Chapter 215 Destroy Lei Haoran!

Ye Fei and Mu Zijin finished another box of self-heating small hot pot, and the tent was full of fragrance and smelled.

After eating the small hot pot. Both of them were quite relaxed. Naturally lying in the tent.

A faint fragrance came from around. Mu Zijin was also blushing.

what is this?

Use a pair of chopsticks with him, there are traces of him on his lips, and now I lie down and embrace:

Mu Zijin blushed slightly when she thought of the various L faces she had been with Ye Fei.

Soon, it was getting late.

During the period, Wei Dongqing came once. He talked with Ye Fei.

Wei Dongqing took the initiative to find Tu Fei and smiled enthusiastically, “Brother Ye, I received a notice from the hospital yesterday that my grandpa’s illness

The situation has been completely stabilized. Nothing serious, thank you for your help. ”

“You’re welcome, it’s just a small matter.” Ye Fei said.

This was indeed a simple task for Ye Erfei, but it saved the life of Elder Wei.

Ye Fei’s appearance is amazing. The fact that he rescued Mr. Wei has gradually spread in Yandu, and Ye Yifei’s medical reputation has followed.

Resounding is a very good thing for Ye Erfei.

In contrast, Chen Luo and Lei Haoran were really depressed, especially Chen Luo, who was already depressed to Ye Xue.

“It’s a trivial matter for you, but it’s too much for my Wei family.” Wei Dongqing looked at Ye Fei seriously, and said at the same time

“Brother Ye, please let me know if you need help in the future, I am willing to make you this friend, Wei Dongqing.”

Ye Fei saw Wei Dongqing’s serious look, he couldn’t help but smile and said, “Okay. Thank you very much.”

“You are too polite. I heard that you have some grievances with Chen Luo, do you need me to mediate it?” Wei Dongqing said straightforwardly.

If Wei Dongqing mediates the relationship between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, maybe Chen Luo will really give Wei Dongqing the interface, Ye Fei and Chen Luo.

From now on, the water of the well does not violate the water of the river a

After all, judging from the current situation and situation, no matter how you look at it, Chen Luo is not dominant.

Chen Luo lost the umbrella of the Wei family, and the attitudes of other big family members in Yandu towards Chen Luo changed a lot.

Although Chen Luo held the connections of the genius doctor Wu in his hand, many families owed Chen Luo’s favor. But these wealthy families are not stupid. Chen Luo wanted to make these families head-on with the Ye Family until they charged forward to deal with Tufei?

too difficult.

Now Ye Erfei. He is very famous. The Tushi Group is also prospering. How easy is it to deal with the Ye Family?

Between offending Ye Family and Chen Luo, I believe anyone with a discerning eye can make a choice.

Chen Luo could only rely on the Lei family and the Zheng family.

Even so, Chen Luo could only barely protect himself. It is almost impossible to destroy Tujia like in the original book.

Of course, there is no risk that Chen Luo may jump the wall in a hurry.

Hearing what Wei Dongqing said, Ye Fei shook his head, “Brother Wei, thank you for your kindness, but mediation between Chen Luo and I is impossible.

can,. ”


Ye Fei decisively rejected Wei Dongqing’s mediation idea.



What’s the joke, he reconciled with Chen Luo?

Ye Fei was the first to refuse.

What he wants to destroy is the main fish

Chen Luo must die

In the original book, Ye Fei and the entire Ye family were all killed by Chen Luo, and the Ye family completely collapsed and became the clan board of Chen Luo and Lei family.

Of fish. ,

The Ye family was shattered. Chen Luo and Lei’s family divided almost all the wealth of the wealthy family, and several other families followed suit.

Mouth soup.

Therefore, what Ye Fei wants to destroy is Chen Luo, as well as the Lei family of Lei Haoran!

Lei Haoran and his father Lei Shaohui were also Chen Luo’s biggest accomplices in destroying the Ye family.

How could Ye Erfei let Chen Luo go?

Hearing Ye Fei’s refusal without hesitation, Wei Dongqing didn’t say anything, but said, “In that case. Then I won’t persuade you too much.

It’s just that Chen Luo is good at dealing with the genius doctor Wu behind him. 12”

Wei Dongqing kindly reminded.

Ye Erfei smiled slightly. Said, _ “Brother Wei don’t worry_I have my way.”

“That’s good.”

Wei Dongqing didn’t say more. The friendship between the two is not deep, Wei Dongqing just said. “If the spit brother needs help,

contact me anytime. ”

Ye Fei nodded, this Wei Dongqing is-a person worthy of friendship.

After communicating with Wei Dongqing, Ye Fei returned to the tent.

At night, Ye Fei and Mu Zijin leaned together. They sat in front of the tent, lying down and looking up at the starry sky.

The sky is clear and clear. There is no cloud in the sky, and the night sky is not covered by clouds. You can clearly see the starry sky at night.

And the beautiful woman in her arms leaned against Ye Fei, smelling the faint fragrance, Tu Fei also kissed politely.

Mu Zijin hooked Ye Fei’s neck, and the two embraced.

Under the stars, Ye Fei hugged Mu Zijin and finally they hugged and fell asleep.

the next day.

Ye Erfei and Mu Zijin got up too early to watch the sunrise together.

The sun leaps out of the mountains, the light is not dazzling, the red sun gradually rises in the mountains,

The second ray of sunlight shining on the horizon, the first ray of sunlight was even on Ye Fei and Mu Zijin’s body.

Especially Mu Zijin, her eyes looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the mountains, and she heard the sun shine in the mountains, covering her with a layer of gold, like thin

Yarn gold hazel.

Mu Zijin’s face is exquisite and flawless, her breath is sweet and warm, she is close to Ye Fei, their shadows are illuminated by the sun

Stretched to form a soft pattern.

This person is an exceptional match. These two scenes also fell in the eyes of Wei Dongqing and the other two couples. They couldn’t help but sigh Ye Fei and Mu Zijinjian.

Straight is an extremely good match. You can’t teach life to be jealous.

After watching the sunrise, Ye Fei pulled Mu Zijin, and the two looked at each other and smiled. They only felt that the feelings between each other had become disagreeable.

It’s the same.

Mu Zijin was even more so. 2 She was peaceful in her heart. She took the initiative to hug Ye Fei. The two hugged each other.

After watching the sunrise, Ye Fei and Mu Zijin stayed in the tent for a while, and they were not ready for the mountain.

It also happens to be at this moment. Ye Fei received another text message from Lei Yiming.

Lei Yiming was Khan who came to Ye Fei for help.

He is trying to destroy Lei Haoran.”

At this moment, the big hole that Ye Fei laid out for Lei Haoran has finally come to an end.

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