Chapter 190 Sadly reminded Chen Luo!

Ye Fei opened his own attribute page and prepared to upgrade his skills.

The skills he wants to upgrade are very simple. Ye Fei plans to upgrade the master-level skills himself.

These two skills are currently the skills Ye Fei needs most urgently. He has reached advanced levels in both of these skills.

Needless to say, medical skills have a wide range of uses, and in the novel “The Genius Doctor”, it always runs through the core.


As for martial arts, that is also one of the necessary skills. Ye Fei will deal with the Violet Organization and the protagonists of other novels in the future.

To be used.

After choosing between these two skills, Ye Fei chose to upgrade his medical skills.

After all, Ye Fei’s first enemy is still Chen Luo.”

And Ye Fei knows the plot well. He knows that the plot in the original book will have two nodes in the future, and Chen Luo will definitely not release it.

Past that opportunity.

If you want to seize the opportunity, you must use medical skills!

Ye Fei can also take this opportunity to completely kill Chen Luo!

After solving Lin Yufan, Ye Fei has now freed up his hand specifically to target Chen Luo.

Now Ye Fei’s layout is almost complete, 10 he dug a hole for Chen Luo, and he is ready to close the net.

Next, Ye Fei is about to fall.

Wang Yes, Ye Fei turns on the system. Choose the skill upgrade option without hesitation, after consuming 50 experience points-

Ye Fei, upgraded medical skills

“Ding. Congratulations to the host, you have successfully upgraded your skills, and your advanced medical proficiency skills have been successfully upgraded to Taishi level L”

In an instant, Ye Fei heard the prompt sound from his ear

At the same time, countless knowledge and skills emerged in Ye Fei’s mind. These knowledge and skills are deeply imprinted on

In Ye Fei’s mind, it seemed like a cow. Feel free to use it at will.

This is very comfortable.

Ye Fei’s mouth fish showed a slight smile, and finally upgraded his skills to the master level.

The skills of the Taishi level are far stronger than the advanced ones. It’s completely raised a step and level!

Ye Fei’s medical skills are definitely beyond Chen Luo.

The medical skills have been upgraded to a master level, and Ye Fei’s experience value has finally been cleared. But Ye Fei doesn’t panic. After all,

If he can kill Chen Luo Jie Jue, there will be a lot of system rewards at that time, and Ye Fei definitely still earns blood.

Chen Luo is much more difficult to deal with than Lin Yufan. Ye Fei does take a bit of work.

And Chen Luo is the protagonist in the four novels. It’s not the most difficult to deal with. “The Strongest Soldier 2” and “The Emperor Is Reborn in the City”

The protagonists of this novel are also more terrifying than one.

Ye Fei, the protagonist of “The Strongest Soldier”, is also very clear that the opponent’s force value is very exaggerated. And he has a very powerful force overseas.

Power, can be called the Jiang Raptors.

After Ye Fei killed Lin Yufan, he was already prepared. After communicating with the system, Ye Fei learned that the next master he met

Jiao is probably the protagonist of “The Strongest Soldier”.

So before that, Ye Fei must solve Chen Luo as soon as possible.”

Ye Fei converged his mind, his mind moved to shut down the system.

Mu Ziyu leaned against Ye Fei, and the two looked at each other, although they didn’t speak. But they all understand each other’s intentions.

Shu Zijin blinked suddenly and said, “I want to go hiking in a few days and want to see the sunrise-”

This is Mu Zijin’s best

Want to do.

“It’s just a simple original hope. I’ll accompany you in a few days. But you should take care of the injury first.” Ye Fei pulled Mu Ziling and whispered.

Feeling that this woman is really easy to feed.

i. “Mu Ziling pulled up her hair, her red lips pursed slightly, and she was a little worried. “I don’t know when my injury will heal.”

“You want me to check it for you-next?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

Ye Fei’s medical skills needless to say, let alone his present


Mu Ziyu’s cheeks were slightly red, and said, “The bone-aiding injuries are unnecessary. There are also a few on the back, and the face has been slightly injured. It should be a problem.

Mu Zijin helped the bone fracture and the injured area was more sensitive. She was a little embarrassed to let Ye Fei watch.

And the rest is the minor injury behind it. It’s not a problem for Mu Zijin at all.

Ye Fei heard Mu Ziling say this, he said to Mu Zijin with a serious face, “Zijin, I think this issue should be paid attention to, especially

It is that the injury on your back seems to be light.

But it’s easy to leave scars, I think it’s better to be cautious, if you don’t mind

I can wipe the ice jade bee water for you to ensure that no scars will be left.”

At the beginning of the second, I heard Ye Fei talk about her injuries with a serious face. Mu Zijin was still a little touched by Ye Er’s concern, and then she noticed it.

Something is wrong.

The bad guy also offered to use Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water to wipe her back injuries, which seemed to be taking advantage of her no matter what.

Bad guys.

Mu Zijin glanced at Ye Fei silently, ignoring this guy.

Ye Fei took Mu Zijin’s hand, he explained in a low voice and made a laugh, but Mu Ziling really agreed

Fei helped her use ice muscle jade

Apply bee water on the back to remove scars.

Women love beauty. Even Muziyu 410 is no exception-

No one wants to leave scars on his body. What’s more, there are women’s minds of being a person who is pleased with herself.

It’s a pity that Ye Fei didn’t bring Bingji Jade Bee Water on her body today, otherwise she would be able to’cure’ Shu Ziling twice immediately.

Ye Fei chatted with Mu Zijin for a while before leaving the hospital.

The first thing that Ye Fei does to open a hospital is to look at the current situation of Qizheng Group.

Because Ye Fei will target Chen Luo next!

Earlier, Ye Fei had already mobilized from Ye’s

A group of elite traders bought the shares of Qizheng Group in large quantities at low prices in the stock market

And after the stock of the former Qizheng Group plummeted, it has become very cheap.

So. Ye Fei bought too many cheap chips at a low price. Gradually, Ye Fei has collected a lot of Qizheng Group.

Part of the shares!

Under such circumstances, Ye Fei was unconsciously in Chen Luo. A deep hole has been dug for Chen Luo!

Chen Luo was completely unaware at this time, and didn’t even know that he had already embarked on the countdown to the road of destruction.

Chen Luo’s death knell has sounded.

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