Chapter 157 The whole network is shocked, thunder means!

The handle of Qizheng Group, z is now firmly grasped by Ye Fei!

The safety of medicines is absolutely critical.

Before Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng had reacted, Tu Fei could seize this opportunity. Put the Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group to death!

Let Chen Luo break the arm first!

Zhang Minle whispered: “Mr. Ye, as long as you give an order, those reporters can immediately expose the poison capsule of Qizheng Group.


As a professional manager of Brilliant Entertainment, Zhang Minle is very good at hype and making fishing boats. Therefore, Ye Fei handed over this matter to

Do it for him-

Last time the video of Ye Fei and Chen Luo was posted on the Internet, Zhang Minle was also credited with contributing to the flames.

The video of the last time Ye Fei and Chen Luo met was spread all over the Internet, and Chen Luo became an Internet celebrity in an instant. During this time, Chen Luo had a blue nose and a swollen face.

‘S expression is spread all over the networke

Chen Luo’s most embarrassed appearance was made into an emoji, which made him even more uncomfortable than killing Chen Luo.

Therefore, Ye Fei was very satisfied with Zhang Minle’s performance. He heard Zhang Minle say so, and said lightly, “Very well, you immediately pass

Get to know those reporters and let them report on the Qizheng Group Poison Capsule incident. By the way, you can say hello to a few TV stations.

We should also contact online self-media and marketing accounts to maximize the influence of this incident. “-

“Yes, leave it to me, Mr. Ye, I’m sure to put this matter to you and put it in place,” Zhang Minle said to Ye Fei immediately.

Zhang Minle is very good at this kind of thing, if Liu Zihao is an expert in inter-trial torture. Then Zhang Minle is an expert who is proficient in online hype and making fishing boats!

Both of these are good professionals.

Unknowingly, there are more and more people around Ye Fei. As Ye Fei’s power and strength grows, his followers will increase.

“Well, let me know any time you have news.”

“Don’t worry, no problem!”

hang up the phone. Ye Fei is in a good mood.

A siege against the Qizheng Group has begun, and the hunters are already ready to trap. Just wait for the prey to enter the pit, and then-hit it!

Hanging up the phone, Ye Fei found Luo Weiyu beside her and looked at herself softly.

Luo Wei Yurou said, “You still have something to do? If you have something to deal with, just do your thing first and leave me alone.”

What an understanding girl.

Ye Fei looked at Luo Weiyu. The women Ye Fei contacted had their own characteristics, but getting along with Luo Weiyu made him feel most comfortable.

Because this girl always takes him as the center and thinks of him.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand and squeezed Luo Weiyu’s delicate and small Qiong quantity, and laughed in a low voice, “” The most important thing for me now is to accompany you.

“En.” I heard Ye Fei say so. Luo Weiyu’s face was reddened, her head lowered, her eyes emerged from shame and joy, and the pear vortex was shallow, looking

More gentle and moving.

“Go, let’s take a look at how our new house should be arranged.” Ye Fei grabbed Luo Weiyu’s little hand and smiled.

“Okay. I want to design my own outfit.” Luo Weiyu’s eyes flashed with joy, and Ye Fei said “our new house” to the two

The distance narrowed again.

The high-end apartment that Ye Fei bought for Luo Weiyu is not bad in size and is a duplex structure. The house itself is decorated, but

It is the kind of ordinary developers who bring their own decoration. If you really want to live in, you need to do the decoration yourself.

“Okay, what style do you like to decorate?” Ye Fei supports Luo Weiyu very much.

Luo Weiyu tilted her head and said softly. “Let’s decorate in Mediterranean style, mainly in blue and white tones. Please come to see when I finish designing and decorating.”

Luo Weiyu also wanted to give Ye Fei a little surprise.

“Okay.” Ye Fei agreed with a smile. Reached out and rubbed Luo Weiyu’s hair.

After seeing the new house, Ye Fei sent Luo Weiyu to the flower shop on Yangzi Road

After that, Ye Fei had nothing to do.

Until four o’clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Minle called Ye Fei again. In the phone call, Zhang Minle excitedly said, “Mr. Ye, it’s all done. Just watch the news.”

Ye Fei is Tao. “Okay. Thanks for your hard work.”

Zhang Minle didn’t dare to bother Ye Fei modestly and hung up.

Ye Fei is looking up news on the Internet.

He searched the keyword “Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group” with a simple search, and a series of news about Qizheng Group popped up from Ye Fei’s mobile phone page. The headed news was the Qizheng Group Poison Capsule incident!

“Reports from Yandu Evening News reporters and reports from insiders. After several days of visits and investigations, this reporter found that a drug called’Nokang Capsules’ appeared in the market. This drug is mainly aimed at patients with brain diseases. But recently, patients taking Naokang capsules were sent to the hospital. After testing, the heavy metal chromium in Naokang capsules exceeded the standard.”

Ye Fei clicked to open the news link-look, and found that there are texts and videos, and the content is about the report of Qizheng Group!

There are more than one report about the Qizheng Group poison capsule incident. After this news, more than a dozen news pages were all similar reports.

Different media, different reporters, different TV news columns!

However, the content of these media reports is almost exactly the same. It is the reporter who learned that a few special diseases had suddenly come in the hospital.

people. Under the second investigation, it became clear that these patients have a common feature, that is, they have taken the drug “Naokang Capsule” of Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group.

After unannounced investigations by these reporters, they took the Naokang capsules and sent them to an authoritative organization for testing, and found that the heavy metal chromium in the capsules exceeded the standard!

These reports immediately caused an uproar.

At the same time, Zhang Minle’s marketing accounts and self-media also played a role. Begin to contribute to this incident, so that its attention has skyrocketed.

With the help of the media, the influence of this incident has grown wildly.

The public has always paid a lot of attention to food and medicine, not to mention that Zhang Minle is behind the hype.

As a result, almost within a few short hours, this news spread across the entire network at a frenzied rate!

The whole network is shocked!

Ye Fei’s approach was like thunder, fast and ruthless, directly pushing Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng to the cusp of the fishing vessel!

This time the incident is different from the last video of Ye Fei Chen Luo’s fight.

Last time, it was Ye Fei and Chen Luo’s personal grievance, but this time, it was enough to make Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group irresistible!

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