Chapter 162 The door of the heart is only opened for you!

Su Qingzhu has always shown herself in the image of an iceberg beauty. She has never confided her feelings about men other than Ye Fei.

In front of Ye Fei, it was her only confession that she revealed her inner world.

But now, Su Qingzhu actively held Ye Fei’s palm, gently Ye Lu towards him, and even said to Ye Fei, “It’s nice to meet you.”

Hear the words. The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth are curled up = silk radian. He enjoys the feeling of Su Qingzhu now.

The iceberg beauty becomes gentle and pleasant, what kind of experience is this?

Ye Fei looked at Su Qingzhu, and only felt that Ye Fei’s shadow was clearly reflected in her eyes. This cold and proud woman had become his little woman.

Ye Fei deliberately teased, “Suddenly so gentle, are you planning to take the gentle route?”

Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, but he whispered, “I’m serious.”

Of course she said it sincerely. With Ye Fei, Su Qingzhu always feels safe.

Su Qingzhu is actually a particularly insecure woman.

Due to the obstruction of domestic violence from her biological father since childhood, Su Qingzhu suffered from misogyny. Not only did she hate and hate men, but she also felt very insecure.

But after contacting Ye Fei, Ye Fei tried to turn the tide in her crisis every time, including saving Su Xiaokun and staying in Chen.

Zhongbaoquan Hongyan Company, Su Shi and so on.

This time Ye Fei took the initiative to counterattack. Let Qizheng Group fall into the vortex of a fishing vessel, Ye Fei’s wrist showed Su Qingzhu feel an unprecedented sense of security.

I don’t know when, Su Qingzhu’s heart was only opened for Ye Fei-people.

That’s why she said, it’s nice to meet you.

Su Qingzhu lowered her head, her beautiful hair scattered, Ye Fei saw it, stretched out her hand to pull up her hair, and pulled the wire behind her ears, revealing her tiny earlobes.

Ye Fei’s fingertips ran across Su Qingzhu’s delicate skin, causing Su Qingzhu’s white neck to glow with a faint pink.

Ye Fei was even more delighted to see this scene.

Su Qingzhu was embarrassed. She only felt that the man’s big hand stroked her cheek skin, itchy but not itchy, as if it was twitching her heartstrings.

Su Qingzhu’s cheeks were hot and delicate.

The scene in front of me was like frost melting, especially intoxicating.

Ye Fei smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and it was really comfortable to conquer the frost beauty.

After dinner, the two are going to go shopping.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the shopping mall night market Y.” Tuffi said warmly.

About the Qizheng Group Ye Fei is not in a hurry. Now it is Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng who should have the headache. He is fully prepared to deal with it, and only needs to watch the show.

Su Qingzhu’s lips curled up, and his red lips lightly opened: “Yeah, good.”

The two came to the commercial street in the central area of ​​Yandu and started shopping in the night market.

It was the first time she went to the mall and night market with a man, and she felt a sense of novelty. e net]

Su Qingzhu took Ye Fei’s arm, and the two of them were walking on the street. Su Qingzhu stopped and exchanged a few words with Ye Feik when he saw the things that Novelty liked.

Although the smile on Su Qingzhu’s face is not much, it is getting brighter and brighter, and in her eyes that are as bright as stars, there is only Ye Fei and no one else.

Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu are very eye-catching in the night market. After all, the combination of handsome men and beautiful girls will attract attention wherever they go, especially the appearance of Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu is a bit too high.

Su Qingzhu walked to the night market stall, and she walked to a small stall selling jewelry.

Su Qingzhu was enthusiastic. After careful selection, he chose = a light blue lace to send, and Ye Fei said, “Is this good-looking?”

Ye Fei personally tried to put on Su Qingzhu, only to see that the light blue hairpin was like a butterfly in Su Qingzhu’s waterfall like a waterfall. superior

Adding some embellishments to Su Qingzhu, it’s really pretty. He smiled, “It looks good, it suits you.”

The owner of the small stall in Ye Fei: “Boss, how much is this hairpin?”

“Ten yuan a piece, pick whatever, I’m all a small business, very cheap!” the boss hurriedly replied.

The things at this roadside stall are very cheap.

The corners of Su Qingzhu’s mouth were slightly tilted, and he was obviously very satisfied with the hairpin of the soil dollar. For her, the price of the things was of secondary importance.

Ye Fei couldn’t help shrugging when he heard the price. The girls around him seem to be better than two. Although Su Qingzhu’s jewelry and accessories are extremely expensive in daily life, he only needs a hairpin for a few dollars in front of him.

Ye Fei said nothing. Pay directly and say, “I’ll wear it for you.”


The corner of Su Qingzhu’s mouth curled up, and she turned her back to Ye Fei. _ Wei Wei stood on tiptoe and asked Ye Fei to put her hairpin on.

Dai Hao sent it. She stroked this hairpin with her hand. Although it was only worth ten dollars, it was the first gift that Ye Fei gave her. She decided to cherish it.

Su Qingzhu was shopping with Ye Fei’s hand, she walked, and she said low to Tufei, “I’ll go to the bathroom.”

“Go, I’m waiting for you here.” Tufei said.


Su Qingzhu went to the bathroom in a nearby shopping mall, while Ye Fei stood there, playing with her mobile phone at will.

Ye Fei was playing with his mobile phone. When he was bored, he heard a beautiful female voice from around him.

“~Hello this gentleman, may I ask, is this area A of Wanyu Commercial Street?”

Ye Fei looked up and saw a young girl who was about 20 years old. She was dressed in a pink cotton skirt and jeans.

She has a nice figure, a snow-white face with melon seeds, sails under her feet, and cloth shoes. She looks delicate and cute, exquisite like a porcelain doll-like.

This girl is wearing-: a cap. The hat is pressed very low, = ordinary people can’t see her facial features unless they are careful.

But Ye Erfei is very close to her, but she can see that she is very beautiful with very simple light makeup, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her skin is like snow, even though

In the eyes of Ye Fei, that is also the best beauty with at least 9 points.

It’s just that her big eyes are a little confused at this time, looking at Ye Fei very confused.

Looking at her expression, the girl seemed to be lost.

Ye Fei glanced at the girl, who seemed to be a little bit crazy and natural.

“No, this is Area C of Wanyu Commercial Street. Area A is on your right (Li’s Zhao) and walk straight, about 300 meters.” Ye Fei said lightly.

When the girl heard the words, she looked grateful and thanked her politely, “Oh, okay, thank you.” As she said, the girl bowed calmly, and then turned and walked to the other side confidently.

When Ye Fei saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he stopped the girl: “Wait!”

“Huh?” The girl paused and blinked her eyes to look at Ye Fei, a little unclear.

Ye Fei pointed to the opposite direction of the girl’s walking, and said, “That way is to the right, you’re going the other way.”

This girl is really a road idiot.

Ye Erfei saw the beautiful face of the girl, and then thought of her road silly attributes, suddenly two thoughts appeared in his heart, it seemed that they had come across


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