei’s next move.

Ye Fei’s next step is to deal with Chen Luo.

“Shanren has a clever plan.” Ye Fei blinked, then smiled and sold it off.

Mu Zijin stopped talking, and finally said softly: “I know you have a way, but you really want to deal with Chen Luo, because of Wu

For the face of the genius doctor, the Wei family must not help each other. And Chen Luo must have taken refuge in the Zheng family, although Chen Luo is very difficult to deal with.

Threatening, but you want him to be like Lei Haoran, it’s difficult.

Mu Zijin told the truth.

Right now Chen Luo is indeed not Ye Fei’s opponent, and can no longer pose a threat to Ye Fei.

However, due to the face of the genius doctor Wu, Ye Fei wants to kill Chen Luo like Lei Haoran, it is very difficult!

Because Chen Luo still has an umbrella behind him, although the Wei family will probably not help each other, don’t forget, there is still a owe to Wu back then.

The Zheng family of genius doctors!

Ye Fei heard Mu Zijin mention the Zheng family, he smiled slightly: “The Zheng family can’t keep Chen Luo, I promise you, Chen Luo will soon

Will be desperate and completely finished. ”

Ye Fei is absolutely sure!

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