Chapter 153 Ruthless Ye Fei

Caught the killer of the Violet Organization!

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi looked at each other, refreshing.

And Ye Fei immediately said, “Take me now!”

After saying this, Ye Fei immediately called the cheap daddy Ye He and told him about the situation.

After learning that his son had been assassinated, Tuhe was also furious. The security company under the Ye family was dispatched to spread the net in various places in Yandu. Ye He personally greeted the relevant departments. To the Dongying people who left Yandu

Investigate, especially the Dongying people who meet the standards mentioned by Ye Fei.

According to Ye Fei’s knowledge, the members of the Violet Killer organization have several characteristics, first. They are all Dongying people.

Because the Violet Organization has always cultivated assassins since childhood, in order to ensure that the so-called pure blood is pure and there are no foreigners.

Second, the person who escaped is a sniper. The sniper usually has thick calluses on his hands, and the scars on his body are also essential. Of course, these are detailed features.

Third, Ye Fei also used his own hacking techniques to invade the Violet Organization’s system and found a copy of the Violet Organization’s

The list of killer information, including the appearance of the killer, is also the most important clue.

With these clues, it is not difficult to locate this killer.

According to these characteristics, there are not many people in Dongying Kingdom. The clue 850 is also sufficient. _

Especially the three families of Ye, Bai, and Yang worked together, and almost the entire Yan was investigated in full, and it was just to catch the killer of the Violet Organization.

Under such circumstances, the Bai family caught three suspects.

To find the real killer from among these suspects

Ye Fei’s purpose for calling Ye He is also very simple. He wants Ye He to transfer a few people for his own use.

Ye Fei has a lot of people. At present, it is mainly based on Black Friday. There is a group of bodyguards with good strength, there are about a dozen people.

But this is not enough

Since Ye Fei decided to retaliate against Chen Luo severely next, and also smashed the Violet Organization, he certainly needed more manpower.

Ye Fei asked Ye He for a person, who was also a character in the original book. He was the security captain of the Ye family. The strength of Ye Fen was stronger, and the code name was ‘Eagle’.

The eagle’s real name is Liu Zihao. He had a military career in the ace army for several years. In terms of strength, he is at least an internal warrior.

More importantly, Ye Fei read the original book and knew that this “eagle” Liu Zihao was very good at copycats. With his help, he would definitely be able to dig out what Ye Erfei needed.

Bai Bao took Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi, and a few people to Yandu Airport.

The personnel of Bai’s family were found in a Minbao near Yandu Airport. These suspects are currently under control.

Along the way. Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were silent.

Arrived at the destination. Ye Fei got out of the car and made an inviting gesture, supporting Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi’s right leg was still injured, but at this time, it was no problem after a simple bandage, and he only needed to rest for a few days.

Ye Fei supported Bai Ruoxi, and under the leadership of Bai Yu, the three of them coordinated with their bodyguards to reach the spot.

In a remote private treasure next to the airport, Tufei saw three Dongying nationals who were suspected of being a sniper killer, that is, three suspects.

Ye Fei used face recognition and iris recognition technology to compare with the database in his computer, and quickly identified the sniper through hacking technology.

See Ye Fei proficiently operating a computer. By comparing face recognition, iris recognition and other technologies, Bai Bao and Bai Ruoxi were slightly surprised.

Ye Fei’s computer level is simply incredible.

“Fuck, Shao Ye, you are a hacker, when have you been so proficient in computers?” Bai Yu stared at Ye Xing repeatedly, expressing incredible.

Ye Fei shrugged: “You haven’t asked me before. The suspect is locked. It’s him.” Ye Fei pointed to one of the suspects.

I saw that the killer that Ye Fei was referring to was indeed the appearance of a native of Dongying. He was not tall, even a little thin, about a meter of soil, and there were a few long scars near his neck, and his thumb was on his hand. There are thick calluses at the joints of the index finger.

This killer looks very ordinary, (acai) belongs to the kind with almost no obvious physical features.

But Ye Fei knows that the more ordinary and ordinary people are, the more suitable they are to be killers because they have no obvious features and are not easy to be recognized.

Recognized by Ye Fei, the killer’s expression changed slightly, but he soon calmed down.

Ye Feik locked the murderer, he said: _ “I have people rushed over, leave it to him during the interrogation.”

Ye Erfei’s person is of course Liu Zihao, codenamed Eagle.

“No problem.” Bai Yu had no objection. He said: “This assassin is very powerful. It is not easy to catch him. I was injured.

Several talents took him down, you let your people pay attention. ”

“Relax, I know.”

Violet’s killer is of course extraordinary, and this killer is still a sniper, not a killer who is good at melee combat, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with.

Bai Bao still asked Ye Fei no shellfish and Ye Weiqi, saying, “I said vomiting less, what’s the situation with you? Even if you are proficient in drag racing, now you know how to hack computer skills”.

Bai Bao was really puzzled. When has Ye Fei mastered these skills?

Ye Fei laughed and said nothing.

Bai Ruoxi also looks at Ye Fei with bright eyes. She is also curious.

This man, when you thought you already knew him, you realized that he was == a mystery!

Bai Yu murmured again: “You two had an accident, you don’t know, now the rich second generation of Baiyue Mountain is

Ye Fei, you are regarded as an idol. You have raised Baiyueshan’s drag racing record by nearly two minutes! They both call you the king of the car and the queen of the car. ”

The king of the car, the back of the car?

Ye Fei didn’t respond, and Bai Ruoxi blinked her lingering eyes when she heard the call from behind the car, and her heart was filled with strangeness.

“Also, you guys didn’t see Lei Haoran’s black face. It’s really funny.” Bai Yu saw that the murderer had been determined. He was in a good mood and was chatting with Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi at the moment.

The corner of Ye Fei’s mouth also raised a smile.

Not long after, Liu Zihao came.

Liu Zihao is a powerful middle-aged man with Confucius and Wu. He is tall, tall and straight, with a Chinese character face and a strong face. The most conspicuous thing is that Liu Zihao’s face has:-Long scars, very awake.

“Young Master.” Liu Zihao bowed his head slightly to Ye Fei, his expression respectful.

As the security captain of the Ye family, his loyalty is absolutely reliable, and he is Ye He’s confidant.

Ye Fei nodded slightly. He only said a word to Liu Zihao. He pointed at the sniper and said indifferently, “I don’t care whether you mutilate this person or destroy him. No matter what means, I want You pry open his mouth and exhaust all the means to get him to tell all the information about the killer organization behind him!”

“Yes, Master!” Liu Zihao’s heart shuddered, and he heard the harshness of Ye Fei’s words.

Of course, Ye Fei will not be merciful to the enemy.

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