Chapter 167 Chen Luo was blown up with anger!

Ye Fei prepared a special ‘gift’ for Chen Luo, so he only reminded Chen Luo twice to prevent Chen Luo from being evil on the Internet.

Italian rumors slander.

After Chen Luo listened, he immediately opened the mobile news and watched the news on platforms such as Weibo.

Chen Luo faintly noticed something wrong.

Ye Fei, what does this mean?

After opening the mobile news, Chen Luo quickly browsed and read several news platforms.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Luo discovered a search about him on Weibo!

I only saw that the keywords that appeared on the hot news search were also simple and rude.

When the keyword search was hot, I felt a chill of =femur spreading in my heart.

His name was actually linked to the poison capsule incident,

Chen Luo’s premonition of inexplicability grew stronger.

He immediately clicked the link on the hot search list, and then saw such a news report in the link.

The number of views of this news report has exceeded one million, and the number of comment reposts is also quite large.

Top ten in Bozhisou.

The content of this news report is very simple, roughly as follows:

“Recently, Qizheng Group’s poison capsule incident has caused a lot of noise. Qi 840zheng Group, as a first-line pharmaceutical company,

It is hard to understand why such a serious and unbearable mistake was made. But what’s interesting is that the reporter carefully discovered that Qizheng Group

There was a special personnel appointment a few days ago. Qizheng Group appointed a young vice president Chen Luo. It is reported that Chen Luo

The deputy general manager is the pharmaceutical production of Qizheng Group”

Seeing this, Chen Luo’s expression turned pale, he finally knew what Ye Fei was thinking about!

This report, although not directly stated in the whole article, is clearly implied in words, directly linking Chen Luo to the poison capsule incident.

Linked together!

Chen Luo was appointed Vice President by Duan Qizheng, and he was indeed in charge of the pharmaceutical production of Qizheng Group.

Therefore, on the surface, there is nothing wrong with this report.

But this report is very clever, directly linking Chen Luo to the poison capsule incident. Chen Luo was labeled as the main person responsible for the poison capsule incident!

Even after Chen Luo read it, he had to admit that this news report was very clever and directly made everyone target the target.

He, it seems that Chen Luo is the culprit this time!

Whenever something goes wrong, there must always be (ahba) a main responsible person. __

Before yesterday, the main responsible person was Duan Qizheng.

After all, Duan Qizheng is the boss of the company, and he is the first person to be responsible.

But when this report appeared, it immediately pushed Chen Luo to the forefront and directed all the spearheads at Chen Luo!

Everyone felt that Chen Luo, who was in charge of drug production, should bear the main responsibility.

Moreover, it was also pointed out in news reports that the position of Chen Luo as the vice president was very difficult. He was almost parachuted to become the vice president of Qizheng Group.

This has also aroused the suspicion of the people.

What exactly is going on?

Netizens and the masses of melon-eating people couldn’t sit still, and left messages under Weibo News, attacking Chen Luo.

The power of Internet trolls is terrifying, and the combat power of Xuanhuangguo Keyboard Man cannot be held by ordinary people at all.

Especially when Ye Fei has a heart and rhythm, not to mention.

There are so many people scolding Chen Luo on this Weibo. They almost cursed Chen Luo with sores on his head and pus on the soles of his feet. Chen Luo burst into anger.

“It is because of people like Chen Luo that this poison capsule incident occurred. Shouldn’t he be responsible for it?”

“Agree, this Chen Luo used to fight with others in the street before, and the bully was beaten up, really laughing.”

“This kind of person shouldn’t live in this world. I hope the relevant departments will investigate and deal with it. I want to report this Chen Luo by his real name. Is there anyone with him?”

The level of the keyboard man on the Internet is quite terrifying, and the overwhelmingly clear = color is all angrily remarks.

Under such remarks, Chen Luo saw this piece of news, and his veins were suddenly violent, and an angry expression appeared in his eyes:

“Ye Fei, you are using these news reports to frame and slander me!”

Chen Luo is back this time

Ye Fei clearly guided the fishing reel and guided the poison capsule to him!

But Chen Luo has nothing to do. A hundred mouths can’t argue!

Ye Fei heard the words, smiled faintly, and said, “Chen Luo, you are framing me. What does this article have to do with me?

I kindly remind you to pay attention to Internet rumors. I didn’t expect that you would bite Lu Dongbin with a dog and don’t know good people. ”

Ye Fei certainly would not admit that he did this.

The most ingenious part of this article is doing it. 1 This article does not = Chen Luo is the main person responsible for the poison capsule incident.

Instead, all kinds of data and hints are used throughout the article to make everyone subconsciously feel that it is Chen Luo’s problem!

In addition, all the fishing boats and guides nowadays are all detrimental to Chen Luo. Chen Luo is now yellow mud falling out of his crotch. It is not shit, it is shit!

Chen Luo also knows Ye Fei’s intentions, but he can’t help it.

Especially now that the news is fermenting extremely quickly, Tu Fei has mastered the fishing reel guidance z steps ahead of time!

Chen Luo is completely passive!

Although Chen Luo and Ye Fei are very clear, this poison capsule incident is not Chen Luo’s pot at all, but a problem with Qizheng Group’s suppliers.

so what?

The only thing Chen Luo can do now is to try his best to clarify the facts and restore the truth of the incident.

But the question is, how many people will believe him 3

Not to mention the preconceived ideas of the family, the more important thing is that the matter itself is not glorious, no matter how Chen Luo defends it, the effect will not be very good.

“Ye Fei!” Chen Luo gritted his teeth and immediately understood that he was given a routine by Ye Fei again.

Chen Luo exploded.

He couldn’t wait to smash Ye Erfei with thousands of knives!

Chen Luo couldn’t bear the anger in his heart anymore, and his left hand jerked z = grabbing.

Although Chen Luo’s left arm was injured, the injury has recovered a bit, and he can still use force. At this time, he was carrying a beautifully packaged emerald toad in his left hand.

Although Chen Luo was injured, his left arm was still strong. After he grabbed it, he could see that the emerald toad was instantly fragmented and full of cracks.

He meticulously prepared a gift to the old man of the Wei family, and he was caught to pieces by him under his anger!

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